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Megan Facciuolo

Member Since
Oct 2013
Megan Facciuolo is a journalism and communications major interning at Trend Hunter. She thrives in multi-media environments; Some of her experiences include being a layout editor for Mohawk College's Ignite News and co-hosting a weekly newscast for Cable14.

In her personal life, she tries to curtail her extravagances like cinnamon dolce lattes and online shopping in order to pay for her travels. She believes in making memorable experiences over having material goods.

Megan is thrilled to be applying her love for anything cool, new and exciting, along with her journalism knowledge to Trend Hunter!
What is unique that's not in your bio?
I've never had a Big Mac. Seriously.
What's your favorite accomplishment?
Getting this kick-ass internship!
How do you define cool?
I dont believe cool can be defined; "to each his own".
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
Always being aware; trend hunting is a 24/7 gig.
Despairing Body Image Illustrations
Despairing Body Image Illustrations
Ashley Oubré Drew a Series of People Facing Body Image Issues
United States-based artist Ashley Oubré, draws out—literally and figuratively—the raw emotions instilled in those with body image issues in her latest series of illustrations. The... MORE
Gelatin Brick Walls
Gelatin Brick Walls
Lisa Hein & Robert Seng Built a Life-Size JELLO Wall
Brooklyn-based artists Lisa Hein and Robert Seng travel the globe and while doing so, they build a JELLO wall at each stop. The walls don’t just consist of your average gelatin cubes stacked... MORE
Portable Soda Makers
Portable Soda Makers
The Purefizz Soda Maker Makes Soda Anywhere, Anytime
The folks at Mostrad figured out a way to make soda on-the-go by coming up with the Purefizz Soda Maker. Gone are the days of buying expensive and hefty soda-making machines when you have this device.... MORE
Tortoise Serving Dishes
Tortoise Serving Dishes
The Turtle Chip and Dip Server is Perfect for a Beach Barbecue
When you are serving up appetizers to your dinner party guests this summer, you’ll want to use the Turtle Chip and Dip Server. This reptile-inspired serving dish is essentially a wooden bowl,... MORE
Film Reel Wine Racks
Film Reel Wine Racks
Bambeco's Vintage Film Reel Wine Rack is Perfect for Movie Lovers
Combining a vintage with modernity, the folks at Bambeco created the Vintage Film Reel Wine Rack. The wine rack is certainly nostalgic, as it is made of an old-school film reel that is certainly not... MORE
Fidgeter-Friendly Rings
Fidgeter-Friendly Rings
Meg Dattoria Created Fidget Rings to Help Control Anxious Bodily Functions
Meg Dattoria, a Washington DC-based artist, created a collection of rings dubbed ‘Fidget Rings’ in response to her habits of restlessness. When people are restless like Dattoria, anxious... MORE
Stackable Sci-Fi Mugs
Stackable Sci-Fi Mugs
Star Wars Stacking Mugs Will Make Your Coffee More Full of the Force
These Star Wars Stacking Mugs are the perfect gift for Star Wars lovers. The line of mugs comes with three different sets: Han Solo, Luke and Stormtrooper. The sets include three coffee mugs and... MORE
Champagne Ice Cream
Champagne Ice Cream
Magnum Marc De Champagne is a Celebratory Ice Cream Treat
To celebrate something in style, one must always have a champagne bottle on hand, so suitably to celebrate its 25th year in the ice cream industry, Magnum released an ice cream bar called the Magnum... MORE
Syrupy Corn Dog Hybrids
Syrupy Corn Dog Hybrids
Crouton Crackerjacks Came Up with a Morning Rendition of a Corn Dog Recipe
This corn dog recipe doesn’t actually consist of any corn or any dogs; it is made from the popular breakfast foods sausages and pancakes. Making breakfast on-the-go a simpler task, YouTube... MORE
Pixelated Nutrition Charts
Pixelated Nutrition Charts
Severino R Sheds Light on Your Calorie Intake with a Pixelated Chart
Keeping track of your calorie intake can truly be a daunting task. First of all, it is time consuming and second of all, who would want to expose just how many calories are in the bucket of fried... MORE
TV Character Fate Flowcharts
TV Character Fate Flowcharts
Julia Lepetit's Chart Helps Predict TV Character Deaths
TV character deaths can be heart-wrenching, even if they aren’t real. People can easily get attached to their favorite show’s characters and when one of them is killed off the show, it... MORE
Monochrome Nightmare Photography
Monochrome Nightmare Photography
Arthur Tress Snaps Bizarre Shots Inspired by Childhood Nightmares
Brooklyn-born photographer Arthur Tress depicts disturbing scenes that mimic childhood nightmares through his photos. His images are surreal and slightly scary and leave you with unsettling memories... MORE
Boozy Italian Ice Cream
Boozy Italian Ice Cream
'Mancini's al fresco' is Offering Beer Gelato at the Minnesota State Fair
‘Mancini’s al fresco,’ an Italian eatery based in Minnesota, is joining a wide-range of vendors at the Minnesota state fair and offering fair-goers with an odd flavor of gelato:... MORE
Backyard Grill Houses
Backyard Grill Houses
'Arctic Finland House' Sells Personal Scandinavian Grill Houses
The Grillkota is a shed-like structure made by Arctic Finland House, which acts as a personal cookhouse. No longer are the days of going out to restaurants to enjoy a professionally grilled dinner... MORE
Polka Dot-Pattered Menswear
Polka Dot-Pattered Menswear
The Dior Homme Winter 2014 Accessory Collection is Full of Spots
The Dior Homme Winter 2014 accessory collection features patterns you wouldn’t normally associate with menswear. The itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny yellow polka dot bikini may no longer hold the... MORE
Spiralling Cocktail Devices
Spiralling Cocktail Devices
The Cocktail Spinner Mixes & Serves the Perfect Beverage
Society has pretty much used the same tools for decades to make alcoholic beverages (like the cocktail shaker), so the folks at Quench Products came up with something new called the ‘Cocktail... MORE
Cocktail-Conquering Tools
Cocktail-Conquering Tools
Quench Products' Cocktails Masters Can Turn Anyone into a Bartender
This line of new bartending tools from Quest Products provides you with everything you need to make the perfect margaritas, martinis and mojitos. Each tool mimics the same principles of a utility... MORE
Creepy Cranium Chocolates
Creepy Cranium Chocolates
Blackchocolateco Makes Chocolate That Resembles an Anatomical Skull
Etsy shop Blackchocolateco crafts and sells chocolate that resembles a real anatomical skull that doctors use. So whether you are a doctor, a mad scientist, a professor or simply someone who likes a... MORE
Planetary Beer Branding
Planetary Beer Branding
Bell's Brewery Created a Line of Beers That are Out of This World
Bell’s Brewery is a beer brewing company based out of Michigan that is known for its eccentric beer branding and flavors. Most recently, it unveiled a new line of beer inspired by English... MORE
Cinematic Oriental Treats
Cinematic Oriental Treats
Cineca Creates Japanese Snacks That Mimic Scenes of Iconic Films
A Tokyo-based designer who goes by the named ‘cineca’ makes Japanese snacks in the likes of worldly cinema. He handcrafts candy based on the epic moments and scenes in certain movies.... MORE
Psychedelic Striped Flooring
Psychedelic Striped Flooring
Jim Lambie Uses Vibrant Tape to Create Striped Floor Designs
Glasgow-based creative and former musician Jim Lambie turns otherwise boring floor spaces into stunning and psychedelic-looking works of art by only using tape. He moved on from creating vinyl... MORE
Diet Soda Consumption Charts
Diet Soda Consumption Charts
Prevention Magazine's Infographic Depicts the Problems with Diet Soda
This chart, created by Tantika Tivorat and Devon Rutz, sheds light on the problems with diet soda and just how badly they affect our bodies. Diet soda is one of the most popular types of drinks in... MORE
Chocolate Spread Ice Cream
Chocolate Spread Ice Cream
Carvel is Launching a Line of Nutella Ice Cream Treats
Most recently, the chocolate hazelnut spread Nutella has been infused into many dessert and breakfast recipes, but now it is taking form in a creamy consistency thanks to the new line of Nutella Ice... MORE
Flame-Powered Speakers
Flame-Powered Speakers
The Pelty Candle-Powered Speaker Lets Us Play with Fire
Fire provides us with light, with warmth and it can be used to provide us with food, but now it is taking on a new responsibility with the Pelty Candle-Powered Speaker, which will allow it to... MORE
Rocky Mountain Whiskey
Rocky Mountain Whiskey
Tincup Whiskey Was Made in the Likes of Colorado Miners
Jess Graber is a true country strong man whose passions consist of enjoying the great outdoors of Colorado and making a whisky called Tincup Whisky. He taught himself to distill back in the 70s but... MORE
Floppy Disk Portraits
Floppy Disk Portraits
Nick Getty Creates Collaged Portraits of People Using Nostalgic Tech
This series of collaged portraits by British artist Nick Getty sheds light on modern and dated technology simultaneously. By digitally altering a collection of obsolete technology (floppy disks),... MORE
Poignant Autism Photography
Poignant Autism Photography
Debbie Rasiel Photographs Autistic Kids for the Global Autism Project
Debbie Rasiel, a mother to a 23-year-old with autism, traveled all over the world to capture photos for the Global Autism Project. In a bid to “offer those not familiar with autism an... MORE
Deceptive Dessert Salami
Deceptive Dessert Salami
The Sausage Sisters Make a Chocolate Salami Cookie Dessert
The Sausage Sisters, a meat company from Minnesota run by two sisters, is offering chocolate salami at the Minnesota State fair this year. The meat loving duo is known for their innovative sausage... MORE
Fried Breakfast Popsicles
Fried Breakfast Popsicles
Fried Breakfast on a Stick is Being Featured at the Minnesota State Fair
The Sandwich Stop, a Minnesota-based eatery, will be selling one of the most epic breakfast meals to fair-goers at this year’s Minessota State Fair. It is essentially a breakfast sandwich... MORE
Nostalgic TV Necklaces
Nostalgic TV Necklaces
VonTrashJewellery Sells Necklaces That Boast the Logos of Iconic TV Shows
Some nostalgic TV shows most North Americans can relate to include Saved By The Bell, Goosebumps, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Etsy shop VontTrashJewellery sells... MORE
Sweet Treat Typography
Sweet Treat Typography
Tommy Perez Teaches His Daughter the Alphabet Through Edible Type
This series of edible type was created by designer and father Tommy Perez. The series is an ongoing project that he is creating with his young daughter called ‘AtoZoe,’ which is suitably... MORE
Instant Noodle Puddings
Instant Noodle Puddings
Rocket News Created a Savory Pudding Flavor Called Ramen Pudding
Consumers have recently been loving the pairing of ramen noodles with unlikely suitors like pizza, lasagna, burgers and burritos, but now they can enjoy them in a dessert like Ramen Pudding.... MORE
Chicken Bone Jewelry
Chicken Bone Jewelry
Kentucky for Kentucky is Selling Gold-Plated KFC Bones to Wear
If you are fried chicken-obsessed you may want to navigate your browser over to the online store ‘Kentucky for Kentucky.’ The store sells everything related to the state and you bet that... MORE
Opulently Ornamented Footwear
Opulently Ornamented Footwear
The Jimmy Choo Vices Collection is Adorned in Gemstones
The Jimmy Choo Vice collection features precious gemstones. The collection couldn’t be more fittingly named because it incorporates the most coveted accessories of all fashionistas: shoes and... MORE
Cosmic Alcohol Cabinets
Cosmic Alcohol Cabinets
LEGO Bender is a Liquor Cabinet Made to Look Like a Futurama Character
Bender Bending Rodríguez, also known as Bender on the animated television series Futurama, is taking building block form as this alcohol cabinet dubbed the ‘LEGO Bender.’ Built by... MORE
Witty Football Fan Illustrations
Witty Football Fan Illustrations
Max Knoblauch Depicts the Various Types of World Cup Fans
World Cup fever has been spreading around the world since the kick off of the iconic tournament a few weeks ago and its symptoms include a slew of World Cup fans coming out of the woodwork. Mashable... MORE

Featured Ideas

Explosive Firework Art
Explosive Firework Art
David Sena Creates Smokey Art with the Use of Fireworks
A New York-based artist named David Sena was once well-known in the tattooing industry, but now he has made a name for himself in the art world with his unique approach to fine art. His artworks are... MORE
Hipster-Mocking Posters
Hipster-Mocking Posters
Sad and Useless Created Posters that Poke Fun at Stereotypical Hipsters
Sad and Useless came up with a quirky way to mock “typical hipsters.” The online blog took motivational posters that you’ve probably seen circling social media sites like Tumblr... MORE
Breakthrough Bacon Sticks
Breakthrough Bacon Sticks
The Texas Rangers' New Ballpark Food Offering is Bacon Sticks
The Arlington-based MLB franchise The Texas Rangers is veering away from offering the typical peanuts and crackerjacks to fans and introducing them to bacon sticks. The bacon on a stick is a thick... MORE
Galactic Film Sneakers
Galactic Film Sneakers
The Vans Vault 2014 Collection is a Joint Force with Star Wars
The Vans Vault 2014 Spring/Summer Collection is out of this world. The collection is in collaboration with the Star Wars franchise and features six galaxy-inspired sneakers. Seeing as Star Wars has... MORE
Avian Reality TV Shows
Avian Reality TV Shows
The 'Piip-Show' Will Follow a Live Cast of Spring Birds
Now that the warmer spring weather is around the corner, more spring birds are in sight—but in this case, on television. The new reality TV show ‘Piip-Show’ is a live broadcast... MORE
Hodgepodge Sibling Editorials
Hodgepodge Sibling Editorials
The Lula No.18 SS 2014 Issue Features an Excessive Amount of Fabric
Lula No.18 SS 2014’s pages are full of eccentric patterns, backgrounds, garments and carpets. At first glance, the images are extremely overwhelming and could possibly induce an eyestrain.... MORE
Eco-Friendly Foldable Bicycles
Eco-Friendly Foldable Bicycles
Montague Created a Full-Sized Line of Foldable Bikes
These foldable bikes by Montague will make any commuter’s ride an easier one. As society is becoming more aware of the effects that pollution has on our ecosytem, it has increasingly ditched... MORE
Film Tribute Tees
Film Tribute Tees
REBEL8’s New T-Shirt Celebrates Ghostbusters’ 30th Anniversary
The Ghostbusters 30th anniversary is less than a month away. It first debuted on June 7th, 1984 and has gained iconic status in the world of film and has also left us with an equally iconic theme... MORE
Coffee Cup Canvases
Coffee Cup Canvases
Paul Garbett Creates Coffee Cup Art After Drinking His Cup of Joe
Architect Paul Garbett decided to turn his caffeine addiction into something creative. The Sydney-based designer decided to take his used coffee cups and turn them into scenes of art. He draws on... MORE
Taco-Breakfast Sleepwear
Taco-Breakfast Sleepwear
You Can Now Eat & Sleep With The Taco Bell Breakfast Waffle
The Taco Bell breakfast waffle has taken the world by storm. Two popular and favorite meals (breakfast and tacos) are rolled into one—what more could you possibly ask for? As a part of its... MORE
Hyperreal Lag Simulators
Hyperreal Lag Simulators
UmeNet Launched an Experiment That Lets Users Experience Internet Lag
Internet lag can be one of the most frustrating parts of online-surfing—especially when watching your favorite shows. Who wants to watch a spinning color wheel interrupt their screens every two... MORE
Customized Cartoon Controllers
Customized Cartoon Controllers
This DeviantART Member Sells Cartoon-Inspired Custom Xbox Controlle
DeviantART member CARDI-ology creates custom Xbox controllers in the likes of pop culture cartoons. Some of the user’s work includes Pokémon and Batman-themed controllers. The Pokémon one... MORE
Retrospective Luxury Slippers
Retrospective Luxury Slippers
These Christian Louboutin Slippers Mimic Traditional Japanese Shoes
Instead of adhering to the Louboutin aesthetic of red-lacquered soles and high heels, these Christian Louboutin slippers embody Japanese culture. The French footwear designer was commissioned by the... MORE
Fantasy Character Relationship Guides
Fantasy Character Relationship Guides
'Cool Material' Depicts the Game of Thrones Relationships
The Game of Thrones relationships are extensive and impromptu to say the least. HBO is known to include a lot of raunchy scenes in its shows (i.e Sex and the City) and the hit medieval drama follows... MORE