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26 Crowdsourced Mobile Apps

From Crowdsourced Pizza Apps to Shopaholic Smartphone Apps

— August 6, 2014 — Tech
Crowdsourced mobile apps are gaining in popularity, as a variety of companies, start-ups and social activism entities have embraced and recognized the potential of using 'people power' to forge meaningful interactions and services.

As far as services are concerned, crowdsourced mobile apps allow users to draw on the power of people like themselves to get advice. This could range from advice on travel routes to reviews on restaurants, cafes and concerts.

Crowdsourced apps also have applications in personal activities like dating and romance; leveraging the advice or ratings of strangers adds a playful and eccentric aspect to dating.

Much of the charm and appeal of crowdsourced apps have to do with the fact that people realize that their use of the app is being influenced by other regular people rather than a company or other group that is difficult to relate to or trust.

Crowdsourced Shooting Star Experiments
Crowdsourced Shooting Star Experiments
NASA Meteor Counter App Enlists Everyone to Discover Space
Crowdsourced Ocean Research Apps
Crowdsourced Ocean Research Apps
The Diveboard App Lets Divers Share Their Finds with Scientists
Crowdsourced Freelancer Apps
Crowdsourced Freelancer Apps
'MyCrowd' Connects Freelance Workers with Companies in Need of Help
Crowdsourced Transit Apps
Crowdsourced Transit Apps
Moovit Allows User Base to be Informed of Real-Time Travel Conditions
Citizen Journalist Apps
Citizen Journalist Apps
The LifeNews Mobile App Collects Crowdsourced Content
Crowdsourced Self Portraiture Apps
Crowdsourced Self Portraiture Apps
The French Girls App Lets Strangers Turn Your Selfies into Art
Crowdsourced Concert Review Apps
Crowdsourced Concert Review Apps
ShowScoop Brings Crowdsourced Concert Reviews to Your Mobile
Crowdsourced Dating Apps
Crowdsourced Dating Apps
Lauren Mccarthy's Dating Experience Utilizes the Capabilities of the Web
Shared Expertise Medical Apps
Shared Expertise Medical Apps
SharePractice Medical App Helps Doctors Advise the Best Treatments
Crowdsourced Writing Apps
Crowdsourced Writing Apps
The Coda for iPhone App Gets Rid of Writer’s Block By Asking Other
Crowdsourced Tour Apps
Crowdsourced Tour Apps
'Kamino' Suggests Places of Interest Based on Crowdsourced Information
Crowdsourced Quiet Apps
Crowdsourced Quiet Apps
The Stereopublic App Finds the Quietest Parts of Your City
Crowdsourced Pizza Apps
Crowdsourced Pizza Apps
Domino's Pizza Mogul App Lets You Design a Pizza and Get Paid for It
Crowdsourced Roadkill-Prevention Apps
Crowdsourced Roadkill-Prevention Apps
The Uburu App Aims to Reduce Instances of Roadkill in Brazil
Crowdsourced City Cleanup Apps
Crowdsourced City Cleanup Apps
Cif Demonstrated the Strength of Its Cleaners by Street Cleaning
Crowdsourced Guidance Apps
Crowdsourced Guidance Apps
The Crowdpilot App Provides Coaching for Social Scenarios
Democratic Activist Apps
Democratic Activist Apps
Loomio Enables Crowdsourced Decision Making for Protests and Non-Profits
Crowdsourced Medical Photo Apps
Crowdsourced Medical Photo Apps
'Figure 1' is an Instagram-Like Medical App for Doctors
Life-Shadowing Social Apps
Life-Shadowing Social Apps
The Lifetramp App Literally Lets Users Walk in Another Person's Shoes
Crowdsourced Travel Maps
Crowdsourced Travel Maps
KLM's Must See Map Lets You & Friends Create Maps by Selecting Must-Sees
Crowdsourced Helicopter Ride Apps
Crowdsourced Helicopter Ride Apps
The Blade App Crowdsources Rides by Helicopter to the Hamptons
Crowdsourced Men-Rating Apps
Crowdsourced Men-Rating Apps
Lulu Lets You Comment and Fact-Check on Boys Via Mobile
Crowdsourced Cafe Apps
Crowdsourced Cafe Apps
Lets Meet and Work App Details Best Cafe in London and NYC
Crowdsourced Homework Help Apps
Crowdsourced Homework Help Apps
Slader Makes Doing Homework Easier With a Little Help From Friends
Crowdsourcing Love Partners
Crowdsourcing Love Partners
YumBunny Lets Others Vote Who You'd Look Hot With
Shopaholic Smartphone Apps
Shopaholic Smartphone Apps
The Snapette App Lets You Share and Suggest Fashion Finds