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44 Blackboard Innovations

From Chalky Meal Containers to Chalkboard Piggy Banks

— November 14, 2011 — Art & Design
Chalkboards have not only educated many students, but they have also inspired the artistic imagination of people, as shown by these blackboard innovations. These green, erasable walls have been of immense help for mathematicians and scientists who have spent infinite amounts of time trying to decipher a formula or concept. Also, they bring back fun memories of childhood, where kids would write and create all sort of things.

Now, with technology taking over educational institutes, blackboards are becoming more and more irrelevant; however, in areas such as advertising, art and design, they're still strongly present. For interior decoration, wacky wall decals for kids are a fun idea to keep little ones entertained without damaging walls. Also for the food industry, these boards give cafes and restaurants a cute way to daily advertised their menus and to cheaply decorate their joints.

Check out these blackboard innovations for more ideas on how to keep these fillers of imagination present in society.
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Communal Chalkboard Courtyards
Communal Chalkboard Courtyards
The Split Bathhouse Provides a Safe and Healthy Space to Wash
Erasable Globes
Erasable Globes
The Chalkboard Globe Lets You Draw the World the Way You See It
Academic Throwback Cases
Academic Throwback Cases
The Kalomix iBlackBoard Takes You Back to Elementary School
Toy Chalkboard Computers
Toy Chalkboard Computers
The iWood Laptop Allows Children to Harmlessly Play with Tech
Blackboard Work Utensils
Blackboard Work Utensils
Scribble Down Important Notes on Chalkboard Office Accessories
Chalkboard Storage
Chalkboard Storage
You Control the Aesthetics of the Blackboard Cabinet by Peter Jakubik
Talking Tables
Talking Tables
The Di Wu Table Speaks to You
Blackboard Time-Tellers
Blackboard Time-Tellers
The Chalkboard Kitchen Clock is Perfect for Teaching Kids to Tell Time
Personalized Cup Placers
Personalized Cup Placers
The Chalkboard Slate Coasters are Perfect for Big House Parties
Scribbled Flower Holders
Scribbled Flower Holders
The Chalkboard Vase by Ricardo Saint-Clair Offers a Fun Surface
Toy Chalkboard Cubes
Toy Chalkboard Cubes
The Naef 'Colorem' Allows Your Children to Build Creative Skills
Star Wars Chalkboards
Star Wars Chalkboards
BBDO Creates Movie-Inspired Classroom Ads
Chalked Up Shirts
Chalked Up Shirts
The Chalkboard T-shirt Enhances Creativity
Bold Blackboard Seating
Bold Blackboard Seating
The Ministry of Design Woofer Chair is Classroom-Ready
Digital Chalkboard Scanners
Digital Chalkboard Scanners
The LT Brush by Lu Yin Revolutionizes Classroom Learning
Socially Aware Art Installations
Socially Aware Art Installations
Lost Supper by Marussiac Comments on Food Versus Money
Chalkboard Cellphone Cases
Chalkboard Cellphone Cases
The KALOMIX 'iBlackBoard' is Lets You Text Like the Teacher
Colored Chalkboard Paint
Colored Chalkboard Paint
Hudson Paint Makes Customizing Rooms More Colorful
Chalky Meal Containers
Chalky Meal Containers
Linda Facci's Blackboard Lunchbag is a Do-It-Yourself Project
Chalkboard Piggy Banks
Chalkboard Piggy Banks
Capitalist Pig
Nerdy School Portraiture
Nerdy School Portraiture
Gary Salter Shines the Spotlight on Geeks
Blackboard Tablet Protectors
Blackboard Tablet Protectors
The Brokesy Chalkboard iPad Case is Not Just for Teachers
Lighting for Math Whizzes
Lighting for Math Whizzes
The Calculating Chalkboard Lamp
Chalkboard Easter Eggs
Chalkboard Easter Eggs
Lisa Tilse's Handpainted Ostrich Eggs Are Surprisingly Strong
Glowing Message Boards
Glowing Message Boards
'Daywriter' and 'Nightwriter' Get Your Point Across At Any Hour
Chalkboard Walls
Chalkboard Walls
Laura Bohn Designs a More Creative and Less Forgetful Home
Cute Blackboard Decals
Cute Blackboard Decals
These Fun Coco Boheme Chalkboard Stickers Stick to the Basics
Chalkboard Vases
Chalkboard Vases
Too Cool For School
DIY Neon Signs
DIY Neon Signs
VisoBoard Lets Your Business Stand Out
3D Chalkboard Illustrations
3D Chalkboard Illustrations
The Allen Solly 'My World, My Way' Campaign is Otherworldly
Chalky Blackboard Beautorials
Chalky Blackboard Beautorials
A Cheeky Coco Rocha Covers the Flare Canada April 2010 Issue
Fear-Facing Chalkboards
Fear-Facing Chalkboards
The Brian Rea 'Murals' is a Catalog of One Man's Worries
Chalkboard Counters
Chalkboard Counters
The Architect Desk Encourages Doodling on the Table
Wacky Wall Decals
Wacky Wall Decals
WallCandy Arts Will Add Color, Energy and Sweetness to Every Space
Graffiti Accessory Packaging
Graffiti Accessory Packaging
Doodle-Covered Cardboard Boxes by Peter Gregson
Chalkboard Tables
Chalkboard Tables
Chalkboard Paint Turns Boring Furniture Into Childhood Fun
Chalkboard Table Tennis
Chalkboard Table Tennis
Write and Draw on the Chalk Ping Pong Table by Puma
Chalkboard Yearbook Portraits
Chalkboard Yearbook Portraits
Russian High School Students Redefine Cheesy Annual Photos
Chalkboard Beverage Branding
Chalkboard Beverage Branding
House Wine Co. Packaging Has the Sincerity of an Old Schoolhouse
Magnetic Chalkboard Paint
Magnetic Chalkboard Paint
Yoyamart Paint Lets You Make Any Surface a Message Board
Blackboard Combats
Blackboard Combats
The Best Chalkboard Game Since Hangman
DIY Chalkboard Fridges
DIY Chalkboard Fridges
Food Diaries & Drawing Boards for Kids Allows Smooth Running Kitchens
Chalkboard Coffee Tables
Chalkboard Coffee Tables
Scrawl Out Your Conversations on the Writable Table
Chalkboard Cafes
Chalkboard Cafes
Felix Lobelius Creates Handwritten 'Kaffe' Coffee Shop Design