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Top 30 Robot Ideas in June

From Game-Playing Rehab Robots to LEGO Breakfast Machines

— June 30, 2018 — Tech
The top June 2018 robot ideas show just how integral agile, assistive bots are becoming to a range of settings, from retail stores to restaurants. Pop culture commonly offers visions of the future where robots are integral to a variety of industries and services, and these ideas are no longer far-out concepts but realistic representations of the present day. While the operations of the Spyce Food restaurant in Boston are almost entirely mechanized, The Smithsonian recently introduced SoftBank Robotics' Pepper as an interactive guide.

One of the best indicators of how mainstream robotics are becoming to business systems is the fact that Domino's now uses a bot powered by artificial intelligence to take phone calls.
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Autonomous Mapping Systems
Autonomous Mapping Systems
The 'MapLite' System Helps Self-Driving Cars Navigate Unfamiliar Roads
Game-Playing Rehab Robots
Game-Playing Rehab Robots
This Robot Challenges Patients to Games of 'Tic-Tac-Toe'
VR Drone-Training Systems
VR Drone-Training Systems
The 'Flight Goggles' System Uses Virtual Obstacles to Train Drones
Agile Humanoid Robots
Agile Humanoid Robots
Boston Dynamics' Atlas is Touted as "The World's Most Dynamic Humanoid"
LEGO Breakfast Machines
LEGO Breakfast Machines
The Brick Wall's Latest LEGO Innovation Fits into the Morning Routine
On-Demand Digital Assistants
On-Demand Digital Assistants
The 'Fin' Personal Assistant Keeps All Aspects of Your Life in Order
Instrument-Playing Robots
Instrument-Playing Robots
The Cabot Robot Drums Along On Real Instruments
Digitized Smart Building Blocks
Digitized Smart Building Blocks
Tinkamo Encourages Imagination & Teaches Kids to Code
Autonomous Law Enforcement Drones
Autonomous Law Enforcement Drones
The Atlas PRO Drone Reaches Speeds of Up to 70MPH
Featherweight Photography Drones
Featherweight Photography Drones
The 'GDU 02 Plus' Can Be Folded Away When Not In Use
Untethered Robotic Insects
Untethered Robotic Insects
The 'RoboFly' is Powered By Laser-Derived Electric Power
Autonomous Robot Minesweepers
Autonomous Robot Minesweepers
This Robot Can Detonate Both Old-School and Modern Sea Mines
Deformed Swimming Robots
Deformed Swimming Robots
This Robot is Propelled by Materials That Deform When Temperatures Change
Automated Soccer Pitch Robots
Automated Soccer Pitch Robots
The Nissan 'Pitch-R' Makes Use of the Brand's ProPilot Technology
Noise-Cancelling Camera Drones
Noise-Cancelling Camera Drones
This Upgraded DJI Drone is 60 Percent Quieter Than Its Predecessor
Amphibious Gliding Robots
Amphibious Gliding Robots
The 'Albatross' Uses Huge Wings and Tiny Sensors For Efficient Flight
Industrial Drone Cameras
Industrial Drone Cameras
This Camera is Designed For High-Powered Survey and Inspection Missions
Interactive Retail Robots
Interactive Retail Robots
The 'PadBot P3' Greets Customers and Provides Specialized Offers
Phone-Answering Pizza Bots
Phone-Answering Pizza Bots
Domino's AI Pizza Bot Can Now Answer Phone Calls
Powerful Humanoid Battle Toys
Powerful Humanoid Battle Toys
'Super Anthony' is a Champion Fighting Robot
Undersea Oceanic Drones
Undersea Oceanic Drones
The 'RealDive' Drone Offers a New Way to Explore Beneath the Waves
Highly Stable Underwater Drones
Highly Stable Underwater Drones
Nemo Boasts an Ultra-High Definition 4K Camera for Sea Exploration
Robotic Museum Guides
Robotic Museum Guides
The Smithsonian is Introducing Pepper as a New Guide for Guests
Robot-Built Ultra-Tiny Houses
Robot-Built Ultra-Tiny Houses
Femto-ST Institute Researchers Created the World's Smallest House
Mechanical Pollination Solutions
Mechanical Pollination Solutions
A Pollination Robot May be the Solution to a Bee-Less World
Triple-Clean Robot Vacuums
Triple-Clean Robot Vacuums
The MClimate Maya Vacuum Sweeps, Vacuums and Mops Surfaces
Mechanized Casual Restaurants
Mechanized Casual Restaurants
Spyce Food Utilizes a Giant Robot to Cook Bowl-Based Meals
Water-Based Digital Fabrication Platforms
Water-Based Digital Fabrication Platforms
Neri Oxman's Project Builds from Aqueous Material Form
Robotic Ceramic Workshops
Robotic Ceramic Workshops
Emerging Objects Teaches a Traditional Craft with a High-Tech Twist
Affordable Home Robots
Affordable Home Robots
The 'Misty II' Robot is Suitable for Beginners or Advanced Users