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50 Geeky Women's Undergarments

From Sudoku Skivvies to Video Game Lingerie

— June 13, 2011 — Naughty
Ladies' unmentionables usually satisfy the sexiest part of a gal's wardrobe, and these examples of geeky women's undergarments may increase that level of mystery once you see what unexpected eccentric getups are actually out there.

Of course, what one person finds arousing may not be agreement with the taste of another, but here is a collection of bras and underwear that caters to a particularly dweeby demographic. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a nerdtastic negligee, and to prove it, check out the looks of Star Wars Burlesque. Video Game Lingerie brings an element of technology into interactive undressing, while Bowling Alley Negligees really go for the strike. Not necessarily found within the mainstream definition of seductive, these geeky women's undergarments may for some prove even more effective than the classic naughty nurse in the bedroom.
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Credit Crunch Superstitions
Credit Crunch Superstitions
Yellow Underwear Means Money
Heart-Throb Undies
Heart-Throb Undies
The Robert Pattinson Underwear is Shocking and Vile
DIY Singing Underpants
DIY Singing Underpants
Gregg Horton Develops a Pair of Musical Underwear
Business-Pleasurable Suits
Business-Pleasurable Suits
The Bless Lingerie Blazer is Perfect for Casual Friday Attire
Lingerie Disguises
Lingerie Disguises
This Emergency Bra Transforms into a Respiratory Face Mask
Nutritious Negligee
Nutritious Negligee
The Cabbage Bra is Edible Support
Anti-Pervert Shot Guard Underwear
Anti-Pervert Shot Guard Underwear
Blocks IR Cameras
Astroturf Lingerie
Astroturf Lingerie
The ‘Nice Cup in Bra' is a Hardcore Golfer's Fantasy
Grenade Lingerie
Grenade Lingerie
Explosive Thigh Highs Bring Danger to the Bedroom
Solar Powered Lingerie
Solar Powered Lingerie
Taiyoko Hatsuden Bra
GPS Lingerie
GPS Lingerie
‘Find Me If You Can' Underwear
Anti-Airport Underwear
Anti-Airport Underwear
Rocky Flats Gear Protects Private Parts from X-Rays
Rice Bowl Bras
Rice Bowl Bras
The Triumph 'Grow-Your-Own-Rice' Bra Takes Agriculture to the Extreme
Husband Hunting Bras
Husband Hunting Bras
Engagement Ring Stops Timer & Plays Wedding March
Judicial Lingerie
Judicial Lingerie
Japanese 'Jury System Bra'
Mismatched Underwear
Mismatched Underwear
Undiz Advocates Color-Clashing Undergarments
Golf Ball Underwear
Golf Ball Underwear
Mio Destino Designs By Men For Women
Daring Darth Vader Damsels
Daring Darth Vader Damsels
The Swedish Bed Blog Features Sultry Darth Vader-Inspired Photographs
Sci-Fi Burlesque
Sci-Fi Burlesque
Astoria New York Hosts Nerdalicious and Naughty Nightlife
Emoticon Fashion
Emoticon Fashion
Clixwear Lets You Wear Your Smiley Face on Your, Um, Sleeve
Recycled Chopstick Bra
Recycled Chopstick Bra
"My Hashi Bra"
Greasy Undergarments
Greasy Undergarments
Bacon Bras
Anatomy Underwear
Anatomy Underwear
Parsons 2009 Fashion Benefit Features Revealing One Piece
Jester Suit Lingerie
Jester Suit Lingerie
2009 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Included Unexpected Surprise
Sudoku Underwear
Sudoku Underwear
Play Time Panties by Mio Destino
Space Movie Lingerie
Space Movie Lingerie
Steam It Up With a Star Wars Storm Trooper Garter Belt
Glow-In-The-Dark Lingerie
Glow-In-The-Dark Lingerie
LuminoGlow Lights Up the Boudoir With Their Sizzling Collection
Fake Body Hair Fashion II
Fake Body Hair Fashion II
The "Winter Coat" Underwear
Bowling Alley Negligee
Bowling Alley Negligee
Freya Lingerie's Vintage 'Let 'em Roll' 2010 Campaign
Seductive Video Game Lingerie
Seductive Video Game Lingerie
The Nintendo NES Controller Bra is Geeky and Playful
Cosplay Negligee
Cosplay Negligee
The No More Heroes 2-Inspired Lingerie Line Brings Gaming to the Bedroom
Armored Underwear
Armored Underwear
Bunka Fashion College Shows the Best of Their Wild Wear
Female Loincloths
Female Loincloths
Underwear Tarzan Would be Envious Of Is Hot In Japan
Pre-Stained Underwear
Pre-Stained Underwear
Easy Tiger Corp. Saves You the Embarrassment of Real Poop Marks
Fiery Vixen Vigilantes
Fiery Vixen Vigilantes
A/W 09 Agent Provocateur Lingerie Superheroes Revealed (UPDATE)
Naughty Nerd Shows
Naughty Nerd Shows
Awesome Anime Burleseque in L.A.'s Bordello Bar
Geeky Negligee Campaigns
Geeky Negligee Campaigns
Verde Veronica Lingerie Spring/Summer 2010 Collection is Fun and Nerdy
Zombie Unicorn Undies
Zombie Unicorn Undies
The Harebrained Period Panties Are Perfect for That Time of the Month
Hot Magnetized Underwear
Hot Magnetized Underwear
Lingerie Dement Makes Rip-Off Passion an Unregrettable Reality
Light-Up Lingerie
Light-Up Lingerie
LED Undies Take Unusual Unmentionables to New Heights (UPDATE)
iPhone Underwear
iPhone Underwear
‘Slide to Unlock' iPanties Are Geeky but Sexy
Geeky Skivvies
Geeky Skivvies
Nerdalicious Underwear Lets Your Inner Dork Run Wild
Role-Playing Panties
Role-Playing Panties
Diesel Underwear Ad Campaign Gets Ass-Grabbing Attention
Farty Pants
Farty Pants
Designed To Mask The Smell Of Flatulence
Time-of-the-Month Tanga Undies
Time-of-the-Month Tanga Undies
Vintage Sanitary Belt Panties Bring Back a Very Retro Look
Star Wars Burlesque
Star Wars Burlesque
Sci-Fi Strip Tease Pleases Space-Nerds
Intentionally Uncomfortable Underwear
Intentionally Uncomfortable Underwear
Torture Bras for Modern Masochists