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22 Edible Floral Treats

From Blossoming Fruit Desserts to Earthy Pistachio Cakes

— May 14, 2015 — Lifestyle
These edible floral treats are just as aesthetically pleasing as they are delicious. With a burst of floral infused into the appearance of these pastries and biscuits, they are an eye-catching way to whip up a whimsical dessert. More than just dessert, they are a decorative party item!

The pretty spring and summer-inspired eats share similar qualities to their nature-mimicking display. Some of these dishes are naturally infused with organic and floral ingredients to taste exactly the way they look. Other pieces such as cake pop bouquets are purely visual reflections of their flowery inspiration.

Whether the treats are displayed during a whimsical forest-themed gathering, or set out for nibbling at a family barbecue, they are a fresh way to indulge!
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