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30 Adorable Pug Photos

From Chic Canine Collars to Viral Video Copycats

— June 8, 2012 — Lifestyle
The furrowed expressions and dopey eyes of these wrinkly doggies will just make you wanna say "aww!" as you flip through these adorable pug photos. There is only a handful of creatures that can pull off such distinctive wrinkles.

The pug is a toy breed that has characteristic folds, short curled tails and little muzzled faces. Bred originally in the Chinese dynasty, they were popularized by the members of the British monarchy. Queen Victoria herself adored these pint-sized pooches and helped heighten their mainstream popularity. The humorous, yet melancholy demeanors make them an ideal model for products and photographs -- check out that pout.

These adorable pug photos capture the comical and charming dispositions of these cuddly canine. You will soon be convinced of why this ancient breed has developed a serious fan following -- myself included.
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Pooch Perspective Montages
Pooch Perspective Montages
‘Dogs in Cars' Features Hypnotic Slow Motion Canine Footage
Plush Pooch Blankets
Plush Pooch Blankets
The Brown City Print Dog Bed Cover is Adorably Cute
Viral Video Copycats
Viral Video Copycats
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Literally Pampered Pets
Literally Pampered Pets
The Eco-friendly Washable Wonders are Dog Diapers
Pooch-Patterned Accessories
Pooch-Patterned Accessories
The Age of Reason Pug Scarves are Stylishly Adorable
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Polaroid Pooch Photos
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Canine Surftography
Canine Surftography
The Surf Dogs Calendar is Cute, Not Cool
Camo Doggy Tents
Camo Doggy Tents
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Sad Puppy-Eyed Ads
Sad Puppy-Eyed Ads
The Perdigao Boneless Turkey Campaign Promotes Heartbreakingly Convenient Meat
Colossal Canine Illustrations
Colossal Canine Illustrations
Aaron Meshon Renders Whimsical Images of Oversized Dogs & Humans
Scribbled Seat Cushions
Scribbled Seat Cushions
The Jennysherbie Etsy Shop is Full of Doodled Home Decor
Canine Lumberjack Jackets
Canine Lumberjack Jackets
Mulberry for Mutts' Snuggly Winter Wear for Dogs
Animal Style Blogs
Animal Style Blogs
'Animals in Outfits' Features the Web's Best and Worst-Dressed Animals
Canine Jewelry Collections
Canine Jewelry Collections
Meissen 'Le Club Du Mops' Line Focuses on a Porcelain Pug
Flower Dogs
Flower Dogs
Doggy Photoblog Shows Hilarious Dressed Up Dogs
Chic Canine Collars
Chic Canine Collars
Mod Cloth Offers Fabulous and Fashion Collars for Your Pooch
Realistic Paper Pups
Realistic Paper Pups
The Peter Clark Dog Collages Get Tails Wagging
Peculiar Pet Strollers
Peculiar Pet Strollers
The Dogger is the World's Coolest Dog Stroller
Canine Charm Collars
Canine Charm Collars
Fiercely Fashionable Luxury Dog Accessories from BowhausNYC
Realistic Doggie Bags
Realistic Doggie Bags
Pug Purses Make Affectionate Handbags For True Dog Lovers
Faux Canine Eyewear Lines
Faux Canine Eyewear Lines
The Barker ‘Monocles for Dogs' Set is a Comical Ruse
Depressed Dogs
Depressed Dogs
Expressive Pugs Show Their Vulnerable Side in Viral Photos
Reflective Dog Beds
Reflective Dog Beds
Jimmi's Galaxy is Innovative Way for Animals to Slumber
Diminutive Dog Typography
Diminutive Dog Typography
This Pug Alphabet by the 'Bah Humpug' blog is Adorable and Funny
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Canine Haute Couture – 'Roberto Cavalli Pets' Is The Latest in Designer Doggy Style
'Roberto Cavalli Pets' Is The Latest in Designer Doggy Style
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Adorable Canine Toppers
Adorable Canine Toppers
Sweethoots Dolls up Dogs with Cute Headgear
Pugs as People
Pugs as People
'Fabulous Pugs' by Lisa Knapp Features Dressed-Up Dogs
Humiliating Dog-umentaries
Humiliating Dog-umentaries
Pugs in Costumes are Yet Another Reason Not to Dress Up Your Dog
Hilarious Dog Costumes (UPDATE)
Hilarious Dog Costumes (UPDATE)
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