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27 Evil Queen Depictions

Inspired by Angelina Jolie as Maleficent in the Dark Disney Fairy Tale

— May 31, 2014 — Pop Culture
With Angelina Jolie as Maleficent in Disney's retelling of Sleeping Beauty, we get to see the classic fairy tale told from the side of the villainess, revealing why she decided to curse the innocent baby princess Aurora to die on her 16th birthday.

The animated version of the green-faced evil queen is one of the most elegant Disney villains, but with this live-action retelling of the story, Maleficent gets a softer look that's not quite as cartoonish. As well as in terms of appearance, Maleficent is presented as a more sympathetic character and almost like a Mother Nature figure to woodland creatures and fairies.

Inspired by the fabulous Jolie as Maleficent, Hot Topic, MAC, Stella McCartney and Crow's Nest have all released new products including makeup collections, clothing and jewelry to match the queen's wickedness in this darker version of the fairy tale.
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The Maleficent Makeup Line for MAC Celebrates an Iconic Villain
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