Want To Make A Lot Of Money? Move To One Of These Tech Towns.

Want To Make A Lot Of Money? Move To One Of These Tech Towns.

If you are currently not really happy with your career and are looking to make a lot of money, make note of the cities below. Apparently, based on a highly scientific methodology as well as a number of algorithms from NASA and Google, these are the preeminent tech towns to move to.

Implications - According to the report, Seattle and San Francisco's Bay Area are among the top tech towns in America -- a quality that should make them highly desirable to young minds looking for a great place to live. From Seattle's Weird Science Salon to the nerd-friendly, celebrity-heavy streets of San Francisco, these are certainly the geek meccas of the 21st century.
Trend Themes
1. Tech Employment Concentration - Cities with high concentration of tech jobs remain attractive to young minds in search of a lucrative career in tech.
2. Scientific Methodology Applied to Career Decision-making - Reports that use scientific methodology and algorithms to identify the most promising cities for tech employment create opportunities for startups building career decision-making tools.
3. Emerging Tech Hubs - As more cities develop robust tech ecosystems, there are opportunities for startups to bring innovation to emerging tech hubs and build infrastructure that supports the growth of tech employment in these cities.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - The growth of tech hubs and concentration of tech jobs presents opportunities for established tech companies to expand their operations or establish a presence in new markets.
2. Real Estate - The desirability of tech towns creates demand for real estate developers to build new housing and buildings to accommodate the influx of young professionals.
3. Human Resources - Employment trends in tech towns present opportunities for HR tech startups to create solutions that help companies attract, retain and manage talent in a competitive and fast-paced industry.

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