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25 Family-Focused Events

From Children's Etiquette Classes to Family-Friendly Flight Simulators

— July 17, 2017 — Lifestyle
There's a certain ineffable charm about family-focused events. Whether it's in the way that they manage to appeal to both young children and full-grown adults alike or in the potential for any event to shape lifelong memories in the kids enjoying them, family-focused events are joyous occasions for all involved. Summer is prime time for these experiences, and there are many to choose from for all types of interests.

Families with a yen for outdoor adventures have plenty of options during the summer. Often, outdoor activities tend to be definitively separated by age range because of the requisite skill levels, but that need not necessarily be the case. British tour operator PGL's Family Adventures are a series of exciting activities that equally appeal to all ages, and Colorado's Keystone Resort has ski runs for all ages as well as slopeside snack stops.
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Patriotic Theme Park Parties
Patriotic Theme Park Parties
Canada's Wonderland Celebrates Canada 150 with a Month-Long Party
Family-Friendly Fishing Events
Family-Friendly Fishing Events
This Ice-Fishing Event is Perfect For Families On a Budget
Family-Friendly Resort Passes
Family-Friendly Resort Passes
This Theme Park Offers Discounts for Parents and Toddlers
Family-Friendly Flight Simulators
Family-Friendly Flight Simulators
Air Combat Zone Offers Fighter Pilot Simulations for Birthdays
Family-Friendly Dance Classes
Family-Friendly Dance Classes
The Classes at J'Adore Dance Introduce Kids to Exercise in a Fun Way
Children's Etiquette Classes
Children's Etiquette Classes
The Youth Etiquette Program Covers Table Manners and Social Media
Family-Friendly Ski Resorts
Family-Friendly Ski Resorts
Colorado's Keystone Resort Serves Snacks on the Slopes
Lively Family Music Festivals
Lively Family Music Festivals
'Burning Lantern' is a Welsh Music Festival Designed for Families
Children's Cooking Programs
Children's Cooking Programs
The Chef Upstairs Offers Kid-Friendly Food Workshops for All Ages
Family-Friendly Outdoor Adventures
Family-Friendly Outdoor Adventures
This British Tour Operator Helps Families Embrace the Outdoors
Themed Cruise Excursions
Themed Cruise Excursions
Princess Cruises Offers Nature and Wildlife Excursions for Families
Creative Movie Screenings
Creative Movie Screenings
This Outdoor Movie Night Features Arts and Crafts Pre-Show
Drag Queen Storytelling Sessions
Drag Queen Storytelling Sessions
Toronto's Library is Hosting Drag Queen Storytime Events for Kids
Family-Friendly Laser Tag Activities
Family-Friendly Laser Tag Activities
Laser City Specializes in Kid-Friendly Competitive Gaming
Indoor Playground Workshops
Indoor Playground Workshops
Sprouts Kids Hosts Family-Friendly Fitness, Play and Dance Workshops
Familial Yoga Retreats
Familial Yoga Retreats
World Family Yoga Offers Fun and Kid-Friendly Wellness Programs
Eco Obstacle Courses
Eco Obstacle Courses
Wilderness Waterpark's Northern Lights Sky Ropes Course is Family-Friendly
Family-Friendly Museum Tours
Family-Friendly Museum Tours
The Guggenheim Offers Special Activity Kits for Children
In-Store Game Development Classes
In-Store Game Development Classes
Microsoft's Xbox Academy Teaches Game Development and More
Family-Friendly Painting Workshops
Family-Friendly Painting Workshops
This Company Offers Painting Workshops for the Whole Family
Whimsical Family Tea Parties
Whimsical Family Tea Parties
The Sanderson Hotel Turns Afternoon Tea into a Kid-Friendly Affair
Kid-Friendly Festival Events
Kid-Friendly Festival Events
The UK's Curious Arts Festival Hosts Creative Workshops for All Ages
Community-Focused Marketplaces
Community-Focused Marketplaces
Orlando's 'Artegon Marketplace' is a Self-Described "Anti-Mall"
Kid-Friendly Sailing Simulators
Kid-Friendly Sailing Simulators
Volvo Rigged a RS Tera Dinghy to Teach Valuable Sailing Skills
Modular Kid-Friendly Playhouses
Modular Kid-Friendly Playhouses
Grimshaw's 'MySpace' Cubby House Lets Kids Design Their Play Space