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35 Lovely Landscapes

From Fucshia to Origami Inspired Landscapes

— January 21, 2010 — Art & Design
These 35 Lovely Landscapes are the perfect cure for winter woes. If your day is filled with snow or rain, take a peek at what could be in this cluster.

If I could make my world fuchsia or origami, you bet your sweet butt I would. These 35 Lovely Landscapes are curing my seasonal depression. And you know something? It could cure yours too.

Implications - Whether you're looking for a break from the cold winter weather or are looking for some inspiration for your next vacation, this collection of lovely landscapes is definitely worth checking out. From the oil landscape talks to the aluminum art, there is something for everyone!
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Oil Landscape Talks
Oil Landscape Talks
The Edward Burtnysky Ted Presentation Photographs the Energy Crisis
Fleshy Landscapes
Fleshy Landscapes
The Klunk Garden is Riddled With Body Parts
Landscapes from Household Goods
Landscapes from Household Goods
Mundane Masterpieces
Eco Computer Landscapes
Eco Computer Landscapes
Alex McLeod's Whimsical 3D Art Renderings
Fantasy Video Landscapes
Fantasy Video Landscapes
Tony Oursler's Art Playground
Fattening Art
Fattening Art
Will Cotton Brings Chocoholic Fantasies To Life With Candy Landscapes
San Francisco in Jell-O
San Francisco in Jell-O
Landscapes by Liz Hickok
Color Blocked Art
Color Blocked Art
Louise Belcourt Creates Virtual Landscapes With Simple Shapes, Colors
Poker Chip Landscapes
Poker Chip Landscapes
Colorful Casinoscape Inspired by Shanghai
Children's Novel Landscapes
Children's Novel Landscapes
Get Lost in Ciara Henriques' 'The Secret Garden'
Coffee Table Art Books
Coffee Table Art Books
Gary Fernandez Draws Women, Future Landscapes & Birds
Trippy Pointillism Landscapes
Trippy Pointillism Landscapes
Dan Sibley's Art Lets Your Eyes Connect the Dots
Aluminium Art
Aluminium Art
The Tin Foil Landscapes of Kimihiko Okada
Edible Landscapes II
Edible Landscapes II
Meatscapes by Nicolas Lampert
Fake Landscapes
Fake Landscapes
Helmut Smits Creates a Clear Blue Sky Billboard
Lush Communal Landscapes
Lush Communal Landscapes
Rowland Byass' Compton Street Garden Redefines Public Space
Landscape Self Portraits
Landscape Self Portraits
Art by Levi van Veluw
Crowdsourced Wanderlust
Crowdsourced Wanderlust
Landscapes 2.0
Origami-Inspired Landscapes
Origami-Inspired Landscapes
Eddy Sykes' Moving Architectural Installation 'Yakuza Lou'
Breathtaking Landtography
Breathtaking Landtography
Incredible Landscape Photography by Ondra Chotovinsky
Gritty Cityscapes
Gritty Cityscapes
Edward Burtynsky Captures Dark Landscapes
Artistic Lunch Landscapes
Artistic Lunch Landscapes
Sakurako Kitsa's Bento Works of Art
Edible Landscapes
Edible Landscapes
Foodscapes by Carl Warner
Love Story Landscapes
Love Story Landscapes
Brilliant Cinematic Messages in Nature Photography By Shaun Sundholm
Nature-Inspired Baubles
Nature-Inspired Baubles
Jewelry Influenced by Brazilian Landscapes
Faux Painting Photography
Faux Painting Photography
Beautiful Snow Landscape Photos Look Like Oil Paintings
Immaculate Miniature Landscapes
Immaculate Miniature Landscapes
These 'Strange Worlds' by Matthew Albanese Will Blow Your Mind
Faking Surreal Photography
Faking Surreal Photography
Photoshop Tutorial Blends 3 Landscapes Into Single Image
Fuchsia Landscapes
Fuchsia Landscapes
Leone's ‘Fairy-Tale' is a Psychedelic Wonderland
Illuminated Landscapes
Illuminated Landscapes
Field of Light Sculptures
Cotton Candy Landscapes
Cotton Candy Landscapes
Will Cotton's Scrumptious Pop Surrealism Looks Like Pink Heaven
Sculptural Hairtography
Sculptural Hairtography
Visual Hair Landscapes by Arnold Gustavo Lopez Manas
Futuristic Utopian Landscapes
Futuristic Utopian Landscapes
Luc Schuiten's 'Vegetal City' is Harmonious With Nature
Edible Miniature Worlds
Edible Miniature Worlds
Tiny Food Landscapes
Real Life Pandora Landscapes
Real Life Pandora Landscapes
Jim Richardson's Photography Inspires Films like Avatar