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52 Fantastic Futuristic Mirrors

From Digital Fairytale Mirrors to Reflective Globe Illuminators

— August 8, 2013 — Art & Design
If you're looking to add a sleek piece of bathroom vanity to your interior space, then these wonderfully futuristic mirrors will definitely add a stylish, Sci-Fi vibe your home.

Mirrors have become a common aspect within most people's lives. The constant need to look into a bathroom vanity to check such things as our hair, makeup and overall appearance has become an aspect that people just can't seem to do without. These futuristic mirrors however, are taking this ordinary piece of vanity to the next level, by incorporating all sorts of inventive shapes and reflective designs into the mix.

From digital fairytale mirrors that creatively reacts to your movement to those that uniquely resemble neon vortexes, these futuristic mirror designs are cleverly revamping the way people view themselves in these reflective devices.
Personal Silhouette Reflectors
Personal Silhouette Reflectors
Mirror for Everyone Eliminates Your Surroundings for a Focused View
Chaotically Clustered Reflectors
Chaotically Clustered Reflectors
The Unique Oponce Mirror Merges Design from Different Spheres
Saddle-Shaped Reflectors
Saddle-Shaped Reflectors
George Jouve Creates a Modern and Abstract Wall Mirror Design
Mock Celebrity Mirrors
Mock Celebrity Mirrors
The Press Conference Mirror Lets You Pretend You're a Big Shot
Detective Tool Reflectors
Detective Tool Reflectors
Me Mirrors by Mathias Hahn Let You Scrutinize Yourself from All Angles
Artistically Interactive Mirrors
Artistically Interactive Mirrors
Daniel Rozin's Abstract Installations Respond to Motion
Quirky Compact Reflectors
Quirky Compact Reflectors
These Shapes Mirrors by Sylvain Willenz for Hay are Bold And Dynamic
Mood-Altering Mirrors
Mood-Altering Mirrors
The Incendiary Reflection is a High-Tech Mirror That Alters Emotions
Infinity Mirrors
Infinity Mirrors
Brighten Up Your Stale Morning Routine in More Ways Than One
Quirky-Cornered Mirrors
Quirky-Cornered Mirrors
The Antipodi Collection Features 3D-Printed Corners for Easy Interaction
Ultra-Minimalist Flip Mirrors
Ultra-Minimalist Flip Mirrors
This Flip Mirror by Javier Moreno Provides Ease of Mobility
Minute-Counting Mirrors
Minute-Counting Mirrors
Hectic by YAIN Helps You Keep Track of the Hour While Grooming
Condensation-Covered Reflectors
Condensation-Covered Reflectors
The Pretty in Prison Mirror is Polished to a Dull Sheen
Stone Age-Inspired Looking Glasses
Stone Age-Inspired Looking Glasses
A Mirror Darkly by Nick Ross Mimics Water in a Bowl
Diamond-Shaped Mirrors
Diamond-Shaped Mirrors
The Diamante by Regia is a Perfectly Cut Reflector
Curious Keyhole Mirrors
Curious Keyhole Mirrors
The BBMDS Voyeur Mirror Satisfies Narcissism and Inquisition
Ledgy Looking Glasses
Ledgy Looking Glasses
These Marvellous Mirettes Merge the Mirror and the Shelf
Ghostly Looking Reflectors
Ghostly Looking Reflectors
The Haunted Halloween Mirror Houses a Trapped Spirit
Neon Vortex Reflectors
Neon Vortex Reflectors
These Orbital Mirrors by Marcus Tremonto Embraces Sci-Fi Design Principles
Forest Creature Reflectors
Forest Creature Reflectors
These Animal Mirrors Have Fetching Frames of Furry Fauna Faces
Reflective Globe Illuminators
Reflective Globe Illuminators
The Ghost Pendant Lamp by Nanu Al-Hamad is Spherically Shaped
Fantastically Clear Shower Mirrors
Fantastically Clear Shower Mirrors
The Fogless Bathroom Mirror is Essential for a Clear Look
Intergalactic Ship Mirrors
Intergalactic Ship Mirrors
The Millennium Falcon Star Wars Mirror is the Ideal Gift for Any Wookie
Geometric Looking Glasses
Geometric Looking Glasses
The Derma Mirror by Enzyma is Like a Work of Contemporary Art
Vain Reflective Vases
Vain Reflective Vases
Narciso by Giorgia Zanellato is Inspired by the Myth of Narcissus
Fragmented Facade Mirrors
Fragmented Facade Mirrors
The Mischertraxler Layered Me Mirror Features Overlapping Reflections
Ghostly Art Mirrors
Ghostly Art Mirrors
Claire Lavabre's Reflet Mirror Purposefully Shows Partial Reflections
Mirrored Minimalist Illuminators
Mirrored Minimalist Illuminators
The Reflector Lamp is a Bare Bulb Lamp Design Dipped in Silver
Incomplete Elliptical Reflectors
Incomplete Elliptical Reflectors
The Ego Mirror Design Looks Like Molten Metal
Reflective Set Designs
Reflective Set Designs
Mirror, Mirror by Studiopepe is Sharply Angled and Boldly Geometric
Two-Way Mirror Timepieces
Two-Way Mirror Timepieces
Blink by Twodesigners Reminds You of How Much Time You Have to Get Ready
Abstract Metal-Looking Reflectors
Abstract Metal-Looking Reflectors
The Copper Mirrors are Made for Jersey Shore Natives
Psychedelic Mirrors
Psychedelic Mirrors
Ron Gilad Creates Killer Reflective Surfaces that are Totally Surreal
Ghostly Haunted Mirrors
Ghostly Haunted Mirrors
Sandy Ervin Ups the Creep Factor Through the Looking Glass
Butterfly-like Brass Mirrors
Butterfly-like Brass Mirrors
The Morie Nishimura 'A Quiet Celebration' Shows a Bright Reflection
Asymmetrically Reflective Restrooms
Asymmetrically Reflective Restrooms
The Fractal Mirror Bathroom Vanity is Stunningly Off-Kilter
Retro Oxidized Reflectors
Retro Oxidized Reflectors
The David Derksen Design ‘Transcience' Manipulates Mirrors
Standing Circular Vanities
Standing Circular Vanities
The Bambi Makeup Workstation is Furniture Dedicated to Prettification
Aluminum Reflection Illusions
Aluminum Reflection Illusions
The MUT 'Zig Zag' Mirror Makes You Question Reality
Conveniently Dangling Wall Fixtures
Conveniently Dangling Wall Fixtures
The Vola Wall System Requires Minimal Drilling into Walls
Liquid Mirrors
Liquid Mirrors
The Mizukagami Water Mirror is Dripping With Coolness
Severed Storage Looking Glasses
Severed Storage Looking Glasses
Le Prestige Mirror has an Obscure Reflection with Your Possessions
Optical Illusion Looking Glasses
Optical Illusion Looking Glasses
The Fathom Mirror by Joe Doucet is a Tribute to Sandy Victims
Dual Perspective Mirrors
Dual Perspective Mirrors
Mirror # 180 by halb/halb Boasts an Odd Bend in the Middle
Digital Fairytale Mirrors
Digital Fairytale Mirrors
'Tell Me, Mirror' by Yoori Koo Reacts to Movements with Ambient Light
Subtle Sliding Bathroom Mirrors
Subtle Sliding Bathroom Mirrors
The Ray Mirror Has a Ton of Storage and a Low Profile
Infinitely Mirrored Installations
Infinitely Mirrored Installations
'The Phoenix Is Closer Than It Appears' Exhibit is Surreal
Posture-Improving Mirrors
Posture-Improving Mirrors
Miior Designs Makes Makeup Application Much Simpler
Reflective Eyewear Wall Decals
Reflective Eyewear Wall Decals
Decorate Your Wall With This Mirror Stick-On Inspired by Ray-Ban
Modern Victorian Vanities
Modern Victorian Vanities
The Venezia Dressing Table is Made for Contemporary Romantics
Bespectacled Bathroom Mirrors
Bespectacled Bathroom Mirrors
The Reflect Me Collection Accessorizes Your Mirrored Image
Barely-There Furniture Displays
Barely-There Furniture Displays
The Invisible Furniture Designs Trick One's Visual Senses