AI-Powered Cocktail Platforms

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What's Your Cocktail by Diageo Makes AI-Driven Recommendations

What's Your Cocktail is a new platform that leverages Diageo’s FlavorPrint technology, providing consumers with real-time beverage recommendations based on artificial intelligence. This platform uses a simple quiz to match drinkers to their perfect cocktail in seconds. Questions help to refine the kind of occasion consumers are looking to enjoy and some of their favorite food flavors. Results may include suggestions like the Bulleit Sweet Manhattan or the Captain Morgan Mule, and a breakdown of preferred flavor profiles like spicy, savory and smoky.

This new platform follows the success of previously launched Diageo platforms like What’s Your Whisky. This platform is debuting at a time when the cocktail segment is surging with one in four global consumers choosing cocktails.
Trend Themes
1. AI-driven Personalization - Harnesses artificial intelligence to provide real-time, customized beverage suggestions tailored to individual preferences.
2. Flavor Profiling Technology - Utilizes advanced flavor-matching algorithms for delivering personalized drink recommendations based on users' taste profiles.
3. Interactive Consumer Platforms - Engages consumers through interactive quizzes to enhance the user experience and deepen brand engagement.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverages - Transforms consumer choice dynamics through AI-powered platforms that provide highly personalized cocktail recommendations.
2. Artificial Intelligence - Advances in AI enable the creation of sophisticated recommendation engines for the beverage industry and beyond.
3. Food and Beverage Retail - Retailers can attract customers by offering tailored product suggestions via interactive, AI-enhanced platforms.

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