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Top 20 Pet Trends in February

From CBD Pet Snacks to Musical Adoption Campaigns

— February 25, 2018 — Lifestyle
February 2018 pet trends reveal pet owners' increased willingness to offer their animals the benefits of cannabis, as well as unique adoption campaigns.

With the legal cannabis industry continuing to grow, pet owners are now medicating their dogs with CBD-infused snacks and topical treatments. These natural products can be used to soothe topical pain, and can also help pets that are prone to anxiety. Examples include the Animalitos CBD Dog Cookies, and the American Shaman CBD Tinctures for Cats.

Brands like Spotify are helping to support pet adoption in unique ways. The music streaming service partnered with an animal shelter in Germany to launch 'Adoptify,' which pairs prospective pet owners with animals that enjoy the same type of music they do.
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Tear-Jerking Pet Games
Tear-Jerking Pet Games
'Till the Dawn, Waiting' Presents a Dog's Experience of Abandonment
Convenient Lint Brushes
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The OXO FurLifter is Great for Garments and Furniture
Fishy Feline CBD Tinctures
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These Feline CBD Hemp Oil Tinctures are Seafood-Flavored
Charitable Pet-Centric Coffees
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Flavored CBD Dog Biscuits
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Animalitos CBD Dog Cookies are Formulated to Treat Anxiety and Pain
Free Dog-Sharing Platforms
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'Dogshare' Connects Nearby Owners for Canine Play Dates
Medicinal Pet CBD Balms
Medicinal Pet CBD Balms
This Animalitos CBD Nose and Paw Balm Provides Treatment to Cats and Dogs
Musical Adoption Campaigns
Musical Adoption Campaigns
Spotify Created Adoptify with an Animal Shelter to Offer Music for Dogs
Luxe Botanical Dog Shampoos
Luxe Botanical Dog Shampoos
This Dog Shampoo by Malin+Goetz Contains Hydrating Amino Acids
Doggie CBD Tinctures
Doggie CBD Tinctures
CBD Medico Pet Tinctures Treat Anxiety & Pain in Dogs and Cats
Deep-Cleaning Pet Owner Vacuums
Deep-Cleaning Pet Owner Vacuums
The Hoover PowerDrive Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner is Powerful
GPS Cat Collars
GPS Cat Collars
Tractive Released a New GPS Collar Specifically for Cats
Health-Optimizing Pet Trackers
Health-Optimizing Pet Trackers
Petrics Offers Advanced Technology to Track the Health of One's Dog
Raw Ketogenic Dog Food
Raw Ketogenic Dog Food
ROCKETO Makes NASA-Grade Organic Superfood for Dogs
Lazy Dog Toy Collections
Lazy Dog Toy Collections
Target and BarkShop's 'Couch Pawtatoes' Introduce Cute Dog Toys
Pet-Friendly Bike Seats
Pet-Friendly Bike Seats
The 'BuddyRider' Lets You Bring Furry Friends with You on Rides
High-End Designer Cat Perches
High-End Designer Cat Perches
The Neko Cat Tree Offers a Modern Spot for Felines to Rest
Ultra-Modern Canine Loungers
Ultra-Modern Canine Loungers
The Dedalo Luxury Dog Bed is Handcrafted by Italian Craftsmen
Award-Winning Pet Houses
Award-Winning Pet Houses
The La Maision Noire Pet House is Designed to Keep Pets in Comfort