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19 Innovative Laptop Concepts

— May 4, 2009 — Art & Design
The laptop is no longer just a working tool, but also plays an important role in our daily lives, including in leisure. For that reason, it has become a status and fashion statement, hence the rise in more innovative laptop designs.

If you're looking for a new laptop, the design should be convenient, creative and, of course, fashionable. There are a number of innovative design solutions and approaches which are completely different than the ones you're used to seeing on the market, some of which you can see here.

This cluster includes some of the unusual, creative, beautiful and brilliantly useful.
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$10 Laptops?
$10 Laptops?
India Typo Leads to False Rumors
Two-Screened Laptops
Two-Screened Laptops
HP Firefly Would Make You The Envy of All Geeks
Pump Action Laptop Surfaces
Pump Action Laptop Surfaces
The Airboard
Methanol Powered Laptops
Methanol Powered Laptops
PolyFuel Lenovo T40 ThinkPad
Foldable Palmtop/Laptop
Foldable Palmtop/Laptop
Noahpad Can Be Hung On Coat Hanger
Heatless Laptops
Heatless Laptops
'Float Away' Notebook Protects Your Crotch
iPhone Laptops
iPhone Laptops
Olo Computers And Apple Partnership
Bamboo Laptop
Bamboo Laptop
Asus EcoBook
Untraditional Laptop Designs
Untraditional Laptop Designs
Basic Black and Metallic Housing is Out, Bold Colors Are In
9" Laptops
9" Laptops
Dell Mini Inspiron
Independent Split-Screen Laptops
Independent Split-Screen Laptops
Xentex Flip-Pad Voyager
Book Shaped Notebooks
Book Shaped Notebooks
2nd Generation OLPC XO Laptop
Dual-Screened Laptops
Dual-Screened Laptops
Lenovo ThinkPad W700ds Shows Off Slide-Out Display (CES 2009)
$100 Laptops Now Online
$100 Laptops Now Online Sells Hand-Crank Laptop
$98 Linux Laptops
$98 Linux Laptops
The 7" HiVision miniNote
Super Solar Laptop
Super Solar Laptop
GPS, Sat Phone, Web Access
Super Skinny Laptop Sneakpeaks
Super Skinny Laptop Sneakpeaks
Leaked Dell Adamo Pictures and Video (CES 2009)
Aromatic Laptops
Aromatic Laptops
Asus F6 Scented Notebooks
Typewriter-Inspired PCs
Typewriter-Inspired PCs
IBM Laptop Concept
MacBook Air
MacBook Air
World's Thinnest Notebook + Hottest Laptop of 2008
Extended Laptop Screens
Extended Laptop Screens
Apple triBook Has Fold-Out Panels to Boost Viewing Area
Transformer Laptops
Transformer Laptops
MacBook Touch by Tommaso Gecchelin is a Notebook, Tablet & Desktop
Waterproof Laptop
Waterproof Laptop
Matsushita Let's Note F8
Sleek Computer Desks
Sleek Computer Desks
Sung-kyu Nam's ‘DesCom' Situates Your Laptop Perfectly
Wood Laptops
Wood Laptops
DIY Computer and Mouse Made With Scraps and Creativity