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33 Groundhog Day Inspirations

From Rodent Headdresses to Gopher Museums

— February 2, 2010 — Unique
Feb 2 is the most pivotal day in winter when we desperately seek to find out if there will be six more weeks of frigid weather or if spring is just ahead. This monumental decision lies not on the shoulders of any person, but that of a scampering groundhog. Yes, it is up to a rodent to decide when the seasons will change and so, in honor of the little fur ball, I bring you 34 Groundhog Day Inspirations.

This gallery is dedicated not just to the groundhog, but also to all of rodent kind as I think it only fair that hamsters get a little piece of the action too. So bundle up, put that classic Bill Murray film on pause, and pray to God that little bugger doesn’t see his shadow. In the meantime, please enjoy these 34 Groundhog Day Inspirations.
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Rodent Rescuer
Rodent Rescuer
Rat-like Scratchbot Robot Navigates Using 'Whiskers'
Rodent Rock Stars
Rodent Rock Stars
The Beatles Mice Channel Iconic Band During Their Psychedelic Phase
Rodent-Infested Styles
Rodent-Infested Styles
Jewelry by 'Make Believe' Lets White Rats Attack Fashion
Monogamous Glowing Rodents
Monogamous Glowing Rodents
Scientists Hope to Isolate the Cheating Gene in Prairie Voles
Rodent Sport Radios
Rodent Sport Radios
Hamster Powered Music Box Only Plays When in Motion
Rodent Radios
Rodent Radios
Mini Mouse Music Player
Life-Saving Rodents
Life-Saving Rodents
Herorats are Latest in Landmine Detection Tactics
Criminal Rodents
Criminal Rodents
Vietnam Bans Hamsters
Wall Decor From Gnawing Gerbils
Wall Decor From Gnawing Gerbils
Blackley Uses Hungry Rodents for “Rat Wallpaper”
Rodents As Delicacies
Rodents As Delicacies
Venezuela's Capybara Is Double The Price of Beef
Racecars for Rodents
Racecars for Rodents
The Critter Cruiser Lets Your Pet Exercise in a Pimp Ride
Pirate Squirrel Fashion
Pirate Squirrel Fashion
Philip Tseng Tees Bring Sea Styles to Street Side Rodents
Squirrel Underpants
Squirrel Underpants
Rodent Briefs Bring Decency to the Backyard
Rodent Monarch Taxidermy
Rodent Monarch Taxidermy
The Queen Victoria Squirrel is Art at Its Finest
Robotic Mousetraps
Robotic Mousetraps
Jake Easton Creates a Truly Modern Way to Get Rid of Rodents
Napoleonic Rodents
Napoleonic Rodents
Samantha Zaza Flies the ‘Coup' With Pigeons in Uniforms Collection
Realistic Rat Art
Realistic Rat Art
Adam Stennett's Rodent Oil Paintings Look Like Photographs
Comforting Rodent Invasions
Comforting Rodent Invasions
Don't Be Alarmed by the Guinea Pig Heating Pads
Designer Mousetraps
Designer Mousetraps
10 Snazzy Rodent Catchers By Mousesnaps
Dangling Rodent Lighting
Dangling Rodent Lighting
The 'Rattus Norvegicus Rex' Chandelier
Fashionable Rodent Hats
Fashionable Rodent Hats
Designer Mickey Mouse Ears by Henry Holland, Luella, and More for Charity
Rodent Charms
Rodent Charms
Reid Peppard Creates Realistic Ratty Baubles
Skydiving Mice
Skydiving Mice
Microsoft Uses Daredevil Rodent to Plug PC Peripherals
Gopher Taxidermy Museums
Gopher Taxidermy Museums
The Gopher Hole Celebrates Well-Dressed Rodents
Rat-Infested Wallpaper
Rat-Infested Wallpaper
'City Park' Makes Fire Hydrants and Rodents Elegant
Rodents Doing Water Sports
Rodents Doing Water Sports
Surfing Rats
Sci-Fi Rodent Editorials
Sci-Fi Rodent Editorials
Chris McVeigh Gets Creative with His Star Wars Chipmunk Photoshoot
Customized Rodents
Customized Rodents
Richard Nadeau Creates One-Of-a-Kind Taxidermy Squirrels
$90,000 Rodent Mansions
$90,000 Rodent Mansions
Brad Pitt Designs an Over-the-Top Luxurious Gerbil House
Rodent Photobombing
Rodent Photobombing
Squirrely Photoshop Challenge Plunks Squirrels in Different Scenes
Glass Bottle Mouse Traps
Glass Bottle Mouse Traps
Rodent-Friendly Traps Consisting Of Household Objects
Rodent Headdresses
Rodent Headdresses
Mouse and Rat Carcass Headpiece Oddly Resembles Burka
Hamster Wheel Car Ads
Hamster Wheel Car Ads
Kia Soul Commercial Uses Pet Rodents to Show a New Way to Roll