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100 Almost-Invisible Items

From See-Through Cement to Transparent Cars

— May 1, 2012 — Art & Design
With an ultra-modern, minimalist aesthetic becoming the design model of choice, almost invisible items are all the rage. When it comes to tech products, building construction and interior design elements, the idea is that less is more. Thus, consumers are leaning toward purchasing products that are more subtly stylish and certainly not opaque.

Transparent products are a modest touch to any tech accessory, and see-through smartphone cases are allowing users to show off the sleek and ultra thin designs of their expensive telephones without worrying about them being scratched or broken by not using a case. Decorating one's home is now focused on how little the objects in the abode can be noticed rather than how eye-catching they are.The transparent theme expands to even more elaborate measures, from buildings made from see-through cement to clear cars.
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Trapezoidal Memento Troves
Trapezoidal Memento Troves
Authentics Gmbh Frame Captures Life's Moments Brilliantly
Transparent Hard Drives
Transparent Hard Drives
The Bytepotter Hard Drive Lets You Watch Your Computer Work
Transparent Middle Adhesives
Transparent Middle Adhesives
The Center Tape is Made for Packing Perfectionists
See-Through Solar Cells
See-Through Solar Cells
Solar Film Lets You Collect Green Energy Without Compromising Style
Delicate Icy Tables
Delicate Icy Tables
Liquid Glacial by Zaha Hadid Appears to be Slowly Melting
Glass-Domed Lighting
Glass-Domed Lighting
Ligne Roset's Chantal Table Lamp Resembles a Jellyfish
Ghostly Furniture Collections
Ghostly Furniture Collections
Tokujin Yoshioka's Trims the Fat for ‘The Invisibles Lig
Cubic Glass Tables
Cubic Glass Tables
The Zeno Coffee Table Brings Elegance to the Living Room
Culinary Crystal Castles
Culinary Crystal Castles
The VONSUNG Glasshouse Breeds Confusion and Awe
Glowing Tissue Boxes
Glowing Tissue Boxes
Yuhan Zhang's EcoLife Box Acts Like a Futuristic Nightlight
Bulbous Bread Heaters
Bulbous Bread Heaters
The Roastie Toaster Makes the Perfect Toast in an Eco-Friendly Manner
Clear Multipurpose Crates
Clear Multipurpose Crates
Market by Skrivo Makes the Wooden Box Classy in Glass
Crystal Clear Music Players
Crystal Clear Music Players
The ICE CARD MP4 Player is Thin Enough to Fit in Your Wallet
Clear Curvy Carafes
Clear Curvy Carafes
This Brita Water Jug Concept Matches the Fluid Nature of its Contents
Cute Climate Gauges
Cute Climate Gauges
The Green Science Weather Station is for the Aspiring Meteorologist
Concealed Cruising Cars
Concealed Cruising Cars
The Invisible Mercedes Plays Tricks with One's Eyes
Supercar Touchscreen Mobiles
Supercar Touchscreen Mobiles
The Mobiado CPT002 Aston Marton Concept Phone is an Upper-Echelon Gad
Fantastic Fiery Lighting
Fantastic Fiery Lighting
The Flame Lamp by Santiago Sevillano is Will Warm You Up
Inflatable Churches
Inflatable Churches
Transparante Kerk is a Pop-Up Church That is the First of its Kind
Vibrant Jellyfish Lighting
Vibrant Jellyfish Lighting
The Aurelia LED Table Lamp is Curvaceous and Playful
Transparent Camera Displays
Transparent Camera Displays
The Rec Camera Makes Taking the Perfect Photo Foolproof
Peep Show Lagoons
Peep Show Lagoons
The Transparent Swimming Pool is For Showing Off
See-Through Tabletops
See-Through Tabletops
Nendo's Transparent Table is a Whimsical Piece of Furniture
Crisp Transparent Cameras
Crisp Transparent Cameras
The Klipp Concept by Mac Funamizu is a Crystal Beauty
Touch-Activated Outfits
Touch-Activated Outfits
Intimacy 2.0 by Studio Roosegaarde Dress Turns Transparent
Blown-Glass Bling
Blown-Glass Bling
Anat Sapir Handcrafts Sparkling Glass Jewelry
Luxe Cabin Lavatories
Luxe Cabin Lavatories
Transparent Ware Bathroom Brings Magnificence to a Forest Getaway
Transparent Scanner Sheets
Transparent Scanner Sheets
The Scan Board Makes Turning Hard Copy into Digital Text Easier
Transparent Minimalist Packaging
Transparent Minimalist Packaging
Hand Crafted Maple Syrup is See-Through
Weather-Synced Art Installations
Weather-Synced Art Installations
The Dynamic eCloud Sculpture at San Jose International Airport
Lucite Home Necessities
Lucite Home Necessities
Cec LePage's Creations Look Like 3D Pop Art Sculptures
Transparent Touchscreen Cases
Transparent Touchscreen Cases
The Back Touch Lets You Hit Your iPhone from the Back
Modern Tribal Shelving
Modern Tribal Shelving
The Totems for Living by OEUFFICE Channel Classic Craftsmanship
Self-Contained Shakers
Self-Contained Shakers
SaltSide Out Dispenser Stores Sodium Chloride in the Receptacle's Surrounds
Solarific See-Through Pavilions
Solarific See-Through Pavilions
'Paul de Ruiter Architects' Designs an Amazing Eco Structure
Drawing Bouncing Balls
Drawing Bouncing Balls
Ada by Karina Smigla-Bobinski is Inspired by Ada Lovelace
Transparent Urban Architecture
Transparent Urban Architecture
Bronks Youth Theatre is a Contemporary Touch in the Belgian Capital
Bell-Shaped Brie-Buffers
Bell-Shaped Brie-Buffers
The Studio NOCC Overcover Protects Cheese From Exposure
Transparent Music Boomboxes
Transparent Music Boomboxes
The People People Speaker Blends with the Environment
Stately Material Spreads
Stately Material Spreads
Pizzo, Pelle, PVC by Marco Pietracupa Flaunts Fabulous Fabrics
Elegant Segmented Receptacles
Elegant Segmented Receptacles
The Juuri Series Comprises Complementary Containers
Health-Monitoring Garden Gadgets
Health-Monitoring Garden Gadgets
The Monologue Plant Monitor Lets You Know What Your Plant Needs
Transparent Teepee Abodes
Transparent Teepee Abodes
House Tokyo by A.L.X. Architects Features Distinctive Lighting Effects
Transparent Smartphone Designs
Transparent Smartphone Designs
The Brick Concept Phone is Functionally See-Through
Translucent Cement
Translucent Cement
Italcementi Group Creates Innovative Concrete Material
Transparent Veggie Packaging
Transparent Veggie Packaging
The Slow Fast Food Containers by Korefe are Deliciously Fresh
Transparent Thermos Holders
Transparent Thermos Holders
The Therm-O by Aquaovo Keeps Drinks Hot or Cold in Style
Transparent Touchpad Laptops
Transparent Touchpad Laptops
CES 2012: Intel's 'Nikiski' Notebook Will Keep You Constantly Update
Sterile Plastic Seating
Sterile Plastic Seating
NENDO's Pristine Transparent Chair Acts Like a Mini Hammock
Bath-Friendly Phone Covers
Bath-Friendly Phone Covers
Aqualife Waterproof Case Protects Your Handset Up to One Meter Below
Translucent Motion Cameras
Translucent Motion Cameras
The Sony SLT-A77 is Futuristic Video Fun
Transparently Layered Interiors
Transparently Layered Interiors
The Urbatek Showroom by CuldeSac is Modern in its Design Aesthetic
Sun-Powered Laptops
Sun-Powered Laptops
Luce Solar Panel Powered PC Defines Eco-Friendly Computers
Intricate Illusory Shelving Units
Intricate Illusory Shelving Units
The Scatter Shelf by Nendo is Awesomely Confusing
Incandescent Alarm Clocks
Incandescent Alarm Clocks
The Light Bulb Radio is Designed to Wake You Up and Light Up the Night
Transparent Mario Mobiles
Transparent Mario Mobiles
The Lucent Concept Phone Takes Mobile Gaming to New Heights
Simple See-Through Shops
Simple See-Through Shops
The Van Dijk Fashion Store Shows Off a Transparent Design
See-Through Seating
See-Through Seating
Pasha is an Incredible Transparent Chair by Marco Pocci and Claudio Dondoli
Aquatic Life Basins
Aquatic Life Basins
The Moody Aquarium Sink Brings a Lively Bathroom Fixture to the Home
See-Through Hole-Punchers
See-Through Hole-Punchers
The Transparent Punch Allows You to Position Holes Perfectly
Baroque-Inspired Outdoor Lighting
Baroque-Inspired Outdoor Lighting
The RockCoco Chandelier Lights Up Your Personal Palace
Transparent Igloos
Transparent Igloos
Bubbletree Tents Connect You with Nature
Paired Transparent Mobiles
Paired Transparent Mobiles
The Space3 Smartphone Keeps You on the Map
Stunning Transparent Pools
Stunning Transparent Pools
The 'DAPstockholm' Pool Offers a View of Swimmers from the Outside
Transparent Sacred Chapels
Transparent Sacred Chapels
The Gijs Van Vaerenbergh Church is Steel and See-Through
Transparent Cellular Mods
Transparent Cellular Mods
The Transparent iPhone Mod is a Must-Have DIY Kit
Clear Universal Controllers
Clear Universal Controllers
Paramote by Mac Funamizu Brings Clarity to Synthesized Systems
Transparent Terminal Structures
Transparent Terminal Structures
This Cruise Stop by Checkwitch Poiron Architects is Chic
Retro Tech Accessories
Retro Tech Accessories
The Cirkuita Jewelry Collection is Sophisticatedly Finished
Transparent Treetop Cubes
Transparent Treetop Cubes
The Steam Studio is a Bizarrely Intriguing Recycled Space
Stylishly Transparent Concrete
Stylishly Transparent Concrete
Luccon by Juergen Frei is Cemented with Layers of Fiber Optics
Panoramic Transparent Pavilions
Panoramic Transparent Pavilions
The Pavillon360 by Glas Marte Offers Users an Unblemished Vista
Sea Creature Lighting
Sea Creature Lighting
The Amazing Jellyfish Lamp Glows in the Dark
Clear Nordic Cribs
Clear Nordic Cribs
Wiel Arets Architects' H House is Clearly Amazing
Cantilevered Transparent Staircases
Cantilevered Transparent Staircases
The Aquarium Gleneagles Glass Stairs is a Spectacular Sight
Elegant Upcycled Jewelry
Elegant Upcycled Jewelry
These Bouf Rings are Radically Recycled and Radiant
Modular Manicure Branding
Modular Manicure Branding
S.he Stylezone Packaging Makes Your Compact Cosmetics Kit
Sun-Soaking Submarines
Sun-Soaking Submarines
The Reef Explorer Surveys the Sea Without Harming Marine Habitats
Transparent Transforming Desks
Transparent Transforming Desks
The Sabine Marcelis Table-Table Discourages Home Workaholics
Transparent Top Autos
Transparent Top Autos
The Daihatsu Concept Car is a Family's Convertible
Glass-Encased Buildings
Glass-Encased Buildings
The 'Quartier Des Spectacles' is Visually Stunning and Eco-Friendly
See-Through Seaside Abodes
See-Through Seaside Abodes
The First Crescent Villa is an Amazing Transparent Home
Clever Key-Seeking Devices
Clever Key-Seeking Devices
The Finder RFID Locator Will Ensure You Never Fully Lose Your Effects
Delicate Delectable Branding
Delicate Delectable Branding
Hatziyiannakis Dragee Pebbles Packaging is Simply Sweet
Transparent Tech Tablets
Transparent Tech Tablets
The Nesting PC Virtual Tablet Welcomes Input From All Devices
Pristine Planar Dwellings
Pristine Planar Dwellings
The Olnick Spanu House is a Reinterpretation of a Minimalist Classic
Artistic Flash Drives
Artistic Flash Drives
Empty Memory from Logical Art Can Be Literally and Figuratively Filled
Transparent Home Displays
Transparent Home Displays
The Steve Hermann 'Glass Pavilion' Will Give You a Breath of Fresh Air
Ductile Concept Refrigerators
Ductile Concept Refrigerators
The Electrolux Future Fridge Changes Shape to Fit Your Food
Bubble Offices
Bubble Offices
This Funky Office Space by Christian Pottgiesser Bubbles with Creativity
Translucent Blue Bathtubs
Translucent Blue Bathtubs
Korra K-1083 Massage Tub Offers a Unique Submerged Experience
Terrifically Transparent TVs
Terrifically Transparent TVs
Michael Friebe's Loewe Invisio Blends in With Your Home Decor
Transparent Eco Cars
Transparent Eco Cars
The 'Element' Concept Car Clears Up Traffic
Transparent Office Spaces
Transparent Office Spaces
The Awesome Interior of The SoundCloud Headquarters
Transparent Apple Smartphones
Transparent Apple Smartphones
The Heir Apparent Cellphone Brings Clarity to the iPhone's Design
Habitable Glass Greenhouses
Habitable Glass Greenhouses
Garden Shed by Ville Hara Furnishes Around-the-Clock Nature Lovers
Barely There Bike Racks
Barely There Bike Racks
The Vanmoof Ghost Bicycle Stand Does Not Detract from Your Two-Wheeler
Luminous Lavatories
Luminous Lavatories
GALACTIKA Toilet Seats are Embedded with Tiny Ultra-Bright LEDs
Private Part Prisons
Private Part Prisons
Chastity Belt for Men Offers a Broad Range of Crotch Cages
Futuristic Watch Phones
Futuristic Watch Phones
The Alexey Chugunnikov Rollerphone Does More Than Make Calls