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25 Good as Gold Gadgets

From $600 Custom Usbs to Golden Game Consoles

— August 11, 2011 — Luxury
You may be tempted to look at all of your gadgets as garbage after you have clicked through all of these good as gold gadgets. Jewelry and tech companies have recently begun gold-plating all types of gadgets in order to appeal to the growing number of uber-rich geeks.

Each of these good as gold gadgets costs a pretty penny, with $600 buying you an 8MB flash drive made out of 18k gold. The biggest of ballers will definitely want to check out the gold-plated cellphones and accessories featured here. I don't want to give the price of every gadget away, but I will say that $20,000 for a gold phone case is considered cheap. Better start saving now.
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Solid Gold E-Readers
Solid Gold E-Readers
The Amosu Couture Amazon Kindle is Covered in 24 Carat Gold
Throwback Midas Consoles
Throwback Midas Consoles
The Gold-Plated Atari 2600 Glimmers for Blinged-Out Gamers
Midas Touch Controllers
Midas Touch Controllers
These Golden Xbox Gaming Accessories are Luxuriously Fun
Midas Touch Flash Drives
Midas Touch Flash Drives
The Gold Ingot USB Glimmers Radiantly in Your Computer
Bling Bling Boring
Bling Bling Boring
$20,000 iPod Shuffle
$20,000 Blackberry Case Given Away at CES
$20,000 Blackberry Case Given Away at CES
Diamond-Studded Case-Mate Accessory (CES 2008)
Embolden Your Mac
Embolden Your Mac
Make it Golden
Gold-Plated Tablets
Gold-Plated Tablets
Amosu Diamond's 24 Carat Gold iPad Adds Glamor to Your Work Life
Gold-Plated Consoles
Gold-Plated Consoles
Computer Choppers Gives the Midas Touch to the Golden PS3 Slim
$600 Custom USBs
$600 Custom USBs
8MG 18k Gold Memory Stick
Midas Touch Mobiles
Midas Touch Mobiles
The 18-Carat Gold BlackBerry Torch Makes the Smartphone Even Smarter
Garish Gadgets
Garish Gadgets
The Givori Nefertiti Mobile Phone is a Gilded Mess
Golden Game Consoles
Golden Game Consoles
The Queen Receives Gold-Plated Wii from THQ
Luxury Swiss Army USBs
Luxury Swiss Army USBs
Diamond-Encrusted Swissmemory
Diamond Encrusted Phones
Diamond Encrusted Phones
New Goldvish Illusion
$33,622 iPhones
$33,622 iPhones
This 24K Solid Gold iPhone 4 Gives a Midas Touch to Tech
Apple Mines Diamonds & Gold
Apple Mines Diamonds & Gold
Luxury Mac Book Pro
Gold Earphones
Gold Earphones
Anna Tascha Larsson's 24K iPod Headphone Jewelry
24K Gold PCs
24K Gold PCs
Gaiser High-End Offers Luxurious First Class Computers
Diamond Enrusted iPhones
Diamond Enrusted iPhones
Goldstriker 3G iPhones
Gilded Gadgets
Gilded Gadgets
The 24K Gold iPod and iPhone
Solid Gold Gaming Systems
Solid Gold Gaming Systems
The 24kt Xbox 360 Will Truly Make You a King Among Geeks
$108,880 iPhone Shells
$108,880 iPhone Shells
Pimp Out Your Mobile With GnG's Gold & Diamond Case
$30,000 Cell Phones
$30,000 Cell Phones
Vertu's Solid Gold Boucheron 150
Gold-Slinging Flash Drives
Gold-Slinging Flash Drives
Steampunk Crypto USB Stick Blings up Tech Accessories with Flair