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29 Suprisingly Cool LEGO Figurines

— March 5, 2009 — Art & Design
LEGOmania looks like it will continue into the next decade based on innovations we’ve seen, such as American Idol LEGO, 35 LEGO History Lessons or the 52 Large-Scale LEGO Innovations. Another pattern we’ve taken note of is the use of LEGO figurines and brickmen in modern art, whether used to depict celebrities like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie or Madonna, or to create famous occasions like Obama’s inauguration ceremony.

Cycle through the cluster of innovative LEGO people to get your daily dose of LEGOmania!
Animated Lego
Animated Lego
The Apprentice in Lego
Boulders Made of 5 Million Lego Bricks
Boulders Made of 5 Million Lego Bricks
Indiana Jones Lego Promotion?
Lego Music Videos
Lego Music Videos
Thriller, Bohemian Rhapsody & More
LEGO Salt and Pepper Shaker Set
LEGO Salt and Pepper Shaker Set
LEGO Inaugurations
LEGO Inaugurations
LEGO Obama Waves Good Bye to George Bush in Front of White House
LEGO For History
LEGO For History
Inauration Lego-cy Stars 1000+ LEGO Figurines, Including Obama
LEGO Builds for Grown-Ups
LEGO Builds for Grown-Ups
Scene Features Pole Dancers, Beer Gardens and Drunk Knights
Album Covers Recreated with Lego
Album Covers Recreated with Lego
Geeky Dress Up
Geeky Dress Up
Lego Cosplay
LEGO Paintings
LEGO Paintings
LEGO Fashion Shows
LEGO Fashion Shows
Jean-Charles de Castelbajac's Toy Runway
Festive LEGO Creations
Festive LEGO Creations
Bricktastic Holiday Decor
LEGO Film Parodies
LEGO Film Parodies
Silver Screen Toy Recreations
LEGO Concentration Camps
LEGO Concentration Camps
Offensive Art from Iconic Toys
LEGO Inauguration Displays
LEGO Inauguration Displays
Historical Obama-Inspired Legoland Scene
Gun Stores for Geeks
Gun Stores for Geeks
BrickArms is the Marketplace of Choice for LEGO Weapons
Lego Replicas
Lego Replicas
Abston Church of Christ by Amy Hughes
Fashion Lego Sculptures
Fashion Lego Sculptures
Neiman Marcus Life Size 3D Portraits
Photo Journalism in LEGO
Photo Journalism in LEGO
Mike Stimpson's Playful Reproductions
Bizarre Toy Tributes
Bizarre Toy Tributes
Stephen Hawking in LEGO
LEGO To Make History Fun
LEGO To Make History Fun
Ghandi, Castro, Archimedes Figurines
Anatomically-Correct Toys
Anatomically-Correct Toys
Micro Schematic Lego Man
DIY Geeky Nativity Scenes
DIY Geeky Nativity Scenes
Star Wars and Lego Christmas Imagery
Brick Testament
Brick Testament
Re-Telling the Bible in LEGO
Offensive LEGO Figures
Offensive LEGO Figures
Shocking Toy Terrorists and Nazis
Classic Artwork in LEGO
Classic Artwork in LEGO
These Modern Masterpieces Are Toyrific for Collectors
Celebrity LEGO Figurines
Celebrity LEGO Figurines
Brad Pitt, Amy Winehouse and the Beckhams
Naughty Block Toys
Naughty Block Toys
Explicit Lego Fun For Adults