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30 Amy Winehouse Innovations

From Tea Pots to LEGO Figurines, Ms. Winehouse is a Bonafide Muse

— July 22, 2011 — Pop Culture
Amy Winehouse, the trailblazing songstress, may have sparked some controversies in the past, but there’s no denying her impact on pop culture as you can see through these many Amy Winehouse innovations. From her signature beehive hairdo to her rockstar attitude, Ms. Winehouse continues to be a source of inspiration for countless individuals and it's amazing to see what quirky products have come to fruition as a result of her presence in the media.

Unsurprisingly, Amy Winehouse has spawned a number of copy cats who are utilizing her distinctive look in fashion pictorials, advertising campaigns and even splattered paint artworks. My favorite of these Amy Winehouse innovations though has got to be the Amy Winehouse teapot, which captures the vocalist's likeness down to a tee.

Implications - Consumers are fascinated with celebrities because they possess talent, fame and success that consumers aspire to attain. Corporations can capitalize on this by providing consumer wish fulfillment products and services to the general population.
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