Miss High Times Twists Traditional Beauty Norms
References: hightimes & lifelounge
You have to give it to those at High Times... Not one to shy away from a challenge they have set up their Miss High Times competition. Imagine Page 3 girls, but with weed. Check out some of the entries so far on their website.
Implications - The competition really is a brilliant way for High Times to draw attention to their brand and to their product, and so far the pictures that it has produced have been sizzling. This is definitely one marketing stunt that is sure to attract new readers to the publication, even amongst those who don't necessarily favor marijuana. The appeal of gorgeous women in seductive poses is hard to deny.
Implications - The competition really is a brilliant way for High Times to draw attention to their brand and to their product, and so far the pictures that it has produced have been sizzling. This is definitely one marketing stunt that is sure to attract new readers to the publication, even amongst those who don't necessarily favor marijuana. The appeal of gorgeous women in seductive poses is hard to deny.
Trend Themes
1. Alternative Beauty Pageants - Alternative beauty pageants are becoming popular as unconventional beauty norms are being accepted.
2. Cannabis-inclusive Events - Cannabis-inclusive events create new market opportunities for brands to target a growing demographic of cannabis users.
3. Controversial Marketing Tactics - Controversial marketing tactics such as beauty pageants involving cannabis can help brands garner attention and create buzz around their products or services.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty and Cosmetics - The unconventional beauty standards celebrated in alternative beauty pageants provide opportunities for beauty and cosmetics brands to expand their product lines and appeal to more diverse consumers.
2. Cannabis - The growing popularity of cannabis-inclusive events and competitions, such as Miss High Times, creates innovative opportunities for cannabis brands to market themselves and their products in new ways.
3. Media and Publishing - Controversial marketing tactics like Miss High Times, provide opportunities for media and publishing companies, such as High Times, to generate buzz and attract new readers and subscribers.