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55 Intoxicating Booze Dispensers

From Stealthy Flasks to Bottle Combo Locks

— February 10, 2013 — Lifestyle
If you're a person who thinks that any time is a good time for a drink, these intoxicating booze dispensers should pique your interest.

While most alcohol aficionados are used to drinking their tonics from a standard glass or bottle, it's time to get more creative with drinking with these clever booze dispensers. From uniquely modeled bottles, flasks and glasses, to creative dispensers made out of ammo boxes and belt buckles and even edible shot glasses, there's lots of room to get your booze on in unique fashion. If you want to be more subtle about your alcohol ingestion, there's a slew of stealthy booze dispensing solutions out there that will hide containers in common clothing and other items.

I propose a toast to some creative booze dispenser designs. Bottoms up!
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Flask Paper Holders
Flask Paper Holders
Bender Bound Decided to Add a Little Drinking Fun to Reading
Brainwave Brew Dispensers
Brainwave Brew Dispensers
The Dos Equis 'Most Interesting Beer Tap' Pours Drinks Through Thought
Bird-Watching Booze Dispensers
Bird-Watching Booze Dispensers
The Binocular Flask is Secretive and Fun
Digitalized Droid Kegs
Digitalized Droid Kegs
Paul Carff's Kegdroid Gives Way to the Future of Bartending
Booze-Slinging Carriers
Booze-Slinging Carriers
Enjoy a Cold Brewskie Outdoors With the Beeracuda
Portable Beer Taps
Portable Beer Taps
Takara Tomy Beer Hour Offers a Foamy Head Straight from its Spout
Inverted Intoxicating Tumblers
Inverted Intoxicating Tumblers
The Fred and Friends ‘Hopped Up’ Beer Glass is Topsy-Tu
Booze-Concealing Pill Bottles
Booze-Concealing Pill Bottles
These Rx Shot Glasses Make You Look Like a Rockstar
DIY Booze Robots
DIY Booze Robots
The Mini-Fridge Beer Cannon Vends, Cools, and Shoots Beer via Your iPhone
Scientific Booze Shooters
Scientific Booze Shooters
The Test Tube Shot Set Mixes Your Drink with Funky Colors
Portable Booze Carriers
Portable Booze Carriers
The Life of the Party Backpack Drink Dispenser Will Make You Super Popular
Booze Concealing Overcoats
Booze Concealing Overcoats
The Enjoi Beer Hunter Jacket Keeps You Warm and Your Liquor Cool
Subtly Geeky Booze Containers
Subtly Geeky Booze Containers
The Zelda Hylian Shield Flask Lets You Get Liquored Up with Link
Edible Shot Glasses
Edible Shot Glasses
The Gummi Shot Glasses are a Tasty Treat After a Nasty Shot
Super Speed Beer Dispensers
Super Speed Beer Dispensers
Fill Your Beer From the Bottom Up
Beer-Dispensing Fridges
Beer-Dispensing Fridges
The Northstar Brew Master Refrigerator Has a Built-In Draught System
Score-Keeping Booze Sleeves
Score-Keeping Booze Sleeves
Drink & Keep Tabs on the Game with the Scorzie
Double Barreled Booze Bags
Double Barreled Booze Bags
The Dual Beverage Dispenser Backpack is Perfect for Holiday Parties
Chilly Alcohol Closets
Chilly Alcohol Closets
The Brew Cave Walk-In Beer Cooler & Kegerator is a Frat House's Dream
Draggable Boozecases
Draggable Boozecases
The WineCruzer Allows You to Transport of Up to Five Wine Bottles
Sleek Unbreakable Booze Cups
Sleek Unbreakable Booze Cups
The Stainless Steel Wine Glasses are Modernly Elegant
Medicine-Inspired Alcohol Carriers
Medicine-Inspired Alcohol Carriers
The Booze Prescription Flask is Hilarious and Fun
Artistic Booze Barrels
Artistic Booze Barrels
The Brown-Forman Jack Daniel's Whiskey Barrels are an Artistic Homage
Nostalgic Gasoline-Inspired Flasks
Nostalgic Gasoline-Inspired Flasks
The Gas Can Flask is World War II-Inspired
Intergalactic Booze Chillers
Intergalactic Booze Chillers
Alien Beer Cooler is a Spacey Design Dream
Mini Booze Carriers
Mini Booze Carriers
The Altoids Tin Martini Kit is an Easy Make and Perfect for Carrying
Combination Booze Caps
Combination Booze Caps
The Lockey Bottle Lock Makes Sure Not Everyone Gets Inebriated
Concrete Booze Holders
Concrete Booze Holders
These Concrete Wine Bunkers are Perfect for Protecting Your Wine
Secret Booze Fasteners
Secret Booze Fasteners
The Belt Buckle Flask Is Covert And Stylish
Ice Box Booze-Coolers
Ice Box Booze-Coolers
On-Ice Beer Dispenser Makes Sure Warm Alcohol Never Happens
Illusion-Inspired Booze Racks
Illusion-Inspired Booze Racks
The Lasso Rope Wine Bottle Holder is Western-Inspired
Alcohol-Measuring Glassware
Alcohol-Measuring Glassware
The WineOmeter and BeerOmeter Help You Monitor Booze Consumption
Vintage Drink Vials
Vintage Drink Vials
The Apothecary Style Beverage Dispenser is Classically Glamorous
Tap-Mocking Beer Devices
Tap-Mocking Beer Devices
The Beer Jug Jokki Hour Will Make You Feel Like You're at the Bar
Grown-Up Coolers
Grown-Up Coolers
The World Globe Liquor Dispenser is for Well-Traveled Drinkers
Medical Alcohol Dispensers
Medical Alcohol Dispensers
Doctors Orders Syringe Shooters Turn Shots into Medicine
Artillery Booze Dispensers
Artillery Booze Dispensers
'the20' Boxed Wine Takes on Military Packaging Packed Full of Alcohol
Explosive Beverage Bottles
Explosive Beverage Bottles
The Glass Grenade Decanter is Sure to be a Blast
Combination Locks for Booze
Combination Locks for Booze
The Bottle Lock is a Creative Way to Curb Alcohol Consumption
Literal Beer Bongs
Literal Beer Bongs
The Giraffe Beer Tower Makes Trips to the Fridge a Thing of the Past
Personal Bar
Personal Bar
WunderBar Dispenses Keg Beer, Cold Wine and Drinks
Stealthy Booze Dispensers
Stealthy Booze Dispensers
The Beerbelly Lets You Take a Swig Wherever You Go (UPDATE)
Booze-Storing Outfits
Booze-Storing Outfits
Make Your Costume More Conviencing With Beer Belly Halloween Props
Booze-Holding Bikes
Booze-Holding Bikes
The Geekhouse Woodville is a Fine-Crafted Whiskey-Baring Two-Wheeler
Pistol-Shaped Shot Pourers
Pistol-Shaped Shot Pourers
Liquor and Guns Combine for Party Pleasure
Medical Booze Dispensers
Medical Booze Dispensers
The Bedside Booze Drip is Just What the Doctor Ordered
Pharmaceutical Alcohol Dispensers
Pharmaceutical Alcohol Dispensers
The Mountain Home Biological 'Separatory Funnel' Used for Drinks
Edible Booze Dispensers
Edible Booze Dispensers
The Gummy Shot Glasses Tell Jell-O Shots to Suck It
Baby Booze Bottles
Baby Booze Bottles
Utopia Rebrands Popular Liquor Bottles into Infant Products
Flask Phones
Flask Phones
‘Cheers' Mobile Device Runs on an Eco Booze Capsule
Compact Apocalypse Bundles
Compact Apocalypse Bundles
The 'Just In Case' Survival Kit Will Help You Handle the End of Days
Rock Solid Liquor Holders
Rock Solid Liquor Holders
The Stone Drink Dispenser is Nature-Inspired and Sturdy
Party in a Box
Party in a Box
Ciaika Piramid Coffee Table Doubles as a Bar and Music Center
Multi-Purpose Booze Bottles
Multi-Purpose Booze Bottles
Zarb Champagne Creates a Few Intriguing Bottle Designs
Booze-Disguising Cat Blogs
Booze-Disguising Cat Blogs
'How to Properly Hide Booze in Facebook Photos' is Humorously Cute