With the Oscars coming up, the Wolf of Wall Street film is receiving some much-deserved attention. Late night jokster and host Jimmy Fallon pokes some fun at the movie with this real wolf head parody.
For those who haven't seen the Wolf of Wall Street -- *spoiler alert:* there aren't any actual wolves. The name is based off of a line in the movie, but Jimmy Fallon (being Jimmy Fallon) decided that the movie needed more of a canine presence. He took three different scenes and put Wolves right on top of the actor's heads.
As ridiculous as it sounds, it actually looked pretty cool. Maybe Leo will take a look at it and base his next role on being the Wolf Man.
Literal Title Parodies
Jimmy Fallon Gets Literal With Wolf Head 'Wolf of Wall Street' Parody
Trend Themes
1. Literal Title Parodies - Opportunity for comedians and content creators to create literal title parodies of popular movies and TV shows.
2. Celebrity Parodies - Opportunity to create celebrity parodies by adding unexpected elements to well-known movies and TV shows.
3. Visual Comedy - Rise in popularity of visual comedy with the use of graphics and special effects to enhance comedic elements.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunity for entertainment industry to create new forms of comedy content by incorporating literal title parodies and unexpected celebrity elements.
2. Film and Television - Opportunity for film and television industry to explore new comedic approaches by incorporating visual comedy techniques to enhance audience engagement.
3. Social Media and Internet Content - Growing trend in the creation and sharing of celebrity parodies on social media platforms, providing opportunity for internet content creators to capitalize on viral comedy content.