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36 Cutting-Edge Electrolux Innovations

From Vacuum Shoes to WiFi Wastebaskets

— June 17, 2010 — Art & Design
This cluster of cutting-edge Electrolux innovations will get even the most hapless cooks into the kitchen to try their hands at using one of these super-cool gadgets. Whether for cooking, cleaning or laundry, these Electrolux innovations are here to make life easier--or at least to make it look much better.

Many of the most eye-catching Electrolux innovations above are submitted by contestants from the Electrolux Design Lab competitions. From vacuum shoes to WiFi wastebaskets, take a look at the future.
Geco Window Washer
Geco Window Washer
Solar Powered Gadget Helps with Chores
Poster-Wrapped Architecture
Poster-Wrapped Architecture
Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner Ad Takes Over Denmark Building
Crystalized Vacuums
Crystalized Vacuums
$20,000 Swarovski Electrolux Makes Cleaning Glam
Virtual Dinner Tables
Virtual Dinner Tables
The Quism Interactive Cooking Platform Provides Online Family Dining
Celebrity Appliance Promotion
Celebrity Appliance Promotion
Kelly Ripa for Electrolux
Chocolate-Only Fridges
Chocolate-Only Fridges
The Choc Fridge by Hui-Chun (Tina) Lai is for Serious Cocoa Lovers
Noise Awareness Billboards
Noise Awareness Billboards
AEG Eloectrolux Advertises The Decibel Level
Detective Washers
Detective Washers
The Electrolux 'Lupe' Design by Il-seop So Makes Cleaning Fun
Cubby Refrigerators for Shared Spaces
Cubby Refrigerators for Shared Spaces
The Electrolux Flatshare Refrigerator
Waterless Washing Machine Cleans with Ultraviolet Light
Vacuum Shoes
Vacuum Shoes
Clean as You Walk
Touchscreen Tea Makers
Touchscreen Tea Makers
The Electrolux Duo Infuser Turns Earl Gray into Earl Yay
Concerto Cooking
Concerto Cooking
Electrolux Re-Mix Prepares Food on Beat
3D Food Printers
3D Food Printers
Nico Klaber's 'Moleculaire' Makes Cooking a Push-Button Project
Cook Top Placemats
Cook Top Placemats
Modular Grills for Social Dining
Odorless BBQs
Odorless BBQs
The Libero Point by Electrolux Uses Air Filtration System
Electrolux Organic Cooker
Electrolux Organic Cooker
Healthy Odourless Cooking
Burning Info into Food
Burning Info into Food
The Electrolux Scan Toaster
Sleek Slow Cookers
Sleek Slow Cookers
Electrolux Cocoon Prepares Chicken and Fish With Focus on Human Needs
Senior-Aiding Kitchens
Senior-Aiding Kitchens
The Electrolux Glide Concept Brings the Culinary Experience to a Standstill
Educational Laundry Systems
Educational Laundry Systems
Electrolux Renew by Louis Filosa Swipes Your Clothes Clean
Capsule Kitchens
Capsule Kitchens
The ‘Egg' Opens Like a Flower to Reveal Fully Equiped Kitchen
Soil-Dispensing Dishwashers
Soil-Dispensing Dishwashers
The Electrolux Eco Cleaner Does Your Dishes and Feeds Plants
Hot Plates of the Future
Hot Plates of the Future
Electrolux Cooking Tiles
Appliance-Free Kitchens
Appliance-Free Kitchens
The Electrolux Concept Kitchen Does Away With Pots and Pans
Sci-Fi Appliances
Sci-Fi Appliances
Teleport Fridge Eliminates the Need for Grocery Shopping
Hidden Clothes Cleaners
Hidden Clothes Cleaners
The Electrolux Shine is More Stylish Than the Garments it Washes
Magical Fireplaces
Magical Fireplaces
The Electrolux Fireplace Transforms Before Your Very Eyes
WiFi Washbaskets
WiFi Washbaskets
The iBasket From Electrolux
Cooking With Lasers
Cooking With Lasers
Electrolux's Laser Oven Concept Cooks Food in No Time
Shape-Shifting Dishwashers
Shape-Shifting Dishwashers
Teo Kai Qiang's Electrolux LESF Plate Changes the Form of Your Di
Compact Kitchen Innovations
Compact Kitchen Innovations
Rendez-Vous From Electrolux Opens Up Cuisine
Dishwashing Cabinets
Dishwashing Cabinets
Electrolux Bifoliate Double Dishwasher Stores & Cleans
Jelly Food Storage
Jelly Food Storage
Futuristic Gel Bio Robot Fridge is Unlike Anything You've Seen
Small-Space Cooking Solutions
Small-Space Cooking Solutions
Kitchen Works in a Drawer
Touch-Screen Future Kitchens
Touch-Screen Future Kitchens
Petr Kubik's Electrolux Futuristic Dining Table