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Top 55 Travel Trends in June

From Photo Location Apps to Balloon Space Travel

— June 27, 2015 — World
Summer season might as well be rebranded as travel season in the eyes of many people around the world, so it's only natural that the top June 2015 travel trends would touch on quite a few different themes. One of the main one involves flights of fancy -- namely the idea of space tourism, which is being revisited by a couple different countries this year.

In addition to space travel, the top June 2015 travel trends involve equally intriguing experiences on land and water. In regards to the latter, a bar has opened up in the middle of the ocean just outside Fiji while a listing for a floating house has found its way on Airbnb. By appealing to people's desire for adventure, these top June 2015 travel trends exceed many expectations.
Biometric Hotel Check-ins
Biometric Hotel Check-ins
This New App Allows Travellers to Check-in with their Fingerprints
Touring Voluntourism Open Houses
Touring Voluntourism Open Houses
The Me to We Trips Tour Keeps We Day Participants Involved
Private Space Taxis
Private Space Taxis
The Boeing Space Tourism Program Will Head to the International Space Station
Russian Space Tourism
Russian Space Tourism
Russia Announces Re-Opening It's Space Tourism Program in 2018
Safety-Focused Flying Apps
Safety-Focused Flying Apps
Honeywell Aviation's App Helps Pilots Prepare for Difficult Weather
Calming Vacation Ads
Calming Vacation Ads
'The World's Most Relaxing Film' Encourages a Soothing Holiday
Air Travel Beacons
Air Travel Beacons
AirIT's Latest Innovation Platform Enhances Passenger Experience
Transnational Menu Guides
Transnational Menu Guides
These Handy Restaurant Phrase Books Help You Order Food While Abroad
Rent-Paying Subletting Programs
Rent-Paying Subletting Programs
The Flatbook Apartment Sublet Service Takes Care of Your Place
Sensitive GSM Locators
Sensitive GSM Locators
Lug Loc Slips into Your Suitcase Pocket to Keep You Connected During Travel
Sculptural Sharing Gifts
Sculptural Sharing Gifts
Nomadic Gifts' 'The Messenger' is Designed to Be Regifted
Orderly Flight Apps
Orderly Flight Apps
Travel Pal Uses Beacon Technology to Streamline the Travel Process
Rejuvinating Travel Commercials
Rejuvinating Travel Commercials
Florida Wants People to Visit in Order to 'Unplug and Reconnect'
Convenient Travel Apps
Convenient Travel Apps
The TripIt App is Designed For the Apple Watch
Social Good Road Trips
Social Good Road Trips
Alyson Wyers Counts Down Her Favorite Examples of Tours to Give Back
Adventurous In-Flight Safety Videos
Adventurous In-Flight Safety Videos
Air New Zealand Embraces Its Surfing Culture for Passengers
Photography Focused Trips
Photography Focused Trips
El Camino Travel's Nicaragua Selfie Tour Includes Personal Photographers
LGBT-Friendly Rental Homes
LGBT-Friendly Rental Homes
Misterbnb Offers a Safe and Comfortable Option for Gay Travelers
Real-Time Travel Screens
Real-Time Travel Screens
Heathrow's Smart Screen Airport Technology Shows Live Transportation
Artistic Travel Guides
Artistic Travel Guides
The Monocle Travel Guides Show You the City from the Perspective of a Local
Heartstopping Chinese Skywalks
Heartstopping Chinese Skywalks
This Cantilevered Glass Skywalk Offers Breathtaking Views
Venue Discovery Apps
Venue Discovery Apps
The Rekky Recommendations App Helps You Find the Hottest Places From Friends
Illuminated Election Landmarks
Illuminated Election Landmarks
Facebook Uses the London Eye at Night to Show Election Engagement
Balloon Space Travel
Balloon Space Travel
Arizona's World View Broke Records for the World’s Highest Parafoil Flight
Jet Lag-Fighting Devices
Jet Lag-Fighting Devices
The Human Charger by Valkee Emits a Transcranial Bright Light
Minimalist Travel Maps
Minimalist Travel Maps
The 'Go! World' Personal Maps Help You Document Your Adventures in Style
Photo Location Apps
Photo Location Apps
'Phind' is a Visual Search App That Identifies Locations Through Pictures
Public Breastfeeding Stations
Public Breastfeeding Stations
Seventh Generation and Mamava Offer Private Spaces for Breastfeeding
Digital Museum Experiences
Digital Museum Experiences
The Anne Frank House Website Boasts a 3D Virtual Tour
Room Service Apps
Room Service Apps
This Clever Room Service App Makes Hotel Amenities Available at Your Fingertips
Restful Commuter Hammocks
Restful Commuter Hammocks
Recruit's Campaign Makes Sleeping on the Train Comfortable for Students
Traveller Employment Websites
Traveller Employment Websites
Jobbatical Helps People Tour Overseas While Still Working
Bagless Travel Services
Bagless Travel Services
DUFL Cleans Clothes, Packs and Ships a Traveler's Suitcase
Tortoise Water Reservoirs
Tortoise Water Reservoirs
The Bionic Hydration Backpack Collects Moisture for Desert Drinking
Airport Navigation Beacons
Airport Navigation Beacons
The FlyBeacon App Helps Emirates Customers Find Their Gate
King's Landing Accommodations
King's Landing Accommodations
Airbnb Introduces Game of Thrones Travel with Film Location Lodgings
Experiential Tour Apps
Experiential Tour Apps
Detour Lets You Explore Cities with Story-Based Location-Aware Audio Walks
Smart Suitcase Trackers
Smart Suitcase Trackers
This LEV Tracking Device Informs You of All of Your Luggage Movements
Luxurious Homespun Accommodations
Luxurious Homespun Accommodations
This Chic Belgian Bed and Breakfast Has All the Comforts of Home
Card-Sized Tracking Devices
Card-Sized Tracking Devices
The iTraq Helps You Keep Tabs on Possessions, Luggage and Loved Ones
Airline Surplus Sacks
Airline Surplus Sacks
A Line of JetBlue Bags Makes the Most of Old Crew Uniform Material
Discount Hybrid Hotels
Discount Hybrid Hotels
The 'Freehand Chicago' is a Hybrid Hotel and Hostel Built for All Travelers
Eco Travel Cabins
Eco Travel Cabins
Bolivia's 'Ecolodge Del Lago' Offers Sustainable Travel Lodging
Promotional Floating Accommodations
Promotional Floating Accommodations
The Airbnb Floating House Can Be Won for a Single Night
Trailing Travel Campaigns
Trailing Travel Campaigns
Follow Me India by Murad Osmann Embraces Beauty and Culture
All-Natural Cosmetics ATMs
All-Natural Cosmetics ATMs
These 3FLOZ Vending Machines Sell Travel-Sized Beauty in Airports
Floating Fiji Bars
Floating Fiji Bars
The Cloud 9 Bar Offers an Incredible Escape Surrounded by Turquoise Waters
Compact Carry-On Bags
Compact Carry-On Bags
The Flat-Pack Barracuda Travel Luggage Keeps Tabs on Its Own Whereabouts
Underwater Oxygen Bars
Underwater Oxygen Bars
This Mexican Bar Entertains with Bubble Guns and Oxygen-Infused Smoothies
Unconventional Luxury Hotels
Unconventional Luxury Hotels
The G-Rough Hotel in Rome References Italy's Rich Artistic History
Airport Food Halls
Airport Food Halls
This Helsinki Airport Restaurant is Almost a Vacation in Itself
Adult Summer Camps
Adult Summer Camps
Camp No Counselors Invites Grown-Ups to Enjoy Youthful Freedom with Booze
Luxurious Hotel Aricrafts
Luxurious Hotel Aricrafts
The Four Seasons Private Jet is Taking Hospitality to New Heights
Aviation-Themed Airport Bars
Aviation-Themed Airport Bars
This Heathrow Restaurant and Bar is Inspired by Vintage Jets