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24 Unique Co-Working Offices

From House-Sharing Workspaces to Members-Only Coffee Bars

— September 16, 2016 — Lifestyle
For many start-ups, freelancers, remote workers and others, it's possible to successfully operate out of a home environment, but it's much more preferable to set up in co-working offices. These workspaces tend to offer flexibility, better work-life balance, fewer distractions and the opportunity to connect and collaborate with many like-minded individuals, all without committing to the burden of owning or renting a business space full-time.

With this in mind, there are now a number of co-working spaces that strive to offer more than just desk space by putting an emphasis on fostering ideation, wellness and entrepreneurship.

In order to offset the high costs of rental spaces, opportunistic retail stores, churches, cafes and yoga studios are now opening their doors as unconventional co-working spaces.
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Socially Conscious Co-Working Offices
Socially Conscious Co-Working Offices
'Impact Bazaar' is a Co-Working Office for Social Businesses
Suburban Coworking Studios
Suburban Coworking Studios
The Melbourne Arts Club Features Coworking and Studio Space
Dimly Lit Coworking Offices
Dimly Lit Coworking Offices
This Work Space Was Designed to Encourage Collaboration and Creativity
Collaborative Co-Working Spaces
Collaborative Co-Working Spaces
The Skillery's 'stoke.d studio' Encourages Teams to Think Freely
Natural Co-Working Hubs
Natural Co-Working Hubs
The Treehouse Project is a Stylish Co-Working Hub in Shoreditch
Co-Working Retreats
Co-Working Retreats
Unsettled Offers a Way to Take 30 Day Working Vacations With Your Family
Bartering Coworking Spaces
Bartering Coworking Spaces
Blogfabrik Let's Writers Work in There for Free in Exchange for Posts
Co-Working Church Spaces
Co-Working Church Spaces
Tom Dixon Created a Shared Workspace for a Church
Sea-Bound Coworking Spaces
Sea-Bound Coworking Spaces
Coboat Lets Digital Nomads Work While Traveling Around the World
Charismatic Coworking Hubs
Charismatic Coworking Hubs
This NYC Coworking Space is a Launchpad for the Next Big Idea
Entrepreneur-Supporting Offices
Entrepreneur-Supporting Offices
The Brand Assembly Coworking Office Provides Access to Key Tools
In-Store Co-Working Stations
In-Store Co-Working Stations
Staples is Introducing Office Sharing Within Its Retail Locations
House-Sharing Workspaces
House-Sharing Workspaces
Hoffice Transforms Private Homes into Temporary Coworking Spaces
Communal Co-Working Offices
Communal Co-Working Offices
'Zamness' is a Co-Working Space Built to Be Open and Collaborative
Remodeled Co-Working Spaces
Remodeled Co-Working Spaces
This Collaborative Office is Located in a Former Battery Factory
Yogic Co-Working Offices
Yogic Co-Working Offices
New Love City Provides Unlimited Yoga and a Collaborative Workspace
Meditative Co-Working Studios
Meditative Co-Working Studios
Flow Yoga Center Offers a Unique Take on the Co-Working Space
Homey Co-Working Spaces
Homey Co-Working Spaces
Communal Office 'Soho Works' Offers a Lounge and Cafe for Employees
Co-Working Office Cafes
Co-Working Office Cafes
'Paper Hub' is a Co-Working Office That Works Out of a Bitcoin Only Cafe
Boutique Coworking Facilities
Boutique Coworking Facilities
East Room is a Design-Focused Creative Membership Club in Toronto
Private Co-Working Communities
Private Co-Working Communities
The Neuehouse Los Angeles Recently Opened in Hollywood
Members-Only Coffee Bars
Members-Only Coffee Bars
This North London Coffee Shop Sits Within a Coworking Club
Luxurious Co-Working Spaces
Luxurious Co-Working Spaces
This Co-Work Space Adapts to More Modern Work Practices