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58 Biometric Technology Innovations

From Epilepsy-Tracking Shirts to Fitness Tracking Earbuds

— August 30, 2014 — Business
The concept of biometric technology might seem a bit far fetched for some to really grasp because of the science fiction-like status that it has, but what we're seeing is that the integration of it into everyday life is happening far quicker than anticipated. Utilizing everything from facial recognition software to devices that monitor your vitals, biometric technology is making waves for being both convenient and invasive; whichever side of the spectrum you're on, you'll find a variety of different interesting examples of how biometric technology is closer to your person than you think.

As we enter a new age where computers and smartphones have moved past ubiquity to simply being completely engrained, it's clear we'll continue to see the expansion of biometric technology for years to come.
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Step-Tallying Headphones
Step-Tallying Headphones
Apple Smart Earbuds Will Shape the Way We Listen to Music
Emotion-Detecting Cameras
Emotion-Detecting Cameras
Researchers Introduce Emotion-Detecting Camera for Cars
Face-Directed Dance Videos
Face-Directed Dance Videos
Project 'Face Dance' by Supermarché Morphs Facial Movements to Dan
Signature-Authenticating Money Cards
Signature-Authenticating Money Cards
The Biometric Credit Card Hopes to Curb Theft and Fraud
Cardless Cash Dispensers
Cardless Cash Dispensers
The Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank Uses a Palm Scanning ATM for Accessing Accounts
Digital Content-Bookmarking Eyewear
Digital Content-Bookmarking Eyewear
The Amoeba Headset Records Biometric Data to Analyzes Interest
Voice-Activated Entertainment Systems
Voice-Activated Entertainment Systems
Microsoft’s New Xbox One Uses Voice and Face Recognito
Avian Recognition Apps
Avian Recognition Apps
The Birdsnap App Can Recognize 500 North American Bird Species
Emotion-Detecting Eyeglass Apps
Emotion-Detecting Eyeglass Apps
The Fraunhofer Google Glass App Uses Facial Recognition Technology
Selfie-Sprucing Software
Selfie-Sprucing Software
This MIT Selfie Technology Converts Ordinary Selfies into Pro Portraits
Youth-Determining Apps
Youth-Determining Apps
Age Recognition Software can Estimate How Old a Person Is
Pulse-Checking Fingerprint Finances
Pulse-Checking Fingerprint Finances
The Nexus Fingerprint Scanner Foils Hackers by Measuring Pulse
Biometric Workout Shirts
Biometric Workout Shirts
The OMsignal Shirts Track Wearers' Performance Levels and Statistics
Face Check-Ins
Face Check-Ins
Facedeals Uses Facial Recognition Technology to Check You Into a Location
Emotional Reaction Detectors
Emotional Reaction Detectors
The NeoFace Facial Recognition Program Analyzes Customers' Behavior
Biometric Medications
Biometric Medications
Hospitals Exchange Insurance Cards for Vein Scanners
Text-Free Cash Machines
Text-Free Cash Machines
Pillar ATMs Designed for the Illiterate in Developing Communities
Stat-Tracking Gearhead Timekeepers
Stat-Tracking Gearhead Timekeepers
The Nismo Watch Lets You Track Lap Times and Heart Rate Data
Eye Scanning Phone Locks
Eye Scanning Phone Locks
The Eyeverify Ensures It's You by Scanning Your Eye In a Snap
Sensor-Equipped Basketballs
Sensor-Equipped Basketballs
The 94Fifty Bluetooth Basketball Uses Internal Sensors to Help Coaches
Joy-Detecting Joysticks
Joy-Detecting Joysticks
Sony's Biometric Controller Will Know How Entertained or Stressed You Are
Anti-Imposter Phone Cases
Anti-Imposter Phone Cases
The AOptix Stratus Has Four Layers of Mobile Identity Verification
Touch-Free Technology Systems
Touch-Free Technology Systems
Sesame Enable is Opening the Door to Hands-Free Touchscreen Use
Photo-Snapping Mirrors
Photo-Snapping Mirrors
The Selfie Mirror by iStrategyLabs Snaps Pics and Puts Them on Twitter
Biometric Buying Systems
Biometric Buying Systems
This New Payment System Lets You Buy Things with Your Face
Anti-Snooping Backup Devices
Anti-Snooping Backup Devices
The Biometric Hard Drives Support Up to Five Sets of Prints
Selfie-Unlocked Phone Apps
Selfie-Unlocked Phone Apps
The FaceCrypt Password App Unlocks Phones with a Selfie
Vein-Scanning Payment Systems
Vein-Scanning Payment Systems
The Quixter Vein Scanner Reads the Unique Patterns on Your Palm
Fitness Tracking Earbuds
Fitness Tracking Earbuds
The iriver ON by Valencell Monitors Physical Efforts and Plays Music
Biometric Bar Tabs
Biometric Bar Tabs
The Ushuaia Ibiza Beach Hotel Utilizes the Biometric PayTouch System
Retail Recommending Booths
Retail Recommending Booths
Inspiration Corridor Offers Fashion Suggestions and Helps Locate Items
Retinal Password Keepers
Retinal Password Keepers
The Hoyos Eyelock USB Iris Scanner Helps Your Date Stay Safe
Fitness-Monitoring Headphones
Fitness-Monitoring Headphones
The BioSport Headphones are Perfect for Training and Working Out
Facial Recognition-Thwarting Glasses
Facial Recognition-Thwarting Glasses
The Privacy Visor Keeps the Wearer's Identity Under Wraps
Biometric Measuring Machines
Biometric Measuring Machines
The Latin Weighing Machine Gives a Breakdown of Biological Data
Eye-Operated Lenses
Eye-Operated Lenses
The Iris Camera Sees the World How You Really See It
Facial Recognition Doorbells
Facial Recognition Doorbells
The Chui Offers Revolutionary Secure Access to One's Home
Robotic Shopping Dummies
Robotic Shopping Dummies
Dr. Hiroshi Ishiguro's Android Mannequin Interacts with Consumers
Name-Guessing Apps
Name-Guessing Apps
This Software can Somewhat Accurately Guess Someone's Name Based on Variables
Health-Monitoring Insoles
Health-Monitoring Insoles
The ‘Biometric Shoe Sole’ Maps Your Unique Footprint
Palm Print-Scanning ATMs
Palm Print-Scanning ATMs
The New Chase Bank Electronic Banking Kiosks Could Use Biometric Scanning
Iris-Verified Online Security
Iris-Verified Online Security
Hoyos Group EyeLock Will See that You Never Get Hacked Again
Emotional Messaging Apps
Emotional Messaging Apps
The Xpress App Uses Replaces Emojis with Your Own Expressive Selfies
Yawn-Activated Vending Machines
Yawn-Activated Vending Machines
Douwe Egberts' Coffee Machine is Clever Marketing
Vital Sign Video Games
Vital Sign Video Games
The Biometric Steam Box Controller Confirmed in Development
Epilepsy-Tracking Shirts
Epilepsy-Tracking Shirts
This Top is About Detecting Epileptic Seizures and Collecting Data
Facial Recognition Product Dispensers
Facial Recognition Product Dispensers
Sanden Vending Machine Provides Extreme Customization
Face-Dialing Phones
Face-Dialing Phones
A Phone for Seniors Lets You Scan Pictures to Call People
Rage-Preventing Gaming Headsets
Rage-Preventing Gaming Headsets
The Immersion Headset Can Control Your Gaming Rage
Identity-Scanning Turnstiles
Identity-Scanning Turnstiles
The Lunar Facial Recognition Payment System Streamlines the Subway
Facial Recognition Cat Feeders
Facial Recognition Cat Feeders
The Bistro Cat Feeder Has Feline Facial Recognition for Portioning
Blind Spot Eliminators
Blind Spot Eliminators
The A Plus Pillar Displays Surroundings in Real-Time in the Front Beams
Inner Child-Capturing Apps
Inner Child-Capturing Apps
The 'Baby and Me' App Scans Your Face to Show You Your Younger Self
Fingerprint Scanning Deadbolts
Fingerprint Scanning Deadbolts
This Deadbolt Allows for Keyless, Fingerprint-Enabled Entry
Tattooed Electronic Skin Sensors
Tattooed Electronic Skin Sensors
These Researchers Developed Tattooable Health Monitoring Sensors
Face-Recognizing Rides
Face-Recognizing Rides
Toyota's Smart Insect Prototype Uses Kinect Technology to Identify Owners
Facial Recognition Snack Machines
Facial Recognition Snack Machines
This Facial Recognition Vending Machine Personalizes Purchases
Emotionally-Charged Phones
Emotionally-Charged Phones
The Blackberry Empathy Conveys Feelings Using a Biometric Ring