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56 Hi-Tech Back to School Supplies

These Back to School Technology Finds Update Student Essentials

— August 7, 2014 — Life-Stages
Although writing utensils and paper are school staples, there are also a lot of really cool examples of back to school technology that leave old school supplies in the dust. Some of these awesome items include tablets, high-tech notebooks and pens that you'll never want to lend out to other students.

In an effort to help classrooms become more paperless and eco-friendly, there are some great notebooks that are designed to play nicely with digital devices like phones and tablets. To compete with some of these high-tech devices, objects like pencil sharpeners and plain HB pencils are being turned into multipurpose items that are much more equipped to fit into modern classrooms, also doubling as styluses and USBs, making it less for keen students to pack into their pencil cases.
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School Attendance-Taking Apps
School Attendance-Taking Apps
The BeHere App Automatically Checks Off Present Students
Collaborative Children’s Classroom Tablets
Collaborative Children’s Classroom Tablets
The New Intel Learning Tablet is to Be Used Together
Ergonomic Computer Peripherals
Ergonomic Computer Peripherals
The Bean is a Computer Mouse That is Operated with Three Fingers
Hybrid Analog-Digital Styluses
Hybrid Analog-Digital Styluses
The LunaTik Touch Pen Traverses Easily from Paper to Tablet
Educational Tablets
Educational Tablets
Toshiba & Intel's CM1 Notebooks Aim to Boost IT Literacy
Efficient Miniature Photo Labs
Efficient Miniature Photo Labs
The World's First Portable Macro-Photo Station Hits CES 2014
Paperless Assignment Tools
Paperless Assignment Tools
Google Classroom Weaves Their Apps Together for Increased Organization
Detachable Touchpad Notebooks
Detachable Touchpad Notebooks
The Acer Aspire Ethos Takes Laptop Technology to the Next Level
Two-Sided Styluses
Two-Sided Styluses
The Nendo Flip Pen Functions Lets You Scribble on Paper and on Your iPad
Song-Playing Scrawlers
Song-Playing Scrawlers
Pendio by Yeongkeun Jeong Provides Audio Entertainment While You Write
Touch-Free Laptops
Touch-Free Laptops
The Sony Vaio E Series 14P Makes Viewing Content a Virtual Experience
Magnetic Pencil Sleeves
Magnetic Pencil Sleeves
Moxiware Designed a Pencil Sleeve to Keep Track of iPad Accessories
Touch Device Drawing Tools
Touch Device Drawing Tools
The iCreate Crayon Stylus Allows You to Draw on Tablets and Phones
Cry-Inducing Notebooks
Cry-Inducing Notebooks
Like an Onion, This Personal Notebook Releases Compounds to Make You Cry
Retro Recording Device Notebooks
Retro Recording Device Notebooks
Moleskine Audio Cassette Notebooks are Perfect for Writing Songs
Versatile Digital Pens
Versatile Digital Pens
The Stabilo Digipen Can Operate on Any Kind of Paper
Traditional Digitized Notebooks
Traditional Digitized Notebooks
Mod Notebooks Let You Digitizes Your Handwritten Words
Appended Storage Devices
Appended Storage Devices
The Easy On Hard Drive Improves Commuter Computing
Customizable Notebook Cases
Customizable Notebook Cases
The Sketchbook Apple iPad Pro Case Encourages Creativity
Kiddie Coding Apps
Kiddie Coding Apps
The Hopscotch App Simplifies Coding for Kids
Wrist-Worn Screen Scribblers
Wrist-Worn Screen Scribblers
AEGLO Flaxus Stylus is a Stylish Tablet Pen with a Literal Handiness
Note-Taking Trinkets
Note-Taking Trinkets
The R.S.V.P. Pen Loop Keeps Scraps of Paper at Hand
Portable PC Tablets
Portable PC Tablets
The UBQT Home Web Appliance Makes Computing More Accessible
Sun-Powered Charging Bags
Sun-Powered Charging Bags
The SOLARBAK Backpack Keeps Your Devices Going
Tablet-Based Coloring Books
Tablet-Based Coloring Books
This Adult Coloring Book App is Designed to Help Reduce Stress
Digitizing Note Convertors
Digitizing Note Convertors
The Shot Note NUboard Can Scan Handwritten Notes
Perforated Workspace Storage
Perforated Workspace Storage
Jordi Blasi's Modern Office Accessories Keep Spaces Clutter-Free
Pencil-Sharpening Thumbdrives
Pencil-Sharpening Thumbdrives
Verico Penpal Stashes Virtual Documents and Hones Writing Utensils
Cloud-Syncing Paper Notebooks
Cloud-Syncing Paper Notebooks
The Mod Notebooks Digitize Notes, Transferring Them to Your Tech
Sleek Laptop Stands
Sleek Laptop Stands
The Rain Design mStand Lifts Your Overheating Laptop and Reduces Eye Strain
Colorful Erasable Notebooks
Colorful Erasable Notebooks
Write to Your Heart's Content and Then Erase with Your Wipebook
Digitized Sketch Pads
Digitized Sketch Pads
This Tablet Allows Artists to Digitally Record Their Creations
Handy Text Transferers
Handy Text Transferers
The Copy & Paste Device Scans Documents and Reprints Them in a Pinch
Noteworthy Writer Apps
Noteworthy Writer Apps
Jot Down Your Thoughts With the Virtual Version of the Moleskine App
Cloud-Connected Notepads
Cloud-Connected Notepads
Rocketbook Digitizes Traditional Notes and is Erased in the Microwave
Digitized Notebook Sets
Digitized Notebook Sets
The Smart Writing Set from Moleskine Allows Users to Digitize Their Notes
Multi-Screened Notebooks
Multi-Screened Notebooks
Acer Iconia Doubles Up Your Viewing Pleasure
Double Screen Laptops
Double Screen Laptops
These Wicked Acer Dual Screen Notebooks are in the Works
Robotic Micro-Printers
Robotic Micro-Printers
The ‘Mini Mobile Robotic Printer’ Lets You Print Documents Anywhere
Cool Computer Props
Cool Computer Props
The 'Frescko Cooler' Airs Out Your Laptop's Unwanted Heat
Note-Taking iPhone Covers
Note-Taking iPhone Covers
Moleskine Covers for iPhones Take a Page From Notebooks
Paper-Replacing Whiteboard Notebooks
Paper-Replacing Whiteboard Notebooks
The Nuboard Ditches Paper for a More Reusable Material
Digital Diary Duos
Digital Diary Duos
The Pinetti Quattrogiga Leather Journal Binds Data and Doodles Together
Smartphone-Compatible Notebooks
Smartphone-Compatible Notebooks
Moleskine Evernote Turns Your Notes & Drawings Into Digital Form
Digital Drawing Apps
Digital Drawing Apps
Paper by Fiftythree is Available on iPad with Endless School Supplies to Draw
Versatile Tablet Styluses
Versatile Tablet Styluses
The Change Up Stylus Pen Boasts Four Switchable Heads
Multi-Tool Styluses
Multi-Tool Styluses
The Monteverde One Touch Stylus Tool Pen is Digital and Analog
Smartphone-Connected Notepads
Smartphone-Connected Notepads
This Paper Notebook is Made from a Conductive Bookbinding Glue
Traveling Storage Cushions
Traveling Storage Cushions
The Levenger Pyramid Pillow Props iPads and Stores Gadgets
Desktop Gadget Organizers
Desktop Gadget Organizers
The Cordies Executive Keeps Your Electronics in Check
Conveniently Convertible Mobile Desks
Conveniently Convertible Mobile Desks
The Slate Mobile AirDesk is Designed for Comfort
Vibrant School Tools
Vibrant School Tools
Poppin Office Supplies Make Working Whimsical
iPhone Notebooks
iPhone Notebooks
Smart Phone Notes Incorporates Old & New School Note-Taking Ways
Waterproof Tech Backpacks
Waterproof Tech Backpacks
Carry Your Gadgets Comfortably with the ‘SLIM’ Backpack
Tablet Notebook Disguises
Tablet Notebook Disguises
Dodocase Moleskine iPad Case Looks Sophisticated and Tech Savvy