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24 Bizarre Beauty Pageants

From Bedazzled Pooch Photography to Plastic Surgery Pageants

— June 9, 2014 — Unique
As people rebel more and more against modern society's beauty ideal, bizarre beauty pageants are born. Eccentric and unusual, these events showcase people (and animals) in a different light. By doing so, it celebrates the individual instead of the ideal. This sends a powerful message to adults and children both.

Whether that means proudly displaying their adorable pets in full costume or embracing the ugliest face they can make, there is are a ton of bizarre beauty pageants out there to satisfy any movement. Granted, people are still drawn to more traditional pageants, Miss USA being one of them. Miss Nevada Nia Sanchez was recently crowned the 2014 Miss USA, beating out Miss North Datoka Audra Mari in a tight race.
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