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30 Abandoned Place Photo Series

From Abandoned Movie Set Photography to Abandoned Mall Photography

— June 1, 2014 — Art & Design
Usually an abandoned place is something that can be seen in a horror film. For some reason, the desolate landscape is the perfect setting for them because they easily provide an eerie aesthetic and unsettling feelings. Because of the array of emotions abandoned locations can conjure, they have become popular settings for photographers to use too.

From abandoned malls to entire cities that have been left behind, there are a surprising amount of desolate places around the world. Did you know that even New York City has an island that hasn't been inhabited since the 60s?

These photo series showcase gruesomely abandoned locations like an abandoned veterinarian school in France that still has dead animals in it. And contrarily, it also features intriguing pop culture places like abandoned Star Wars film sets.
Abandoned Water-Park Films
Abandoned Water-Park Films
The 'Kilian Martin: Altered Route' Short Explores Barren Lands
Abandoned Grecian Abode Photography
Abandoned Grecian Abode Photography
Alexis Vasilikos's Abandoned Home Photography Documents Crisis
Vibrant Earthquake Photography
Vibrant Earthquake Photography
Buona Fortuna Documents the Effects of the Irpinia Earthquake
Former Film Set Photography
Former Film Set Photography
Atlas Obscura Reveals the Post-Filming Lives of Iconic Movie Sets
Chic Abandoned City Shoots
Chic Abandoned City Shoots
'Chongqing City in China' by Mathieu Belin is Both Eery and Graceful
Deserted Building Photography
Deserted Building Photography
Alfonso Batalla Highlights Past Primes with 'Prefabricated Life'
Haunting Abandoned Factories
Haunting Abandoned Factories
The Factory Photographs by David Lynch is Moodily Otherworldly
Abandoned School Photography
Abandoned School Photography
Romain Veillon Shot an Eerie Series at an Abandoned Veterinary School
Radioactive Village Photography
Radioactive Village Photography
Yuki Iwanami's Photos Capture an Abandoned Japanese Village
Abandoned Prison Photography
Abandoned Prison Photography
These Photos Show us the Abandoned Burwash Correctional Facility
Abandoned Activism Art
Abandoned Activism Art
Seph Lawless Photographed the Abandoned Randall Park Mall
Forgotten Staircase Photography
Forgotten Staircase Photography
This Abandoned Staircase Photography is Whimsical and Artistic
Altered Abandoned Subway Stations
Altered Abandoned Subway Stations
This Subway Station in Paris is Redesigned for Entertainment
Surreal Abandoned Home Photography
Surreal Abandoned Home Photography
This Abandoned Home Photo Series is Haunting and Sad
Abandoned America Photography
Abandoned America Photography
States of Decay by Daniel Barter Captures a Bygone Era
Abandoned Sanatorium Photography
Abandoned Sanatorium Photography
Malaise by Christian Schmeer Captures an Old Haunting Hospital
Unsettling Abandoned Building Photos
Unsettling Abandoned Building Photos
Max Boschini Uses Run-Down Places for His Shabby Photography
Forgotten Americana Photography
Forgotten Americana Photography
Paul Vayanos Captures Landmarks with Cultural Heritage
Abandoned Hotel Art Galleries
Abandoned Hotel Art Galleries
Photographer Gaz Mather Captures an Impromptu Graffiti Gallery
Abandoned Shelter Scenery
Abandoned Shelter Scenery
Nicolas Poillot Photography Focusses on Isolated Architecture
Abandoned Building Art Exhibits
Abandoned Building Art Exhibits
This Modern Building Art Proves Things Look Better with Graffiti
Deserted Desert City Photography
Deserted Desert City Photography
Abandoned by Richard Allenby-Pratt Imagines a Future Saudi Arabia
Post-Apocalyptic Photography
Post-Apocalyptic Photography
Chris Luckhardt Captures Eerie Photos of Urban Exploration
Abandoned Movie Set Photography
Abandoned Movie Set Photography
Every World's a Stage by Ra di Martino Captures 'Star Wars' Ruins
Abandoned Architecture Photography
Abandoned Architecture Photography
The ‘Abandoned America’ Series Captures Desolate Sp
Abandoned Motel Pool Photography
Abandoned Motel Pool Photography
The No Life Guard on Duty Series Still Exhibits a Seed of Life
Abandoned Olympic Venue Photos
Abandoned Olympic Venue Photos
The 1984 Sarajevo Olympic Venue Photos are Hauntingly Beautiful
Eerie Abandoned Architecture Photography
Eerie Abandoned Architecture Photography
Niki Feijen's 'Decay' series is Endearingly Spooky
Abandoned Mall Photography
Abandoned Mall Photography
These Photos From Abandoned Malls are Hauntingly Beautiful