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29 Gifts for Craft Beer Lovers

From Beer-Based Comic Books to Compact Brewing Systems

— November 20, 2015 — Lifestyle
As the craft beer revolution continues to take hold internationally, you may find yourself searching for gifts for craft beer lovers in your own life this holiday season. A convergence of maker culture and the interest in artisan products of quality craftsmanship, microbreweries have the freedom to experiment with flavors and ingredients in ways that mass-producing beer companies cannot.

Given the pervasiveness of craft beer culture, there are plenty of accessories and tools that make great gifts without actually gifting someone a six-pack of your local favorite. From craft beer-inspired art to microbrewery experiences and even tourist excursions dedicated to the beverage, there is likely an option for everyone, whether you are interested in gifting someone with an experience or a handy compact brewing system.
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Typographic Beer Openers
Typographic Beer Openers
This Magnetic Bottle Opener Hides Unique Power Within a Simplistic Design
Sporty Football Pint Glasses
Sporty Football Pint Glasses
The Touchdown Beer Mug Design Turns Ale into a Drinkable Football
Boozy Subscription Services
Boozy Subscription Services
The BottomsUP Box is a Quarterly Delivery for Craft Beer Connoisseurs
Beer-Based Comic Books
Beer-Based Comic Books
This Comic Book is Packed with Information About the History of Beer
Beer Brewing Workshops
Beer Brewing Workshops
These Events Give Consumers an Opportunity to Learn About Homebrewing
Beer-Based Training Programs
Beer-Based Training Programs
This Educational Software Teaches Users About Different Beer Styles
Ball Bottle Poppers
Ball Bottle Poppers
This Baseball Bottle Opener Makes Cracking Brews During the Game Easy
Strong Coffee-Inspired Brews
Strong Coffee-Inspired Brews
This Russian Stout by Brewdogs is the World's Strongest Canned Beer
Bottle-Popping Eyewear
Bottle-Popping Eyewear
These Titanium Bottle Opener Sunglasses Help Keep the Party Going
Galactic Multi-Tools
Galactic Multi-Tools
The Millennium Falcon Multi-Tool Opens Beer, Tightens Screws and Slices Boxes
Automated Home Breweries
Automated Home Breweries
'Brewie' is a Home Brewery System That Lets You Make Fresh Beer
Optimistic Pint Glasses
Optimistic Pint Glasses
The 'Hoptimist' Pint Glass is Specially Made to Always Be Half Full
Pod-Based Home Brew Machines
Pod-Based Home Brew Machines
The Pico Aims to Do for Homemade Beer What the Keurig Did for Coffee
Charitable Hockey Beer
Charitable Hockey Beer
The NHL and the Lake of Bays Brewing Company Collaborate to Support Kids
Christmas Beer Calendars
Christmas Beer Calendars
Best of British Beer's Advent Calendar Shares 24 Days of Craft Brews
Craft Beer Workshops
Craft Beer Workshops
Beerology Offers Tasting Sessions and Workshops on the Brewed Beverage
Bottle Cap Brew Maps
Bottle Cap Brew Maps
Beer Cap Maps Highlight the Craft Beer Scene Across the USA
Knitted Superhero Drink Koozies
Knitted Superhero Drink Koozies
These Beverages Covers Keep Your Drink Looking and Feeling Cool
Informative Beer Pints
Informative Beer Pints
This Pint Educates Users About Different Beer Varieties
Craft Beer Spice Rubs
Craft Beer Spice Rubs
Baker's Bark Creates a Complex Seasoning for Meat and Fish
Record-Breaking Growlers
Record-Breaking Growlers
The DrinkTanks' Juggernaut Growler Holds 128 Ounces of Brew
Beer Based Shampoos
Beer Based Shampoos
Bröö is a Beer Hair Wash That Won't Leave Strands Smelling Like a House Party
Flashlight Beer Holders
Flashlight Beer Holders
The Nite Ops LED Light Can Cooler Lets You See the BBQ After Dark
Solid Brass Bottle Openers
Solid Brass Bottle Openers
This Bottle Opener is Machined from a Single Piece of Solid Brass
Craft Beer Subscriptions
Craft Beer Subscriptions
The Brew Box Co. Delivers a Variety of Craft Beers to Your Doorstep
Compact Brewing Systems
Compact Brewing Systems
The 'Minibrew' Lets You Easily Brew Beer with a Hands-Off Approach
Vintage Craft Beer Openers
Vintage Craft Beer Openers
The 'Eagle Cap-Off' Brings Back a Retro Device from the Industrial Age
Bottle-Opening Rings
Bottle-Opening Rings
This Bottle Opener Ring Collection is Both Elegant and Practical
Tool-Equipped Smartphone Cases
Tool-Equipped Smartphone Cases
This Multi-Functional Phone Case is Also a Beer Opener and Lighter