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18 Camouflage Ad Techniques

From People-Blending Beverage Ads to Canine-Concealing Campaigns

— October 9, 2013 — Marketing
These clever camouflage ad techniques are challenging viewers to look more closely at their advertisements to see the image or message that lies beyond what they initially see.

Camouflaging an object is a great way to make that item blend in with its surrounding environment, and since identifying where or what that camouflaged item is can be challenging, using that technique in an ad is a great way to stimulate people's minds and imagination. Encouraging viewers to look beyond what they see at first sight to find the hidden message or image allows marketers to reach consumers on a much deeper and often emotional level.

From invisible children ads to hidden animal campaigns, these camouflage ad techniques are sure to make an impression with their creatively hidden messages.
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Cheerless Camo Ads
Cheerless Camo Ads
The Homeless Veterans Project Campaign Helps Returned Soldiers
Hidden Front-Row Ads
Hidden Front-Row Ads
The UFL 'Closer to the Action' Campaign Will Snag You the Best Seat
Pattern-Clashing Letter Ads
Pattern-Clashing Letter Ads
The Kenzo Spring 2013 Campaign is Electric Hued
Invisible Children Ads
Invisible Children Ads
The Ponteio Lar Shopping Campaign Asks for Warm Clothes Donations
Camouflaged Manvertising
Camouflaged Manvertising
The Hooters Guatemala Campaign Disguised Happy Hour Promotions
Camouflaged Canine Campaigns
Camouflaged Canine Campaigns
The Febreze Pet Odor Eliminator Ads Takes Away Furry Smells
Road-Covered Vehicle Ads
Road-Covered Vehicle Ads
The Volkswagen Side Assist Campaign Shows What is Hidden
Discrete Ad Captures
Discrete Ad Captures
A Campaign Promoting Newspaper Marketing Slip Discrete Ads into World Events
Garlic Camo
Garlic Camo
Chlormint Campaign Illustrates its Ability to Mask Bad Breath
Hidden Animal Ads
Hidden Animal Ads
The Johannesburg Zoo Campaign is Cleverly Camouflaged
Camouflaged Litter Campaigns
Camouflaged Litter Campaigns
The Johannesburg Zoo Ads Ask People to Stop Littering
Canine-Concealing Campaigns
Canine-Concealing Campaigns
The Amigos dos Bichos Ads Reprimand Animal Abandonment
People-Blending Beverage Ads
People-Blending Beverage Ads
Sprite 'Camo' Campaign Encourages You to Express Yourself
I-Spy Alcohol Ads
I-Spy Alcohol Ads
The Heineken Camouflage Ads are Hidden Entertainment
Typographic Accident Ads
Typographic Accident Ads
This Texting and Driving Campaign Hides Danger Within Oversized Letters
Camouflaging Human Rights Violations
Camouflaging Human Rights Violations
Amnesty International Flags Campaign
Duplicitous Depression Ads
Duplicitous Depression Ads
Ads from Samaritans of Singapore Change Meaning When Flipped
Sneaky Alcoholic Decoys
Sneaky Alcoholic Decoys
The Andes 'Beer Camouflage' Campaign is Hilarious