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Top 100 Robots Trends of 2015

From Educational Robot Toys to Android Shop Assistants

— January 9, 2016 — Tech
These 2015 robots trends range from galactic droid toys to android shop assistants that bear a striking resemblance to human workers. In addition to a myriad of camera-embedded aerial drones -- from internet-providing gadgets to drones that deliver pizzas to secluded military bases -- other standouts include educational robot toys that aid in a child's development.

Next to coding robots that teach kids to program their very own apps, additional notables include products designed to aid in disaster relief efforts. Furthermore, robots that are help to replenish bare forests with freshly planted trees are also on this list.

When examining 2015 robots trends in the realm of hospitality and marketing, experiential hotels are replacing staff members with droid front desk and room service workers while more brands are executing publicity stunts with the help of a digitally-powered mascot.

To gain even more insight into the evolving world of androids, drones and robotic toys, add Trend Hunter's 2016 Trend Report to your reading list.
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Poacher-Tracking Drones
Poacher-Tracking Drones
The Icarus 3.0 UAV is a Tool to Help Stop Illegal Animal Poaching
Firefighting Shipboard Drones
Firefighting Shipboard Drones
The Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot Will Fight Ship Fires
Airport Service Robots
Airport Service Robots
The Spencer Customer Service Robot Helps Passengers Make Their Flights
Robotic Petting Zoos
Robotic Petting Zoos
The SXSW Robot Petting Zoo Will Host a Variety of Drones and Robots
Ultra-Efficient Warehouse Robots
Ultra-Efficient Warehouse Robots
The Pan-Robots Project is Creating Improved Warehouse Robots
Shoulder-Perched Robots
Shoulder-Perched Robots
The Grasp Telepresence Robot Whispers Instructions In Your Ear
3D-Printable Robots
3D-Printable Robots
The PLEN2 is the World's First Open Source Printable Robot
Fly-Catching Robots
Fly-Catching Robots
This Robot Uses Machine Vision to Catch Fruit Flies
Remote-Controlled Beetles
Remote-Controlled Beetles
This Cyborg Beetle's Flight Was Controlled Via Its Electronic Backpack
Styrofoam-Chopping Robots
Styrofoam-Chopping Robots
Robochop Builds Structures Based On Online Users' Specifications
Military Training Robots
Military Training Robots
These Robotic Humanoids Could Be Used For Military Training
Vineyard-Monitoring Robots
Vineyard-Monitoring Robots
VineRobot Checks on Grapes at the Vineyard
Children's Robotics Publications
Children's Robotics Publications
Wonder Workshop Announced the Wonder Magazine Launch at CES 2015
Stealth Jumping Drones
Stealth Jumping Drones
The Parrot Jumping Night MiniDrone Can Reach of Heights of 2.5-Feet
Firefighter-Guiding Robots
Firefighter-Guiding Robots
This Robot Assistant Will Help Guide Firefighters Through Trouble Areas
Kite-Like Cameras
Kite-Like Cameras
'Fotokite Phi' is a Photography Drone That Can Be Led on a Tether
Remotely Operated Robots
Remotely Operated Robots
The Nobot Household Robot is Controlled By a Remote Operator
Behavior-Forming Robots
Behavior-Forming Robots
MOTI Helps People Solidify Good Habits for Meaningful Monitoring
Monstrous Snake Robots
Monstrous Snake Robots
The Snake Monster Robot Can Be Configured For Different Purposes
Autonomous Car Chargers
Autonomous Car Chargers
Tesla's Electric Car Charging Station Automatically Locates Ports
Drone-Free Airspace
Drone-Free Airspace Helps You Create Drone-Free Airspace Above Your Home
Teachable Handwriting Robots
Teachable Handwriting Robots
The CoWriter Project Lets Kids Teach Handwriting & Improve Themselves
Customizable Mini Drones
Customizable Mini Drones
The Micro Drone 3.0 From Extreme Fliers Fits in the Palm of Your Hand
Robotic Deep-Sea Submarines
Robotic Deep-Sea Submarines
The AutoSub6000 Robotic Submarine Explores the Bottom of the Sea
Robot Building Kits
Robot Building Kits
Cannybots Enable Kids to Learn About Robotics and Engineering in a Fun Manner
Parcel Delivery Drones
Parcel Delivery Drones
The GeoDrone is Being Tested By French Mail Service La Poste
Telepresent Celeb Robots
Telepresent Celeb Robots
A Robot Makes a Futuristic Appearance at CES 2015
Educational Robot-Building Apps
Educational Robot-Building Apps
The 'Robo Wunderkind' Toy Teaches Young Children Coding Skills
Vampire Bat Drones
Vampire Bat Drones
The DALER Prototype Drone Can Scope Out Inaccessible Areas
Drone Parachutes
Drone Parachutes
The SmartChutes Parachute Systems Gives Drones a Safe Landing
Rubbish-Printing Robots
Rubbish-Printing Robots
The Dr. Recare Molds Additional Receptacles from Plastic Beach Litter
Elderly-Nursing Robots
Elderly-Nursing Robots
The Robear Will Help Serve Japan's Aging Population
Friendly Retail Robots
Friendly Retail Robots
Pepper the Robot Suggests Wine Pairings and Interacts with Shoppers
Free-Ranging Military Drones
Free-Ranging Military Drones
This Piaggio Aerospace Drone Has a Range Of 8,150 Kilometers
Lightweight Photography Drones
Lightweight Photography Drones
The Atlas Erida Drone Stays Airborne For Long Periods of Time
Underground Parcel Deliveries
Underground Parcel Deliveries
This UK Company Wants to Deliver Parcels Using Automated Tunnels
Swimmer-Rescuing Drones
Swimmer-Rescuing Drones
The Project Ryptide Drone Drops Life-Rings To Distressed Swimmers
Camera-Toting Quadcopters
Camera-Toting Quadcopters
Dhe Phantom 3 Drone is Capable of 4K Recording
Bionic Cartoon Prosthetics
Bionic Cartoon Prosthetics
Open Bionics Updates it's Lineup with Prosthetics for Superhero Fans
Depth-Giving Guitar Pickups
Depth-Giving Guitar Pickups
The Submarine Pickup Can Make One Guitar Sound Like Two
Disaster-Relief Robots
Disaster-Relief Robots
The Atlas Robot Could Be Used to Navigate Disaster Sites
Brainwave-Controlled Robots
Brainwave-Controlled Robots
The 'ThynkBot' is a Toy That You Can Control with Your Brain Waves
Crop Mapping Drones
Crop Mapping Drones
These Drones Gather Important Information About the State of Crops
Centralized Smart Home Connectors
Centralized Smart Home Connectors
The nCube Smart Home Device Controller Links Everything Together
Kid-Friendly Robots
Kid-Friendly Robots
This Programmable Robot is Designed to Entertain and Educate Children
Room-Reconfiguring Robotics
Room-Reconfiguring Robotics
Modular Interiors are Designed with the Help of Robot Assembly
Mail Delivery Drones
Mail Delivery Drones
The Carry is an Autonomous Sidewalk Drone That Delivers Heavy Packages
Hybrid Flight Drones
Hybrid Flight Drones
The Vertex Hybrid Drone Can Hover and Speed Depending On the Need
Internet-Providing Drones
Internet-Providing Drones
The SkyOrbiter Drones Will Fly For Months and Years At a Time
Traffic Jam-Maneuvering Systems
Traffic Jam-Maneuvering Systems
Bosch Autonomous Driving Technology was Introduced at CES 2015
Swift Brick-Laying Robots
Swift Brick-Laying Robots
This Prototype Robot Can Build Houses Faster Than Human Workers
Mobile Security Drones
Mobile Security Drones
The Jackie Security Drone Can Be Controlled Via a Mobile App
Educational Programming Toys
Educational Programming Toys
The 'SPRK Edition' is Designed to Make Coding More Accessible
Intuitive Smartphone Robots
Intuitive Smartphone Robots
MobBob is a Charming 3D-Printed Robot with its Own Set of Legs
Robot-Run Hotels
Robot-Run Hotels
This Bizarre Japanese Hotel is Run by Robots and Other Machines
Automatic Lawn Care Robots
Automatic Lawn Care Robots
The WORX Landroid Robotic Lawn Mower Avoids Obstacles Like a Pro
Interchangeable Lens Camera Drones
Interchangeable Lens Camera Drones
The Micro Four Thirds System Will Be Used In DJI Camera Drones
Programmable Educational Balls
Programmable Educational Balls
The Hackaball Teaches Children How to Code
Personalized Handwriting Robots
Personalized Handwriting Robots
Bond's Calligraphy Service Offers Automated Note & Letter Writing
Recording Caterpillar Probes
Recording Caterpillar Probes
RoboWorm Can Shimmy Through Tunnels to Scope Out Anything of Interest
Military Pizza Drones
Military Pizza Drones
This US Army Drone Delivers 3D-Printed Pizzas to Men and Women in the Field
Android Shop Assistants
Android Shop Assistants
Shop Robot Aiko Chihira Helps Customers at Mitsukoshi
App-Controlled Dancing Dolls
App-Controlled Dancing Dolls
Yukai Engineering's iDoll Makes Realistic Moves Directed by a Phone
Pothole-Repairing Drones
Pothole-Repairing Drones
These Autonomous Repair Drones are Designed to Fix City Roads
Versatile Drone Attachments
Versatile Drone Attachments
Percepto Computer Vision Adds App-Controlled Features to Drones
Multiplayer Drone Games
Multiplayer Drone Games
'Game of Drones' Will Allow You to Race and Fight Your Friends' Drones
Anti-Drone Cannons
Anti-Drone Cannons
The Anti-UAV Defense System Disables Robotic Aircrafts with Radio Waves
Sci-Fi Fantasy Drones
Sci-Fi Fantasy Drones
This High-Tech Star Wars Toy is Essentially a Millennium Falcon Drone
Minion-Like Coding Robots
Minion-Like Coding Robots
These Kids' Robots Come with a Connected App to Teach Users How to Code
Tank-Inspired Drones
Tank-Inspired Drones
The B-Unstoppable Drone Has Tank-Like Treads
Affordable Underwater Drones
Affordable Underwater Drones
This Cost-Effective Drone Captures Footage from Under the Sea
Sci-Fi Robotic Toys
Sci-Fi Robotic Toys
Star Wars' 'BB-8' Droid Toy Can Drive, Patrol and Play Holographic Messages
Autonomous Parking Robots
Autonomous Parking Robots
These Car Parking Robots Are Being Used in Audi's Ingolstadt Plant
Autonomous Garden Robots
Autonomous Garden Robots
'LawnBott' Robotic Mowers Allow for Scheduled Lawn Maintenance
Inexpensive Robots
Inexpensive Robots
The Crafty Robot is Priced at Just £5 and Perfect for Aspiring Engineers
Talking Sheep Robots
Talking Sheep Robots
Takara-Tomy's OHaNAS Omnibot is an Intelligent Robot Companion
Remote-Controlled Pterodactyls
Remote-Controlled Pterodactyls
The Flying Pterodactyl Realistically Flaps Its Wings and Screeches
Humanitarian Drone Contests
Humanitarian Drone Contests
The 'Drones For Good' Contest Encourages Humanitarian Drone Innovation
Electric Vehicle Charging Robots
Electric Vehicle Charging Robots
FreeWire's Mobi Charger is an Autonomous and Mobile Solution
Tree-Planting Drones
Tree-Planting Drones
BioCarbon Engineering's Reforestation Plan Includes Multipurpose UAVs
Disaster Relief Drones
Disaster Relief Drones
UAViators is Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Deliver Humanitarian Aid
Egg-Shaped Social Toys
Egg-Shaped Social Toys
Grumblies are Smart, Social Tech Toys That Interact with Kids & Devices
Mini Origami Robots
Mini Origami Robots
These Self-Folding Robots are Multi-Talented Machines
Robotic Museum Guides
Robotic Museum Guides
The De Young Museum is Making Their Tours Accessible to All
Robotic Painting Devices
Robotic Painting Devices
This Tiny Robot Creates Brilliant Works of Abstract Art
Water-Friendly Drones
Water-Friendly Drones
The Hydrofoil Drone is Comfortable On the Water and In the Air
Propeller-Hiding Drones
Propeller-Hiding Drones
The Nano Tornado Doesn't Have Exposed Propellers
Automated Cooking Robots
Automated Cooking Robots
The Fresh Food-Preparing Sereneti Cooki Device Launched at CES 2015
Educational Robot Toys
Educational Robot Toys
Codie Takes a Simple Gaming Approach to Teaching Coding to Children
Assistive Fishing Drones
Assistive Fishing Drones
The Aguadrone Spots Fish and Flies Your Lure Towards Them
Smart Unicycle Segways
Smart Unicycle Segways
The Tokyo Smart Wheel Would Be an Automatic Guide for Tourists in Japan
Powerful Miniature Drones
Powerful Miniature Drones
The Snowflake Stealth Drone is Designed for Sophisticated Maneuvers
Workout-Advertising Robots
Workout-Advertising Robots
Nike's Billboard is Supported by a Robot Constantly Doing Chin-Ups
Animal Underground Commuters
Animal Underground Commuters
Sky Atlantic Put a Polar Bear on the Subway to Promote a New TV Show
Personal Flight Drones
Personal Flight Drones
The Snowstorm is an Electronic Aircraft Designed to Fly One Person
Bouncy Ball Drones
Bouncy Ball Drones
GimBall by Flyability Conducts Search and Rescue in a Safe Way
Laser-Firing Drones
Laser-Firing Drones
Patrick Priebe's Laser Drone Can Shoot and Burn Things
Robotic Exoskeleton Suits
Robotic Exoskeleton Suits
These Futuristic Suits Help Japanese Airport Workers Lift Heavy Loads
Automated Weeding Machines
Automated Weeding Machines
This Very Efficient Farm Robot Removes Weeds Without Herbicides
Futuristic Miniature Airplanes
Futuristic Miniature Airplanes
The SkyProwler is a Miniature Quadcopter-Inspired Airplane