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26 Celeb-Focused Infographics

From Boy Band Competition Comparisons to Celebrity Charity Charts

— January 27, 2013 — Social Good
These celeb-focused infographics give viewers information on a variety of things to do with one's favorite stars, whether it's celebrity charity details or teen heart throb career statistics.

The public's fascination with celebrities has developed over the decades and in the digital age their actions instantly send ripples throughout the world on social networks, traditional media and around water coolers. In a time with few remaining monarchies, celebrities often fill the void.

With such attention comes a fair amount of interest in the ins and outs of celebrity lives. The public generally regards every celebrity as rich (whether they are or not) and with that assumption comes another: that they donate to charities. One infographic actually looks at specific celebrity charity efforts. Names like Justin Bieber, Tiger Woods and David Letterman are included.
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Athlete Value Graphics
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Pop Prince Comparison Graphics
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The 'PSY and Bieber Face Off' Infographic Determines a Winner
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