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25 Male-Oriented Infographics

From Football Fanboy Facts to Booze-Buying Charts

— April 16, 2012 — Lifestyle
Male conversation tends to gravitate towards topics such as booze, sports and woman, thus these male-oriented infographics will give you some fun facts to share the next time you have a cold one with the boys.

From a complete guide to toning your body to proper hook-up textetiquette, these average dude inforgraphics provide a wealth of knowledge that are easy to skim and organized with helpful illustrations. Whether you are a football fanatic or a man who enjoys a good game of golf, there is something new you can learn from each of these illustrative graphics.

So, don't get left out of the conversation at your next guys night out. Check out these informative male-oriented infographics to learn more about your favourite bro pastimes.
Superbowl Sunday Food Graphs
Superbowl Sunday Food Graphs
The NFL Superbowl Infographic Forecasts Who Eats What
Audacious Ad Man Charts
Audacious Ad Man Charts
The Advertising Executive Infographic Shows the Evolution of the Industry
Liquor-Loving Charts
Liquor-Loving Charts
The Drinking on a Budget Infographic Offers Cost-Effective Ways to Party
Football Fanboy Facts
Football Fanboy Facts
The Super Bowl Fan Infographic Details Super Sunday Stats
Sporty Online Influence Charts
Sporty Online Influence Charts
The Major League Baseball in Social Media Infographic is Revealing
Joystick Timeline Tables
Joystick Timeline Tables
'The Evolution of Video Game Controllers' Chart is the Best Geek Poster
Hook-Up Textiquette Charts
Hook-Up Textiquette Charts
The Virgin Mobile 'Casual Hook Up' Infographic is Amusing
Brilliant Booze Guides
Brilliant Booze Guides
For Those Looking to Make a Homemade Brew, the Beer Craft Book is for You
Retired Athlete Infographics
Retired Athlete Infographics
The Robb Harskamp Shaquille O'neal Image Contains an Entire Car
Toilet Paper Hanging Debates
Toilet Paper Hanging Debates
The 'Over Under' Infographic Discusses Pros and Cons of Hanging Style
Golf Course Infographics
Golf Course Infographics
The '100 Ways Augusta Changed to Make the Masters Harder' Graph is Bold
Television Timelines
Television Timelines
The 'How is the TV Landscape Changing' Infographic Tracks the Progress of TV
Booze-Buying Charts
Booze-Buying Charts
The Mountain Goat Beer Flowchart Will Help You Decide on a Brewski
Beer-Brewing Infographics
Beer-Brewing Infographics
Beer Craft Helps You Master At-Home Brewing From Bitter to Bottle
Fictional Online Personas
Fictional Online Personas
The 'Mad Men in the Modern Tech World' Infographic is Rather Clever
Beer Battle Graphs
Beer Battle Graphs
The Go Ireland Guinness VS Beer Infographic is Informative
Beer vs. Wine Infographics
Beer vs. Wine Infographics
'Pick Your Poison' Examines American Booze Appetites
Hockey Legend Infographics
Hockey Legend Infographics
The Gretzky vs. Lemieux Infographic Features Two NHL Legends
Fast Food Figures
Fast Food Figures
The Lab American Dudes and Fast Food Infographic is Frightening and Enlightening
Caveman Diet Infographics
Caveman Diet Infographics
The Paleolithic Diet Infographic Compares Ancient and Modern Eating
Suave Problem-Solving Charts
Suave Problem-Solving Charts
‘What Would Don Draper Do?’ Infographic Dissects ‘Mad Men'
Beer Buff Breakdowns
Beer Buff Breakdowns
The ‘How to Talk Like a Beer Snob' Infographic is Enlightening
Male Stereotype Manuals
Male Stereotype Manuals
The How to Spot a Douchebag Chart Will Help You Make Wise Choices
Complete Body-Conditioning Charts
Complete Body-Conditioning Charts
Reddit's Guide to Fitness Infographic Offers Health Tips & Facts
Male Boogie Guides
Male Boogie Guides
The 'White Guy Dance Moves' Infographic is Sadly Accurate