Selfie Branding Graphics

The Year of the Selfie Graphic Examines Successful Selfie Campaigns

This Unmetric infographic takes a look back at 2013, the year of the selfie and how narcissistic individuals are not the only ones who take part in this phenomenon — brands are getting in on the action too.

The infographic charts brands that used selfies, as well as brands that ran selfie contests, which usually involved having consumers pose with a product. Two of the most notable campaigns came from Beggin' and Samsung, which were highlighted by Unmetric for their extremely high engagement rates.

Images on Twitter have only recently become more prominent in the news feed and this infographic shows that the growth of brands taking advantage on selfies on Twitter grew throughout the year quite evenly. The infographic only looks at campaigns that took place on Facebook and Twitter during 2013, although Instagram must be even more of a haven for selfies and selfie-fuelled contests as well now.
Trend Themes
1. Selfie Branding - Brands are increasingly using selfies as a marketing tool through campaigns and contests.
2. Social Media Marketing - Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are being increasingly utilized by brands for marketing through selfies.
3. Customer Engagement - Selfie campaigns and contests provide an opportunity for brands to engage with customers and increase brand loyalty.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Advertising agencies can leverage the trend of selfie branding for their clients' marketing campaigns.
2. Social Media - Social media platforms can create new advertising features related to selfie branding to increase user engagement.
3. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods companies can use selfie branding to create fun and interactive marketing campaigns that connect with customers.

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