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38 Toy-Inspired Food Innovations

From Edible Chocolate Airplanes to Interactive Snack Packaging

— February 24, 2015 — Marketing
These toy-inspired food innovations range from edible airplanes to interactive snack packaging that transforms into a playtime accessory for kids. Curing the picky eater curse, these food innovations are designed to encourage creativity and nutrition among children who may have a difficult time finishing their meals.

Some winning examples include edible lego treats in gummy candy and chocolate varieties along with charming egg holder accessories that are inspired by knight, army and sci-fi toys. Other favorites include edible album covers, chess boards and stackable veggie games that will make vegetables more appealing to kids who may not enjoy their taste.

These toy-inspired food innovations make mealtime more enjoyable for kids and are inspiring brands to be more conscious of younger consumers.
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