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32 Hip Hoodies

From Beer Pouch Sweatshirts to Fake Obama Heads

— March 3, 2009 — Fashion
Hoodies aren't just for working out or lounging around in; a new wave of hip hoodies have hit the market, and they do everything from give you a kangaroo-like holster for your beer, taking photographs as your heart rate increases.

Even if you're not a sweatshirt kind of person, this cluster of hip hoodies might be enough to sway you... or at least convince you to think about it for a second or two.

Implications - For many modern consumers within society, comfort is one of the most important qualities they look for in a product. Businesses that create products designed to maximize a consumer experience in terms or comfort or feelings of ease will likely benefit in many ways. Consumers will come to recognize such a company as reliable and trustworthy.
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Messenger Bag + Instant Pillow
Messenger Bag + Instant Pillow
Hood Air
New Mummy Hoody Available in July
New Mummy Hoody Available in July
Speaker-Embedded Clothes
Speaker-Embedded Clothes
iPod Hoodie
iPod Hoodie
Gadget Sweatshirt
The Hoodie Chair
The Hoodie Chair
When Style and Fashion Meets Slacker
Hug-Tech Fashion
Hug-Tech Fashion
Embrace Me Hoodies Lights Up
Hoodies with Mitts
Hoodies with Mitts
Art Lebedev Studio
Head-Turning Fashion
Head-Turning Fashion
HeadHoods Sweatshirts
$10,000 Hoodies
$10,000 Hoodies
Diamond-Studded Sweatshirt by Key Closet
Eco Friendly Hoodies
Eco Friendly Hoodies
Camilla Norrback
Canine Hoodies
Canine Hoodies
Wagwear Dog Clothes
Body Armor Fashion II
Body Armor Fashion II
Defender Hoodie
Hooded Gowns
Hooded Gowns
Ika Butoni at Hong Kong Fall/Winter 2008 Fashion Show
Eco-Friendly Winter Fashion
Eco-Friendly Winter Fashion
Hemp Hoodlamb Collection F/W 08/09
Multifunctional Hoodies
Multifunctional Hoodies
The Kangaroo-Style Beer Bottle Sweatshirt
Hybrid Fashion
Hybrid Fashion
Scarf + Hoodie = Scoodie
Deceptive Fashion
Deceptive Fashion
Dressy Casual Hoodie
Modo-Kun Hoodie
Modo-Kun Hoodie
Scarry Japanese Monster Apparal
Bizarre Sculptural Eyewear
Bizarre Sculptural Eyewear
Space-Age Accesories Range From Bow Glasses to Flowered Hoodies
Backless Hoodies
Backless Hoodies
Tokidoki Record Bling S/S Hoody
Hooded Backpack
Hooded Backpack
Eleonore de Ruuk's Hoodification
Superhero Simulation Sweatshirt
Superhero Simulation Sweatshirt
Full-Fall Batman Hoodie Even Has Peep Holes
Underwear Hoodies
Underwear Hoodies
The Hood-Thong is Temperature-Sensitive Sensous Duality
Camera Hoodies
Camera Hoodies
Diana Eng's “Heartbeat Hoodie” Takes Snapshots as Heart Rate Incr
Celebrity Head Hoodies
Celebrity Head Hoodies
Terror Fashion (Revisited)
Terror Fashion (Revisited)
Anticon Hoodie, for the Funky Terrorist
Retro Cool Fashion
Retro Cool Fashion
Space Invader Hoodies are for the Nostalgic Nerd
Computer Hood Privacy Scarf
Computer Hood Privacy Scarf
Hooded Self-Expression
Hooded Self-Expression
Unique Sweatshirts to Hide and Define Your Identity
Human Anatomy Hoodies
Human Anatomy Hoodies
Fashion To Show You've Really Got Guts (And a Heart)
Star Wars Fashion
Star Wars Fashion
The Stormtrooper Hoodie
Full-Zip Hoodies
Full-Zip Hoodies
LRG Skeleton Sweater Kicks Off a Streetwear Craze