Statia Grossman Enumerates Her Break-Up in 'Sh*t You Left Behind'
Vasiliki Marapas — January 8, 2015 — Fashion
References: statiaphotography & beautifuldecay
Photographer Statia Grossman sends a giant "F*ck You" to her ex with her first book, a photography compilation of her ex-lover's items, titled 'Sh*t You Left Behind.'
Everyone deals with break-ups in their own, unique way. For some, the recovery process might include a lot of uncontrollable sobbing and stress eating. Others might channel their heartbreak and devastation into something a little more productive, like Grossman does with her art. Though Grossman is chronicling the aftermath of her own personal relationship, her photographs speak universal truths about love, sex, intimacy and emotions that many of her viewers will be able to relate to.
If anything, this series reminds us that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And if that woman's a photographer, you'd better watch out!
Everyone deals with break-ups in their own, unique way. For some, the recovery process might include a lot of uncontrollable sobbing and stress eating. Others might channel their heartbreak and devastation into something a little more productive, like Grossman does with her art. Though Grossman is chronicling the aftermath of her own personal relationship, her photographs speak universal truths about love, sex, intimacy and emotions that many of her viewers will be able to relate to.
If anything, this series reminds us that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And if that woman's a photographer, you'd better watch out!
Trend Themes
1. Break-up Art - The 'Sh*t You Left Behind' photography compilation opens up opportunities for artists to express their emotions and experiences through break-up art.
2. Revengeful Photography - Grossman's project highlights the potential for photographers to channel their anger and hurt into powerful revengeful photography, creating a new genre in the art world.
3. Emotional Storytelling - The emotional themes captured in 'Sh*t You Left Behind' offer an avenue for storytellers to explore the complexities of love and heartbreak through various forms of media.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - The 'Sh*t You Left Behind' project presents an opportunity for photographers to tap into the genre of break-up photography and offer personalized services to capture the emotions and remnants of past relationships.
2. Art - Grossman's photography book sparks a potential for the art industry to embrace break-up art as a new form of expression, leading to exhibitions, gallery shows, and collaborations.
3. Publishing - The success of 'Sh*t You Left Behind' highlights a market for publishing companies to explore niche genres and create platforms for artists to share their personal stories and experiences.