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Top 50 Art Photography Trends in February

From Freudian Photography to Famous Foodie Artwork

— February 22, 2015 — Fashion
The top February 2015 art photography trends toe the line between between explicit images, and work that is more subtle. Regardless of the visual approach, photographic work this month exhibited a willingness to explore complex subject matter.

Mental illness, a historically silenced subject, is being more directly addressed within the realm of photography. Other psychological phenomena, such as narcissism, is also being probed from behind the lens. For instance, Alejo Arango's 'Egotherapy' examines self-obsession as a collective, societal sickness.

As always, photography is an artistic medium by which we seek to illuminate universal truths. The more honest and candid a body of work, the more it speaks to the viewer. The top February 2015 art trends reveal a push towards greater candor, and a desire to tell the stories that need to be told.
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Thoughtful Princess Portraits
Thoughtful Princess Portraits
Blake Finch Captures 'Princess Culture' in Her Latest Series
Differing Dust Photography
Differing Dust Photography
Klaus Pinchler Focuses on Varieties of Everyday Particles
Foggy Dubai Photography
Foggy Dubai Photography
Daniel Cheong Captures the World's Tallest Skyscrapers in a Surreal State
Hilarious Hairstyle Photography
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Bitter Break-up Photography
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Ghost Hunting Photography
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Mutated Fruit Photography
Mutated Fruit Photography
These Cancer Detection Ads Liken Tumors to Mutated Fruit
Hands-Free Headstand Photography
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Hand Model Photography
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Celebrated Boardwalk Photography
Celebrated Boardwalk Photography
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Napping Photo Series
Napping Photo Series
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Dog Rescue Photography
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Best Friend Photography
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Flower Fireworks
Flower Fireworks
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Blood Feud Photography
Blood Feud Photography
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Polar Bear Photography
Polar Bear Photography
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Contemporary Creative Portraits
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Spurned Bride Photoshoots
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Voraciously Playful Photography
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Winter Swimmer Photography
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Flipped Iceberg Photography
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Effortless Brazilian Editorials
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Meaningful Photography Campaigns
Meaningful Photography Campaigns
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Surreally Strapped Photography
Surreally Strapped Photography
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Abandoned Hotel Photography
Abandoned Hotel Photography
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Dramatically Stormy Photoshoots
Dramatically Stormy Photoshoots
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Famous Foodie Artwork
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Surrealistic Body Photography
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Fragmentary Disorder Photography
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Enchanting European Landscapes
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Crazy Family Portraits
Crazy Family Portraits
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Inked Cosmetic Editorials
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This Fredrik Wannerstedt Photo Series Features Oliver Kumbi
Colorized Photo GIFs
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Candid All-White Editorials
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Urban Yoga Photography
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Freudian Photography
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Nostalgic Barbershop Photography
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Pole Dancing Photography
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Artistic Ballerina Photography
Artistic Ballerina Photography
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Distorted Fashion Photography
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Platinum-Haired Punk Photography
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Silly Celeb Photo Series
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