Marinated Plant-Based Ribs

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Lidl Germany is Selling New Vemondo Vegan Ribs

Vegans can now enjoy the delicious taste of BBQ ribs this summer with the debut of Lidl Germany's new Vemondo vegan ribs.

For those unfamiliar, Vemondo is Lidl Germany's private-label brand for plant-based products. One of the latest additions to the lineup is the Vemondo vegan ribs, which are designed to taste like BBQ ribs. To recreate this flavor, the brand has used pea protein to create a meat-like texture, marinated the "ribs," and then pan-fried them until crispy. BBQ sauce in also a separate bag so you can sauce up your vegan ribs just like the real thing.

Along with the new ribs the Vemondo lineup also includes vegan moussaka, vegan camembert, vegan nuggets, egan tortillas, vegan chocolate crunchies, and more.
Trend Themes
1. Marinated Plant-based Meats - Creating meat-like textures with plant-based proteins, such as pea protein, expands vegan culinary options significantly.
2. Private-label Vegan Brands - Retail chains developing private-label vegan brands can offer unique, exclusive products that attract health-conscious consumers.
3. Sauce-included Vegan Meals - Vegan products that include separate, customizable sauces cater to those seeking both convenience and tailored flavor experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Plant-based Food Manufacturing - Innovations in plant-based textures and flavorings are driving growth in the plant-based food manufacturing sector.
2. Retail Food Branding - Supermarkets entering the vegan market with in-house brands can distinguish themselves in a competitive retail environment.
3. Convenience Food Products - The trend towards convenient, pre-packaged vegan meals aligns with rising consumer demand for ready-to-cook options.

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