Edgar Griggs — February 20, 2009 — Pop Culture
We've all heard the saying, “Nothing brings the drama like dealing with your baby’s momma.” And nothing gets the media’s attention quite like a celebrity being pregnant. Getting the first pics from the hospital is every paparazzi’s dream.
But can pregnancy be used to bring fame and fortune? Only time will tell, but it does make for an interesting trend feature. Check out these pregnancy-influenced articles that feature the most famous people on the planet down to people you would never even bother to know. This slideshow definitely proves that while thin is in, round brings the media hounds.
But can pregnancy be used to bring fame and fortune? Only time will tell, but it does make for an interesting trend feature. Check out these pregnancy-influenced articles that feature the most famous people on the planet down to people you would never even bother to know. This slideshow definitely proves that while thin is in, round brings the media hounds.