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57 Environmentally Influenced Installations

From Water Cooler Installations to Cracked Planter Art

— August 8, 2013 — Eco
The best way to make a public statement is by creating a piece of art that can visually express your message, and these environmentally influenced installations are perfectly designed to education viewers on sustainability and preserving our earth.

While most people are aware of the importance of sustainability and enforcing eco-friendly methods into their lifestyle, sometimes it takes a larger-than-life visual imagery to get the message across more clearly, and these eco installations are here to do just that. From melting ice berg installations that are meant to showcase the severe problem of global warming to recycled trash sculptures made entirely from garbage, these eco installations are offering individuals a chance to experience detrimental issues to the earth through these artistic designs.
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Abstract Arctic Installations
Abstract Arctic Installations
High Arctic by United Visual Artists Has a Cold Feel
Metal Thermal Installations
Metal Thermal Installations
Bloom by Doris Sung Opens and Close Accoring to Temperature
Arboreal Musical Installations
Arboreal Musical Installations
The Tree Concert is an Eco-Activist Art Project
Temporary Urban Greenery
Temporary Urban Greenery
Plaza Movil Creates Pop-Up Parks in Buenos Aires
Upcycled Garden Installations
Upcycled Garden Installations
Fragile by Roadsworth is a Green Space Inside a Mall
Amorous Boardwalk Installations
Amorous Boardwalk Installations
The Heartwalk by Situ Studio Honors Hurricane Sandy Experiences
Neighborhood Batteries
Neighborhood Batteries
Community Energy Storage Comes to Ohio and Detroit
Interactive Virtual Gardens
Interactive Virtual Gardens
Jifei Ou's 'Jing Hua' Lets You Create a Custom Electronic Flower
Upcycled Dome Installations
Upcycled Dome Installations
The 'Harvest Dome 2.0' Floats Elegantly Over the Harlem River
Salvaged Temple Wood Installations
Salvaged Temple Wood Installations
Fragments by Ai WeiWei Explores Social Transformations
Solar Energy Installations
Solar Energy Installations
Photosynthesis by Akihisa Hirata is Designed with Green Energy
Natural Artifice Installations
Natural Artifice Installations
Tara Donovan Sculpts Seemingly Organic Art from Everyday Materials
Awareness-Raising Reflective Artwork
Awareness-Raising Reflective Artwork
'The Lost Lakes' Spreads an Environmental Message in Beijing
Beautified Energy Installations
Beautified Energy Installations
Patrick Raynaud Injects Life into Typically Drab Wind Turbines
Tentacle Lighting Installations
Tentacle Lighting Installations
Caleb Charland's Apple-Powered LED Lamp Involved 300 Fruit
Abstract Consumerism Installations
Abstract Consumerism Installations
The Pleix 2062 Exhibit Tackles Tough Societal Issues in Art
Eco Electric Gardens
Eco Electric Gardens
'Sunflowers' Solar Collectors Make for a Mean-Green Botanical Garden
Hydrogen Car Made of Ice
Hydrogen Car Made of Ice
BMW Art Car
City-Revitalizing Garden Installations
City-Revitalizing Garden Installations
Terrains Vagues by David Lage Hopes to Bring Around Buffalo
City Stalling Installations
City Stalling Installations
The 'Garden of Forking Paths' Gives the Opportunity to Slow Down
Blossoming Car Installations
Blossoming Car Installations
Manuel Felisi's 'Giardinetta' is a Living Garden
Melting Iceberg Art Installations
Melting Iceberg Art Installations
Olafur Eliasson’s Melting Ice Art is Sustainably Kept Cool
Concrete Garden Installations
Concrete Garden Installations
The Asphalt Jungle Series by Type-B Replants Rather than Repaves
Intricate Recycled Art Installations
Intricate Recycled Art Installations
Leo Fitzmaurice Builds Witty Art Pieces from Everyday Objects
Green Urban Installations
Green Urban Installations
New Zealand's Britomart Station's Temporary Oasis
Power-Generating Windows
Power-Generating Windows
Smart Energy Glass Light Dimming Panes Create Electricity
Sustainable Sporty Installations
Sustainable Sporty Installations
The Nike Feather Pavilion is Made From 100% Recycled Products
Light-Powering Playground Installations
Light-Powering Playground Installations
Swing by Moradavaga Harnesses Kinetic Energy
Mossy Maze Installations
Mossy Maze Installations
'Moss Your City' Promotes Guerilla Gardens in London, England
Paper Cup Installations
Paper Cup Installations
Hypergraphia by Gwyneth Leech Looks Like Oversized Confetti
Expressive Bottle Cap Art
Expressive Bottle Cap Art
Artist Eung Ho Park Toys with Both Aesthetic and Social Perception
Petite Plant Installations
Petite Plant Installations
Luzinterruptus 'Implanted Nature' Nurtures the Environment
Recycled Trash Sculptures
Recycled Trash Sculptures
Eco-Art by El Anatsui
Self-Generating Art Installations
Self-Generating Art Installations
The Stair Scape Cubes is a Human-Powered Electricity Masterpiece
Solar-Panelled Art Structures
Solar-Panelled Art Structures
The Sun Altered Cube is an Eco-Friendly Art Installation
Floating CD Installations
Floating CD Installations
The Waterlilies in Bloom by Bruce Monro Pays Tribute to Longwood Gardens
Eco Auto Installations (UPDATE)
Eco Auto Installations (UPDATE)
Laura Micalizzi's Car Design for the Milan Furniture Fair
Origami Swarm Installations
Origami Swarm Installations
Together We Are Greater by Jacqui Symons is Like a School of Fish
Recycled Rave Light Displays
Recycled Rave Light Displays
The 'Ballroom Luminoso' Installation Shows Vibrant Eco-Friendly Lamps
Conquering Garden Installations
Conquering Garden Installations
Kris Verdonck's Exhibition Asks Who is the Alien Invasion Species
Blue Snail Installations
Blue Snail Installations
REgeneration by Cracking Art Group Crawls Over the Duomo Cathedral
Forest-Inspired Installations
Forest-Inspired Installations
The Tree by FARM Creates Real Time Responses to Sound
Underwater Pollution Installations
Underwater Pollution Installations
Trash in the Ocean Becomes Part of a Scuba Diving Art Project
Crocheted Public Parks
Crocheted Public Parks
Suzanne Tidwell Makes Scarves for the Trunks of Trees in Seattle
Garbage Origami Gardens
Garbage Origami Gardens
Cardboard Plants by Karen Abel Add Life to Forgotten Flower Pots
Snowy Plastic Cup Installations
Snowy Plastic Cup Installations
Tara Donavan Creates a Surreal Landscape Out of a Common Object
Bark-Bending Installations
Bark-Bending Installations
'The Patient Gardener' is a Steadily Changing and Evolving Exhibition
Coiled Pink Tree Installations
Coiled Pink Tree Installations
The 'Pink Punch' Tree Art Will Definitely Garner More Visitors
Animate Urban Installations
Animate Urban Installations
Epiphyte Pavilion Will Enhance the Environment of its City Surrounds
Living Art Installations
Living Art Installations
This Plant Artwork Combines Consumerism and Wildlife
Eco-Friendly Woven Installations
Eco-Friendly Woven Installations
Super Nature Design Wraps Wild Animals to Send Out a Message
Chaotic Wood Scrap Sculptures
Chaotic Wood Scrap Sculptures
Leonardo Drew Creates Massive Installations Out of Waste
Livable Sculptural Installations
Livable Sculptural Installations
The Eco-Desert Retreat is Part Art and Part Sustainable Abode
Garbage-Constructed Villages
Garbage-Constructed Villages
The House of Contamination is a Project with a Project
Water Cooler Installations
Water Cooler Installations
The Waving Wall of Chalkwell Depicts Embedded H2O in Products
Overgrown Outdoor Offices
Overgrown Outdoor Offices
The Natural Systems Domination Installation Encourages Healthy Workers
Cracked Planter Art
Cracked Planter Art
The Sean Martindale 'Grass Spill' Installation is Green and Gorgeous