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42 Anthropomorphic Dog Products

From 'Non-Alcoholic Dog Beers' to 'Post-Modern Pet Furniture'

— May 25, 2017 — Lifestyle
These anthropomorphic dog products appeal to the humanity in every dog owner.

When marketing products for pets, those that appeal to the human owner are more likely to sell well. These anthropomorphic dog products relate to human owners just as much as they do to their prospective canine users. Human food-flavored treats like ice cream for dogs, along with contemporary canine beds with aesthetic flair are just some innovations to take note of. These products help make pets feel like members of the family, making them more desirable that those designed simply for utility.

Many pet owners want the best for their animals and are seeking out products that have a higher purpose than just utility. When advertising pet products, the best plan for brands is often to make an appeal to the owner and their aesthetic preferences.
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Refreshing Dog Biscuits
Refreshing Dog Biscuits
Benevo's Vegan Dog Breath Biscuits Feature Essential Oil Extracts
Lickable Stew Treats
Lickable Stew Treats
'Delectables' Single-Serve Pouches are Lickable Treats for Dogs
Dog Water Purifiers
Dog Water Purifiers
'Dog Rocks' Introduce a Natural Way to Filter Impurities and Improve the Lawn
Dog-Friendly Coconut Macaroons
Dog-Friendly Coconut Macaroons
CocoTherapy's Raw Dog Treats are Made with Coconut and Coconut Oil
Pet-Friendly Holiday Pies
Pet-Friendly Holiday Pies
These Christmas Treats for Pets are Shaped Like Mince Pies
Barbecue-Inspired Dog Treats
Barbecue-Inspired Dog Treats
Nudges' Treats for Dogs Mimic the Look and Taste of Grilled Foods
Functional Pet Treats
Functional Pet Treats
Bocce's Bakery's New Line of Functional Treats Solve Common Pet Ailments
Soft-Baked Dog Biscuits
Soft-Baked Dog Biscuits
'Mutt Mallows' Cookies for Dogs are an Alternative to Tough, Meaty Treats
Rawhide Christmas Crackers
Rawhide Christmas Crackers
Good Boy's 'Crunchy Cracker' Makes a Special Christmas for Pets
Beet-Infused Dog Biscuits
Beet-Infused Dog Biscuits
Bad Dog Bakery's Red Beet Treats are a Pet-Friendly Superfood Snack
Hemp-Based Dog Medicine
Hemp-Based Dog Medicine
'Therabis' Comes in Various Fomulae for Different Dogs' Ailments
Biscotti-Shaped Dog Snacks
Biscotti-Shaped Dog Snacks
These Three-Ingredient Dog Chew Treats are Styled Like Dry Biscuits
Clean Dog Food Campaigns
Clean Dog Food Campaigns
Nutro's 'This is Clean' Celebrates a Simple Philosophy on Health and Food
Dog-Friendly Holiday Stockings
Dog-Friendly Holiday Stockings
This Good Boy Stocking Supplies Many Christmas Presents for Pets
Vegan Dog Toy Sprays
Vegan Dog Toy Sprays
ATTITUDE's Natural Toy & Hard Surface Cleaner Boasts a Tropical Scent
Celebratory Canine Meals
Celebratory Canine Meals
This Dog Birthday Set from Lily's Kitchen Includes Treats and a Card
Vegetable-Based Dog Biscuits
Vegetable-Based Dog Biscuits
Huxley Hound Offers Raw and Organic Treats for Man's Best Friend
Mobile Pet Food Shops
Mobile Pet Food Shops
Vita Bone's 'Good Stuff Pet Truck' Serves Dogs Across the Country
Dog-Friendly Cookie Mixes
Dog-Friendly Cookie Mixes
This Mix for Carob Cookies from 'Puppy Cake' is Subtly Branded for Dogs
Dog-Friendly Hamburger Patties
Dog-Friendly Hamburger Patties
Hugo & Celine's Barking Burgers Allow Pets to Enjoy a Bbq Classic
One-Ingredient Dog Treats
One-Ingredient Dog Treats
The Honest Kitchen's Functional Treats Boast Singular Ingredients
Ice Cream Dog Treats
Ice Cream Dog Treats
Puppy Scoops Offers Delicious and Dog-Friendly Frozen Treats
Color-Changing Fetch Toys
Color-Changing Fetch Toys
The Nite Ize GlowStreak LED Dog Ball Allows for Nighttime Games of Fetch
Artisan Dog Treats
Artisan Dog Treats
Little L's Krak'ems are All-Meat Treats Designed Specifically for Dogs
Personified Animal Packaging
Personified Animal Packaging
These Popcorn Packages Reveal Anthropomorphic Stereotypes
Insect-Based Dog Treats
Insect-Based Dog Treats
'Wilder & Harrier' Treats are Made from Cricket Protein
Vegan Dog Grooming Kits
Vegan Dog Grooming Kits
This Humorously Branded Dog Grooming Product Provides Many Functions
Human-Grade Dog Treats
Human-Grade Dog Treats
'The Honest Kitchen' Jerkies are Good Enough for Humans to Eat
Breezy Pet Gazebos
Breezy Pet Gazebos
The Advantek Pet Gazebo Protects Pets from the Elements While Outside
Non-Alcoholic Dog Beers
Non-Alcoholic Dog Beers
DoggyBox's 'Bullet Beer' is a Non-Alcoholic Beer for Dogs
Cannabis-Infused Pet Treats
Cannabis-Infused Pet Treats
'Treatibles' Use Cannabis to Remedy Ailments in Pets
Pet-Friendly Popcorn Treats
Pet-Friendly Popcorn Treats
This Billy + Margot Snack for Pets is Inspired by Popcorn
Bespoke Dog Jackets
Bespoke Dog Jackets
Graffiti Artist Darren Cullen is Creating Custom Doggy Armour Jackets
Human-Grade Dog Snacks
Human-Grade Dog Snacks
Snicky Snaks' 'Shareables' Can Be Enjoyed by Both Pet and Owner
Fiesta-Inspired Dog Toys
Fiesta-Inspired Dog Toys
BarkShop's Squeaky Dog Toys Playfully Celebrate Cinco de Mayo
Dog-Friendly Teas
Dog-Friendly Teas
Puppy Cake Makes Organic Herbal Tea for Dogs
Healthy Dog Food Trucks
Healthy Dog Food Trucks
The Canine Wellness Kitchen Serves Treats and Refreshing 'Pooch Pints'
Dog-Friendly Potato Chips
Dog-Friendly Potato Chips
'Puptato Chips' are Snacks for Dogs That Take After Human Snacks
Gourmet Pet Food Deliveries
Gourmet Pet Food Deliveries
PetPlate Offers Vet- and Chef-Created Pet Meals by Subscription
Contemporary Canine Beds
Contemporary Canine Beds
The Winston Raised Dog Bed Has a Comfy Mattress and Tennis Ball Storage
Pet-Friendly Tiny Homes
Pet-Friendly Tiny Homes
This New Tiny Home Features Kennel Space and Collapsible Water Bowls
Post-Modern Pet Furniture
Post-Modern Pet Furniture
The MiaCara Letto Dog Day Beds Look Like a Chic Tiny Sofa for Pets