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Top 100 Robot Trends of 2014

From Humongous Paintball Robots to Robotic Vehicle Valets

— January 3, 2015 — Tech
This collection of the most popular and innovative 2014 robot trends truly proves that the future is here. Even as a child reading sci-fi novels in the '90s, I never would've expected that it might be possible in my lifetime for me to sit at the helm of a two-storey tall paintball-hurling robotic beast. But this is just one of many robotic inventions that have arisen this year.

However, robots aren't all just about fun and games. The year past has seen some particularly encouraging and important robotic innovations in the medical field. Robots are being developed to assist in physiotherapy and help disabled patients into bed.

Robots are becoming increasingly niche and are being developed to replace a wide variety of traditionally human-controlled tasks, from bartending and pizza delivery to wildlife-monitoring and crime prevention.

For more on what the future holds in the world of robotics, check out Trend Hunter's Robots Trend Report.
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Coastline-Monitoring Drones
Coastline-Monitoring Drones
These Drones Will Detect Illegal Fishing on the Coast of Belize
Autonomous Crocodile-Shaped Boats
Autonomous Crocodile-Shaped Boats
These Crocodile-Shaped Boats are Used to Study Hippopotamus Poop
Robotic Solar Plant Janitors
Robotic Solar Plant Janitors
These Energy-Independent Robots Keep an Israeli Solar Plant Dust-Free
Bionic Birds
Bionic Birds
The Bionic Bird's Flight is Controlled By Your Smartphone
Dancing Robotic Lamps
Dancing Robotic Lamps
The Craft System Series by UM Project Circles a Maypole
Realistic Reporting Robots
Realistic Reporting Robots
This Japanese Museum is Exhibiting a Lifelike Android Newscaster
Cyclist-Tracking Robots
Cyclist-Tracking Robots
Radwende by Scholz & Volkmer Maps Out Need for Bike Routes
Nighttime Museum Roaming Robots
Nighttime Museum Roaming Robots
The IK Prize 2014 Winning Idea Will Bring Art to the World
Airplane-Inspecting Drones
Airplane-Inspecting Drones
These Quadcopters Will Be Used to Inspect easyJet Aircraft
Intercontinental Social Media Drones
Intercontinental Social Media Drones
This Facebook Drone Looks to Connect the World with Internet
Remote-Controlled Snow Shovelers
Remote-Controlled Snow Shovelers
The SuperDroid Robot RC Snow Plow Clears Driveways in the Winter
Hitchhiking Robots
Hitchhiking Robots
The hitchBOT Robot Will Try to Hitchhike Across Canada This Summer
Ping Pong-Playing Robots
Ping Pong-Playing Robots
This Robot Can Engage In Long Ping Pong Rallies
3D Robot Illustrations
3D Robot Illustrations
Steve Talkowski’s Graphic Robots Have a Lot of Fun
Augmented Reality Makeup Mirrors
Augmented Reality Makeup Mirrors
ModiFace's Augmented Reality Mirror Debuted at CES 2014
Search Engine Robot Concepts
Search Engine Robot Concepts
The Google Robot Army is Growing with the Future GoogleBot
Computerizable Job Stats
Computerizable Job Stats
An Infographic Visualizes Oxford University Data on Job Automation
Cancer-Hunting Nanorobots
Cancer-Hunting Nanorobots
Nanorobots Could Be Able to Isolate and Destroy Cancerous Cells
High-Beaming Car-Mounted Robots
High-Beaming Car-Mounted Robots
LuxBlaster by TechBitar Gives Drivers Taste of Their Own Medicine
Drone Footage Maps
Drone Footage Maps
TravelByDrone Uses Crowdsourced Drone-Captured Videos for Virtual Tourism
Robotic Construction Kits
Robotic Construction Kits
Build Your Own Robot with This Construction Kit From CES 2014
Robotic Cocktail Bartenders
Robotic Cocktail Bartenders
The Somabar Whips Up Fancy Cocktails So You Don't Have To
Humongous Paintball Robots
Humongous Paintball Robots
MegaBots Are Giant Robots That Hurl Paintballs At Each Other
Gecko-Like Robots
Gecko-Like Robots
Abigaille the Robot Has Sticky Pads on Its Feet Like a Reptile
Killer Whale-Monitoring Drones
Killer Whale-Monitoring Drones
Aerial Drones Are Being Used to Track Killer Whales
Effortless Robot-Building Kits
Effortless Robot-Building Kits
The EZ Robot is a DIY Project That Doesn't Require an Engineer
3D-Printed Sand Structures
3D-Printed Sand Structures
The Stone Spray Robot Organically Creates a Sand Bridge in the Desert
Robotic Arm Systems
Robotic Arm Systems
The Supernumerary Robotic Limbs Grants People a Couple Helping Hands
Artificial Intelligence Home Consoles
Artificial Intelligence Home Consoles
The EmoSPARK by Emoshape Brings 'Her' Technology to Life
Mini Car-Driving Robots
Mini Car-Driving Robots
The NAO Robot Can Drive a Miniature Electric Car
Inventory-Monitoring Drones
Inventory-Monitoring Drones
Fraunhofer's Flying Robots Will Simplify Inventory Administration
Soccer-Oriented Exoskeletons
Soccer-Oriented Exoskeletons
The Walk Again Project Will Launch at the 2014 World Cup
DIY Robotics Kits
DIY Robotics Kits
This Soft Robotics Toolkit Lets You Build Soft Robots
Robotic Smartphone Companions
Robotic Smartphone Companions
The Romo Robot Introduces Kids to Programming in a Fun Way
Fog-Clearing Drones
Fog-Clearing Drones
China Has Successfully Tested Drones to Help Clear the Extreme Fog
Self-Teaching Robots
Self-Teaching Robots
Robots Can Teach Other Robots How to Complete Tasks with the Robot Internet
Weather-Predicting Underwater Drones
Weather-Predicting Underwater Drones
These Deep Sea Drones Will Help Predict Weather Better
Hybrid Land Helicopters
Hybrid Land Helicopters
The Black Knight Transformer Fuses a Helicopter with an Off-Road Vehicle
Beer-Delivering Helicopters
Beer-Delivering Helicopters
This Beer Drone Delivers Directly to You Without You Having to Move
Humongous Remote-Controlled Helicopters
Humongous Remote-Controlled Helicopters
This RC Helicopter Takes the Cake for Biggest RC Vehicle
Hackable Educational Robots
Hackable Educational Robots
The iRobot Create 2 Wants Students to Hack It
Self-Driving Trucks
Self-Driving Trucks
Daimler's Future Truck 2025 Project is Testing Autonomous Trucks
Foam-Spewing Quadcopters
Foam-Spewing Quadcopters
This Quadcopter Can Produce 3D-Printed Foam Structures While Flying
Marine-Life Preserving Stations
Marine-Life Preserving Stations
The Electric Coral Reef Station by Margot Krasojevic Buffers Waves
Anti-Drone Warning Systems
Anti-Drone Warning Systems
The Personal Drone Detection System Takes Extra Measures Against Tech
Clothes-Refreshing Robots
Clothes-Refreshing Robots
Fabric Assistances is an Electrolux Design Lab Competition Entry
Crime-Predicting Robots
Crime-Predicting Robots
Knightscope is a Police Robot That Predicts and Prevents Crime
Customer-Servicing Robots
Customer-Servicing Robots
This Robot Assistant is Developed to Help Customers in a Store
Hyperreal Android Newscasters
Hyperreal Android Newscasters
Hiroshi Ishiguro Created Life-Like Robots That Relay the News
Sustainable Grass-Powered Lawnmowers
Sustainable Grass-Powered Lawnmowers
This Eco-Friendly Lawnmower Uses the Green to Stay Green
Code-Teaching Robots
Code-Teaching Robots
The Kibo Robot Kit Teaches Programming Skills to Youth
Robotic Arm-Extending Handles
Robotic Arm-Extending Handles
The Robohandle Gives Users More Strength and Control
Robotic Vacuum Cleaners
Robotic Vacuum Cleaners
The Dyson 360 Eye is the Most Advanced Robot Vacuum Cleaner Out There
Capable Home Robots
Capable Home Robots
Luna is an Intelligent Robot Designed for Practical Use in the Home
Code-Teaching Robots
Code-Teaching Robots
Robotiky the Educational Robot Teaches Kids How to Program
Virtual Customer Service Reps
Virtual Customer Service Reps
This Artificial Intelligence Customer Service Tracks Emotions
Feeling-Restoring Prosthetic Hands
Feeling-Restoring Prosthetic Hands
This Bionic Hand Restores the Feeling of Touch to Amputees
Galactic Villain Costumes
Galactic Villain Costumes
This Darth Vader Comic-Con Costume is Eerily Accurate
Remote-Controlled Mops
Remote-Controlled Mops
The RC Sugoi Mop Lets You Kick Back and Relax as It Cleans Up Your House
Robotic Bug Battle Toys
Robotic Bug Battle Toys
HEXBUG's Transformer Toys Celebrate Transformers: Age of Extinction
Camera-Toting Quadcopters
Camera-Toting Quadcopters
The Aries Blackbird X10 Captures High Quality Footage
Cocktail Making Machines
Cocktail Making Machines
This Party Robotics Bartender Robot Creates Perfectly Measured Cocktails
Cannabi-Hunting Drones
Cannabi-Hunting Drones
The Project ResQu Helicopters Can Identify Invasive Weeds in the Rainforest
Recycled Material Robots (UPDATE)
Recycled Material Robots (UPDATE)
These Adorable Robotic Sculptures Turn Garbage into Art
Miniture Consumer Robotic Helpers
Miniture Consumer Robotic Helpers
The WowWee MiP Robot Offers a Helpful Hand
Remote Control Snow Plows
Remote Control Snow Plows
Plow Your Way Through Winter with This Durable Snowbot
Fetching Personal Drones
Fetching Personal Drones
Bizzby Provides a Fast Service Perfect in Times of Emergencies
Autonomous Delivery Drones
Autonomous Delivery Drones
Google's Project Wing is Developing Drones that Deliver Packages
Champagne Drone Deliveries
Champagne Drone Deliveries
Las Vegas' Marquee Dayclub Offers a Luxury Hi-Tech Bottle Service
GPS Quadcopter Drones
GPS Quadcopter Drones
The Iris+ Quadcopter Can Be Paired With Android Devices
Wall-Crawling Robotic Cleaners
Wall-Crawling Robotic Cleaners
Tody by Rana Alper is a Versatile Alternative to the Roomba
Robotic Droid Servants
Robotic Droid Servants
The NAO Robot Toy is Your Personal Electronic Butler
Skintight Space Suits
Skintight Space Suits
MIT's Space Suit Concept Uses a Bot to Cling to the Body's Form
Powerful Robotic Vacuum Cleaners
Powerful Robotic Vacuum Cleaners
The Samsung Powerbot VR9000 Deftly Avoids Obstacles
Autonomous Robo-Cars
Autonomous Robo-Cars
The Servvan Robotic Vehicle Does All the Driving for You
Aerial Photography Fashion Drones
Aerial Photography Fashion Drones
Fendi is Giving Fashionistas a New Way to Watch Shows
Villainous Pop Culture Toasters
Villainous Pop Culture Toasters
This Darth Vader Toaster Shows the Dark Side of Your Toast
Aerial Bartender Drones
Aerial Bartender Drones
The Yura Appliance System is a Personal Robotic Bartender
Emotional Humanoid Robots
Emotional Humanoid Robots
Alderbaran Created the World's First Emo Robot
Robotic Fashion Fabrics
Robotic Fashion Fabrics
These Active Garments Offer an Endless List of Convenient Uses
Upside-Down Ocean Drones
Upside-Down Ocean Drones
The Sea-Eye Can Monitor the Oceans Even When it's Tipped Upside-Down
Pollution-Fighting Pinecone Drones
Pollution-Fighting Pinecone Drones
Michal Pospiech Designed This Personal Air Filter Robot
3D-Printed Exoskeletons
3D-Printed Exoskeletons
This Robotic Exoskeleton is Changing Lives
Robotic Vehicle Valets
Robotic Vehicle Valets
The Ray Robot Will Park Your Car For You in Germany
Pocket-Sized Drones
Pocket-Sized Drones
The Cargo Pocket ISR is a Miniature Surveillance Drone
Robotic Spider Dresses (UPDATE)
Robotic Spider Dresses (UPDATE)
Anouk Wipprecht Designs an Outfit that Protects Its Wearer
Lion-Photographing Robots
Lion-Photographing Robots
The BeetleCam Project by William Burrard-Lucas is Reliant on Technology
Robotic Necktie Devices
Robotic Necktie Devices
The Automatic Tie Tying Machine Helps Dapper Men Out
Educational 3D Printing Startups
Educational 3D Printing Startups
This New Venture Wants to Bring 3D Printed Robotics to Schools
Droid Keyboard Projectors
Droid Keyboard Projectors
The R2-D2 Virtual Keyboard Was a Special May 4th Release
Festival Photographer Drones
Festival Photographer Drones
Twitter's Dronie Snaps Sky Selfies at Cannes Lions 2014
Spiral 3D-Printed Vases
Spiral 3D-Printed Vases
This Fractal Geek Gift Was Made Using a Makerbot 3D Printer
Mechanized Street Sweepers
Mechanized Street Sweepers
The Recycle Bot by Furio Tedeschi Subtly Cleans City Streets
Cyclist-Protecting Robots
Cyclist-Protecting Robots
The Cyclodrone by Frog Design Alerts Riders to Upcoming Dangers
Champagne Delivery Drones
Champagne Delivery Drones
Casa Madrona Sends Champagne to High-Paying Guests by Drone Delivery
Sports-Recording Helicopters
Sports-Recording Helicopters
The Observer Camera Hovers Over the Action to Document Your Moves
Insect-Inspired Aircrafts
Insect-Inspired Aircrafts
The Sting R12 Aircraft Has a Futuristic Moth Shape
Robotic Wheelchair Beds
Robotic Wheelchair Beds
This Service Robot Makes Wheelchair-Bound Patients’ Lives Easier
Digital Water Color Printers
Digital Water Color Printers
The WaterColorBot Painting Robot Replicates Art in Water Color
Life-Saving Air Drones
Life-Saving Air Drones
This Air Drone Helps Identify Victims in an Avalanche