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25 French Toast Hybrids

From French Toast Muffins to Two-in-One Breakfast Foods

— May 9, 2014 — Lifestyle
Breakfast foods don't come in too much variety from culture to culture, so one way to really spice things up is to invent a hybrid meal. French toast has proven to be a great item for experimentation, as exemplified by this extensive array of recipes.

The blogger over at Erica's Sweet Tooth knows just how to tempt people into giving up their diet for a day with her french toast muffin hybrids. The best part is that this dish doesn't just have to be reserved for breakfast, and can be eaten as a snack at any time to day. Other hybrids include french toast flavoured chocolates, which are also packed with sugar.

For those with a sweet tooth, these french toast creations are sure to make people want more with every bite!
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