From to Candy-Filled Pinata Cakes to Edible Hidden Text Confectionary
DIY cakes are not only fun to make, but are also rewarding projects because you get to indulge afterwards. The blogosphere has shown us some incredible DIY cake recipes, themes and decorations, which are too sweet not to be shared.
The hidden text cake is an adorably genius idea. On the outside, it looks like any other cake, but when you cut it open, every slice will have an edible message inside. If that serves as a sweet surprise, what about a candy-filled pinata cake? This has got to be the ultimate children’s birthday cake DIY, because it’ll bring a child’s dream to life and is surprisingly simple to make. Both brilliantly creative cake designs are by Subtle Revelry and full pictorials and instructions can be found on the Subtle Revelry blog.
The hidden text cake is an adorably genius idea. On the outside, it looks like any other cake, but when you cut it open, every slice will have an edible message inside. If that serves as a sweet surprise, what about a candy-filled pinata cake? This has got to be the ultimate children’s birthday cake DIY, because it’ll bring a child’s dream to life and is surprisingly simple to make. Both brilliantly creative cake designs are by Subtle Revelry and full pictorials and instructions can be found on the Subtle Revelry blog.