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57 Quirky Hip Flasks

From Fake Feminine Hygiene Flasks to Cosmetic Booze Carriers

— July 30, 2013 — Lifestyle
Hip flasks are the perfect way to add some personality to your alcohol. Everyone from girly girls to Harry Potter fans can find a hip flask to suit their needs and cater to their interests, making the entire drinking experience a more personalized and memorable one.

Girls with a raunchy sense of humor can purchase some feminine hygiene flasks. These mini, tubular containers come in wrappings that imitate tampon packaging. Secret drinkers can store their alcohol in these tubes, and no one will be the wiser.

A similar creation is the tie flask, created for businessmen who want to sneak a few sips in the office without anyone catching on. A tube snakes its way through the tie's fabric. The opening can be nudged into the wearer's mouth, making this not only a secretive way to consume alcohol, but a hands-free one, too.

With summer still going strong, a ton of concerts, music festivals and parties will be coming your way. What better way to save money for these occasions than to purchase a quirky, hip flask to store your booze while expressing your personality? These cute and off-the-wall hip flasks will ensure that you get in your party mood, without anyone catching on.
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Booze-Concealing Neckwear
Booze-Concealing Neckwear
This Flask Tie Lets Wearers Conceal Their Booze and Look Good Doing It
Booze-Carrying Kitchen Gear
Booze-Carrying Kitchen Gear
Butcher Apron with Flask Pocket Keeps a Brewskie Nearby
Warfare-Ready Whiskey Flasks
Warfare-Ready Whiskey Flasks
This Whiskey Flask Will Certainly Not Go Down Without a Fight
Stealth Cyclist Flasks
Stealth Cyclist Flasks
Take a Swig of your Drink with the Handlebar Hidden Flask
8-Bit Battery Flasks
8-Bit Battery Flasks
The Get Loaded Liquor Flask Displays an Old School Energy Gauge
Portable Cocktail Canisters
Portable Cocktail Canisters
Marcia Leichter's 'Flask Key Rings' Are Accessible
Retro Gamer Booze Dispensers
Retro Gamer Booze Dispensers
The Nerdtendo Gamebooze Flask is Perfect for Partying Geeks
Freezing Beverage Flagons
Freezing Beverage Flagons
The Iced Carafe Has a Built-in Ice Mold to Keep Drinks Frosty
Lab Flask Fragrances
Lab Flask Fragrances
The visvim SS12 Subsection Collection is Clean and Minimalist
Spherically Sophisticated Flasks
Spherically Sophisticated Flasks
The Three Sheets to the Wind Flask is Durable and Elegant
Skull Belt Buckle Flasks
Skull Belt Buckle Flasks
These Accessories are Perfect for People Who Enjoy a Different Look
Fashion-Savvy Drinking Vessels
Fashion-Savvy Drinking Vessels
The Alexander Kristoff Disposable Flasks are Stylish Booze Holders
Ceramic Knapsack Flasks
Ceramic Knapsack Flasks
The Ceramic Flask Baden by Giorgia Zanellato is Ideal for Nature Walks
Crossword Game Flasks
Crossword Game Flasks
This is The Perfect Gift For The Intellectual Alcohol Connoisseur
Alcohol-Toting Ensembles
Alcohol-Toting Ensembles
The Drinkmaster Hoodie is a Hands-Free Booze-Carrying Option
Mustache-Topped Bottles
Mustache-Topped Bottles
The Barbers Packaging Features Impeccably Sculpted Facial Hair
Gummi Bear Flasks
Gummi Bear Flasks
The Boozie Bear Flask is an Adorable Way to Lug Around Liquor
Subtly Geeky Booze Containers
Subtly Geeky Booze Containers
The Zelda Hylian Shield Flask Lets You Get Liquored Up with Link
Thoughtful Apocalypse Collections
Thoughtful Apocalypse Collections
Need Supply Co. 'The End' Preps You for Dec. 21, 2012
Abnormally Large Flasks
Abnormally Large Flasks
The Sasquatch Holds an Astonishing 128 Ounces of Your Favorite Booze
Retro Walkman Flasks
Retro Walkman Flasks
The 'Drinkman' Conceals Alcohol in a Classic Vintage Piece
Discreet iDevice-Like Containers
Discreet iDevice-Like Containers
The iFlask Cleverly Holds 5oz of Beverage in a Faux Phone Design
Mammoth Alcohol Containers
Mammoth Alcohol Containers
The Sasquatch 128oz Flask was Made for Heavy Drinkers
Wizardly Drink-Themed Flasks
Wizardly Drink-Themed Flasks
This Polyjuice Potion Flask is Perfect for Wizardly Drinking
Alcoholic Academic-Wear
Alcoholic Academic-Wear
This Graduation Cap Flask Incorporates a Bladder for Your Choice Beverage
Classy Alcohol Canteens
Classy Alcohol Canteens
The Martini Flask Targets the More Refined Drinking Population
Drinking Horn Decanters
Drinking Horn Decanters
These Cruets by Jaume Cornella are Contemporary Safari Dispensers
Witty Alcohol Tote Bags
Witty Alcohol Tote Bags
These Wine and Beverage Totes are a Fun Way to Carry Your Booze
Robotic Booze Containers
Robotic Booze Containers
The R2D2 Sci-Fi Flask is Epically Out of This World
Medicine-Inspired Alcohol Carriers
Medicine-Inspired Alcohol Carriers
The Booze Prescription Flask is Hilarious and Fun
Nostalgic Gasoline-Inspired Flasks
Nostalgic Gasoline-Inspired Flasks
The Gas Can Flask is World War II-Inspired
Convenient Cocktail Packets
Convenient Cocktail Packets
The Tequila Pocket Shot by Pocket Shot Encourages On-the-Go Drinking
Nautical Themed Flasks
Nautical Themed Flasks
These Porthole Bottles are a Great Way to Carry Your Favorite Alcohol
Vigilantie Disposable Flasks (UPDATE)
Vigilantie Disposable Flasks (UPDATE)
'The Original Disposable Flask' is Perfect for Busy Boozers
Secret Booze Fasteners
Secret Booze Fasteners
The Belt Buckle Flask Is Covert And Stylish
Discreet Drinking Cups
Discreet Drinking Cups
The Original Shot Flask Comes with Its Own Collapsible Shot Glass
Whiskered Booze Bottles
Whiskered Booze Bottles
Drink & Look Like a Man With the Mustache-Shaped Flask
Collapsible Plastic Carafes
Collapsible Plastic Carafes
The BYOBeverage Flask is a Lightweight Way to Tote Liquor
Magnetic Fluid Flasks
Magnetic Fluid Flasks
The Ferrofluid Magnetic Display is a Mesmerizing Desk Toy
Cosmetic Booze Carriers
Cosmetic Booze Carriers
The Lipstick Flask by Urban Outfitters Keeps Your Liquor Concealed
Girly Hip Flasks
Girly Hip Flasks
The Blush Blossom Flask Has Potent Flower Power
Boozy Battery Boosting Devices
Boozy Battery Boosting Devices
The PowerFlask is a Discreet Portable Phone Charger
Hidden Flask Stadium Seats
Hidden Flask Stadium Seats
These Seats Let You Stay Comfortable and Hydrated During Games
Fruity Booze Dispensers
Fruity Booze Dispensers
The Banana Flask Hides Alcohol Under a Healthy Disguise
Fiery Food Flasks
Fiery Food Flasks
The Glugg Thirst Extinguisher Water Bottle Rescues You from Spicy Snacks
Slumping See-Through Flasks
Slumping See-Through Flasks
The Sede Carafe Seems to Sag Beneath the Weight of its Own Spout
Sneaky Booze-Smuggling Ties
Sneaky Booze-Smuggling Ties
The Flask Ties Help Hide Alcohol in a Special Secret Compartment
Hair Care Disguised Flasks
Hair Care Disguised Flasks
The Shampbooze Bottle by Smuggle Mug Allows You To Bring Liquor Aboard
Alcohol-Smuggling Walking Canes
Alcohol-Smuggling Walking Canes
This is the Perfect Way to Sneak Your Favorite Liquors Anywhere
Poetic Drinking Vessels
Poetic Drinking Vessels
The Charity:Water Carafe Provokes Contemplation of the Valuable Resource
Laboratory Tea Leaf Flasks
Laboratory Tea Leaf Flasks
Tea Tube Packaging Suggests the Experimental Quality of New Flavors
Luxury Travel Flasks
Luxury Travel Flasks
The Ettinger Double Flask Case is Both Sturdy and Elegant
Duel-Ready Flask Holders
Duel-Ready Flask Holders
The Vice Holster is Perfect for the Quick Draw Debonair
Classy Disguised Booze Bangles
Classy Disguised Booze Bangles
Cynthia Rowley Bangle Flask Accessories are Both Chic and Boozy Fun
Fake Feminine Hygiene Flasks
Fake Feminine Hygiene Flasks
These Flask Tampons Provide a Sneaky Way to Transport Alcohol
Video Game-Inspired Flasks
Video Game-Inspired Flasks
Game Boy Simulated Flask Makes Drinking Nostalgic
Booze Bag Underwear
Booze Bag Underwear
The Freedom Flask Allows Users to Drink Alcohol Where Ever They Choose