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40 Explosive Innovations

From High-Speed Vase-Shattering to a Bubbling Home Bomb

— July 11, 2009 — Tech
These explosive innovations are the bomb--literally and colloquially. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.) The sheer variety of products and designs featured below proves how gripping it is to watch something explode--and how badass it is to have a ceramic grenade as a piggy bank.

From a kitchen sink bomb to exploding hearts and slow-motion vase-shattering, experience the magic of destruction below.

Implications - Who doesn't like blowing stuff up? The only bad part is that it's so instantaneous that you can't really enjoy it for all its glory. Lucky for you, these photographs will show you the moments you miss when something is being blown to bits. Here you'll witness destruction in all its glory and beauty.
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Explosive Outburst Makes Comet Visible to Naked Eye
Explosive Outburst Makes Comet Visible to Naked Eye
Comet Holmes Glows Bright
Kitchen-Sink Bombs
Kitchen-Sink Bombs
The Next Wave of Terrorism?
eBay Weaponry Lawsuits
eBay Weaponry Lawsuits
Man Tried to Sell 750 Grenades, Rocket Launcher
Exploding Hearts as Art
Exploding Hearts as Art
Beating Heart in a Box
Arid Flora Bombing
Arid Flora Bombing
Mission Seedbomb Drops Super Capsules in the Desert to Grow Plants
Volatile Art
Volatile Art
Exploding Teddy Bears
Grenade Oil Lamp
Grenade Oil Lamp
Piet Houtenbos Makes Art from Army Surplus
Dangerous Video Art
Dangerous Video Art
The Exploding Banana Head
Controversial Bath Bombs for Charity
Controversial Bath Bombs for Charity
Lush Guantanamo Bay 'Bombs'
Overflowing Porcelain Candles
Overflowing Porcelain Candles
Vesuvius From Ted Muehling Mimics an Exploding Volcano
Explosive Advertising
Explosive Advertising
Cierto Express Shows Mustard & Ketchup as Grenade & Bomb
Eco-Friendly Bathing
Eco-Friendly Bathing
LUSH Bath Bombs Now More Green
Exploding Bike Locks
Exploding Bike Locks
The Smart Lock Sprays Paint on Thieves
Exploding Chest Covers
Exploding Chest Covers
10. Deep 2009 Summer Look Book Helps the Fashionably Challanged
Non-Nuclear Green Bombs
Non-Nuclear Green Bombs
Thermobaric Weapons
Gift-Wrapped Grenades
Gift-Wrapped Grenades
Shadi Ghadirian's 'White Square' Shows War Tied in a Bow
Training Bees to Sniff Bombs
Training Bees to Sniff Bombs
Egg Bombs
Egg Bombs
Studio Pirsc's Mina Egg Cup Looks Like a Grenade
Painted Hand Grenades & Bullets
Painted Hand Grenades & Bullets
Army Trash Makes Fashion, Not War
Grenade Lingerie
Grenade Lingerie
Explosive Thigh Highs Bring Danger to the Bedroom
Explosive Accessories
Explosive Accessories
The Grenade Wristwatch
Grenade Piggy Banks
Grenade Piggy Banks
Military-Inspired Ceramics Keep Your Change Secure
Psychedelic Exploding Heads
Psychedelic Exploding Heads
David Choe's 'Death Blossom' Exhibition
Fake Exploding Light Bulbs
Fake Exploding Light Bulbs
Northern Lighting 'Scheisse' Fixture
Real Weapons as Computer Gadgets
Real Weapons as Computer Gadgets
Grenade Mouse
Artistic Grenades
Artistic Grenades
Decorative War Tools from DaWanda Make Aggression Stylish
Bullet-Shaped Bottles
Bullet-Shaped Bottles
Bollinger Bond 007 Champagne
Explosive Furniture
Explosive Furniture
Grenade Drawers
Bright Exploding Heads
Bright Exploding Heads
"Acid in the Ice Cream" Illustration Series by Zach Johnsen
Killer Ice Cubes
Killer Ice Cubes
The AK 47 Bullet Ice Cube Tray
Musical Weapons
Musical Weapons
From Trombone Revolvers to Grenade Maracas
Exploding Flowers
Exploding Flowers
Ori Gersht is Inspired by a 19th Century Painting
Exploding Vases
Exploding Vases
Perfectly-Timed Photography
Photoshop Gore
Photoshop Gore
10 Eye-Popping Images
Recycled Gun Shell Jewelry
Recycled Gun Shell Jewelry
Bullet Buddies
High-Speed Photography
High-Speed Photography
Exploding Objects Frozen in Time
Popping Fashion
Popping Fashion
BubbleBody Wedding Dress
Bursting High-Speed Photography
Bursting High-Speed Photography
The Explosive Air Rifle Images of Alan Sailer
Bullet Casings as Charms
Bullet Casings as Charms
Unearthen Jewelry by Gia Bahm
Space Saving Capsule Seating
Space Saving Capsule Seating
Cool Compact Patio Table and Chairs Looks Like a Bullet