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28 Window Innovations

— April 1, 2009 — Top Lists
They say the eyes are the window to our souls. Take a look at the following cluster involving windows. It includes throwing furniture out of windows as art, Microsoft style windows for your home, imitation windows, blooming window art, muscle car engine windows, spooking window treatments, car window sills and 3D LED window displays.

Implications - Even the most basic invention can be tweaked in the name of creativity. The most mundane objects, such as windows, can become a relevant part of pop culture thanks to one creative mind who knows that things are often more than they seem. Ultimately, companies and artists can benefit from looking beyond an object's perceived purpose and into its potential.
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Illuminated Eco-Chic Windows
Illuminated Eco-Chic Windows
Robot Window-Washers
Robot Window-Washers
The Winboni Does Your Dirty Work for You
Obama Storefronts
Obama Storefronts
Election-Inspired Window Dressings
Gigantic Ceiling Windows For Cars
Gigantic Ceiling Windows For Cars
Don't Throw Stones at the Kia No 3 Concept
Customers as Stars
Customers as Stars
Puma Window Projections
PC Cutevertising
PC Cutevertising
4-Year-Old Kylie Demos Windows Live Photo Gallery in New Ad
Faux Strip Shows for Real Estate
Faux Strip Shows for Real Estate
Window Dancers to Sell LA Apartments
Windows 7 Demo
Windows 7 Demo
Gates Reveals Multi-Touch OS Integration
Dung Doors & Windows
Dung Doors & Windows
Bindeshwar Pathak's Poop Depot
Windows That Watch You
Windows That Watch You
Surveillance Glass Detects Suspicious Movement
Throwing Furniture From Windows As Art
Throwing Furniture From Windows As Art
"Defenestration" in San Francisco
Famous Resident Window Displays
Famous Resident Window Displays
Real Estate Agents Profit from Celebucitizens
Self-Cleaning Glass
Self-Cleaning Glass
Window with Built-in Squeegee
Microsoft-Style Windows for Your Home
Microsoft-Style Windows for Your Home
Fenestra 3.1 Window
Naughty Car Accessories
Naughty Car Accessories
Rear Window Signs Have a Hidden Condom Compartment
Gesture Based Window Shopping
Gesture Based Window Shopping
Orange's No-Touch Interactive Shop Window
Blooming Window Art
Blooming Window Art
Flat Flowers Stickers
Muscle Car Engine Windows
Muscle Car Engine Windows
The Glass Mustang Hood
Fake Window
Fake Window
Adjustable Lightup Blinds Simulate Daylight
Crowdsourcing Window Displays
Crowdsourcing Window Displays
Bloomies Asks Bloggers for Showcase Showdowns
Interactive Store Windows
Interactive Store Windows
Diesel Milan Display is Very Big Brother
3D LED Window Displays
3D LED Window Displays
Harrod's "Senses" Campaign
Spooky Window Treatments
Spooky Window Treatments
Animated Halloween Projections
Car Window Sills
Car Window Sills
The BreezeGuard and Other Strange Pet Accessories
Stained Glass Xrays
Stained Glass Xrays
Church Windows by Wim Delvoye
Holiday Wonderland Store Windows
Holiday Wonderland Store Windows
Bergdorf Goodman's 'White Christmas'
Hedonistic Shop Windows
Hedonistic Shop Windows
Selfridges' Visual Merchandising Goes Greco-Roman
Imitation Windows
Imitation Windows
Brighten Up Your Dive Apartment